Youtuber Leafyishere got removed from you tube for bullying and harassment because he made videos about another youtuber

youtuber Leafyishere got removed from you tube for bullying and harassment because he made videos about another youtuber

every other TYT video is titled #LoserDonald, I think its time youtube heard about this disgusting harassment.

meant he got A video removed*

And other... habits

>implying YouTube would ever punish an overt liberal shill channel

>subbing to leafy

not subbed to leafy, there is a new thread on Sup Forums like every 5min about it

God I can't stand that dumbass hashtag.

What was the Buffalo thinking?

>#LoserDonald he lozerrrr lol, he not wealthy, he a skam!


>going to Sup Forums


Roaches should be removed from internet.

Cry harder pussy

Here's a present for ya!

Shut the fuck up you faggot roach

i hope they ban him from youtube
i hope they ban gradeAunderA
i hope they ban keemstar
i hope they ban TyT
i hope they ban phil de franco
i hope they ban all those prank channels
i hope they ban all those vine channels
i hope they ban all those feminists channels
and I hope they ban all those athiest channels

they should especially ban filthy frank
and that sam jew

The commentary genre on YouTube was complete shit, but there were some people who actually were trying to evolve the genre into being more creative and discussing topics other than just doing shitty clickbait videos on the same 3 people(joeysworldtour, jacob sartorius, that milo tranny or whatever) with only 3 different games in the background (overwatch, doom, csgo surf). Then, this faggot gets popular, and continues using the same Sup Forums-tier humor and videos from cringe subreddits, completely ruins the genre, and now anyone doing commentary over gameplay because they'd rather not show their face is called a leafy clone. Fuck that piece of shit manchild.

>inb4 leafy is redpilled
no, can't decide whether Trump or Hillary is worse

Don't even get me started on the Young Roaches. They're not a legitimate news site until that fat piece of shit Cenk OogaBooga acknowledges the Armenian Genocide.


Good job. Leafy is a little faggot.

OP confirmed underage maybe even not hit puberty yet.

>they should especially ban filthy frank
you had me till that second post

what is this?


i've always had you user, always