Would you support a putsch to forcibly install Trump as president if Hillary cheats him out of the election?

Would you support a putsch to forcibly install Trump as president if Hillary cheats him out of the election?

I support Obama sending out the military to shoot Sup Forums tards.

Only if it's a beer hall putsch

hahaha NAZIS! xD!!!

The military is largely comprised of "Poltards".

People who aren't afraid of guns, who don't cultivate a society of victimhood.

If Obama, or anyone, ordered the military to fire upon US Citizens, they'd have a lot of m-16's pointed at themselves.

t. Former Marine.

>it's an fbi IP collection thread


This is Sup Forums we're talking about. Sup Forums is basically an online version of that occult castle the SS was headquartered in.

Nigga I'd be the first one shot for the revolution
Use the flag stained with my blood as a new blood flag (they used this flag to sanctify all new flags)

Well you can't have a good coup without at least some opposition to shoot at.

I'll see you in the Beer Hall fights you filthy Red.

>The military is largely comprised of "Poltards".

Citation needed

My brother is in the military. Isn't like half the military illegals trying to gain citizenship and blacks who want to get free money?

>The only way Trump will lose is if the election is rigged

Jesus you Trumptards can't see reality. Maybe just maybe Trump will lose because more people will vote for Hillary.

And most of the US military are fairy young, aka liberal on social issues. Doesn't sound very Sup Forumstard at all. And why would Sup Forums fight for the "Israeli ZOG government?"

do you americans really say that?
its a coup

>If Obama, or anyone, ordered the military to fire upon US Citizens

Also Obama has droned at least 4 US civilians already. Drones are already used in the US. What prevents him from doing more?

Countless Trumppen-SS recruits shall be swore in on the crimson banner you so nobly gave your life to protect.

Rest well Kamraden.

Um Endsieg!

Only if it is 100% confirmed the election is rigged.

If not, then I have to respect the unalienable rights of the American People to vote for this lizardperson into office. Fighting against democracy would make me a hypocrite.

Praise the Constitution.

Anecdotal overwhelming self-observation is all i'll offer. Do your own research, if you need it. I know hundreds of veterans, active duty, etc. I can name three who are progressive liberals. I can name, and have dealt with and lived with, hundreds who are exceedingly nationalist and 'poltards' in vague terms.

There is some measure of former criminals and planless "What else could i do" in the military, but it isn't most. It's a fair percentage of the youngest component, I'd say probably 1/3, but it isn't anything close to a majority.

I can only speak for the Marine Corps really, though.

Drones are piloted by troops/officers, he'd struggle with getting any serious number of US military personnel to open fire on their own people. Maybe a few? You'd always have some small measure of people willing to follow any order, but when ideologies become involved and that opposed, people stop listening to orders.

On a side note...

What should we call pro-Trump paramilitaries?

Red Caps?

Is that guy in the painting getting ready to throw a chair? Lol. The irony.

The military is more than 70% white

>t. CTR
You must be a shill or actually retarded to believe that the military is liberal. Liberals hate guns and the military for one, and the military kills mudslimes. Checkmate, faggot.

lets hope they don't fall for fucking Russian Propaganda and psyops

Because that is what Trump is looking like,

Clintons are the clintons representing god knows who , and perhaps the current administration has ties to the Ikhwan Muslamin ( Muslim Brotherhood)

Does this mean most of the military are white nationalists? How do military whites feel about a white ethno-state? Would any of them support a mass deportation or extermination of the spics and nigs?

I'd take up arms

Nationalist, patriotic and against butchering Americans doesn't mean "Woke", doesn't mean they're immune to anything. I'll hope along with you.

I don't know, political correctness is alive and well within the military in that you can't openly really discuss that kind of thing or you might lose your career if you're white. I think a lot more white people are 'woke' about that stuff than people think, they're just pragmatic and know opening their mouth is a suicide writ.

Avenge LaVoy!


Make LaVoy Finicum Lied a thing

but even if it is democratic she's a criminal...

What is Nazbol