What did you guys think of it? I sincerely expected more of Smokey's trilogy ending...

What did you guys think of it? I sincerely expected more of Smokey's trilogy ending, but that moment where he kills his partner out of mercy was nice. Overall, Badlands have ups and a fuck lot of downs, but i enjoyed the ride. What were the arcs you liked? Here are mine.

>Ennis' first Badlands arc and The Fatal Englishman
>Badlands issues #37–39 with the biker and the stoner
>Gillen's arc with the Homo Torter
>Smokey issues

Spurrier's arc was ok, but his Wish You Were Here story was the best Crossed has ever gave us.

Any Ennis issue was good. Is the series over?

Fuckin' sucked, as has most of the latter half of Badlands stories. A lot of build up that went basically nowhere. Nothing unique, nothing clever, nothing worth really caring about (except maybe what you mentioned.) Not to mention the ending basically set up for more stories we might never get.

As long as we're listing stories, I have to give special mention to David Hine's "Five Bloody Fingers." All his other arcs are total dogshit, but that one was one of my favorites.

Badlands ended with this issue. I didn't really like the Patient Zero arc, and i think Spurrier used the premise in a more interesting way than Ennis.

Almost all of it was miss.
Ennis's first Badlands story was the strongest but he got weaker with each new one, honestly.

That was a surprising story, in how fucking fun in was. Kudos to Hines.

I have some appreciation for the Patient Zero arc but it was boring even for a bunker story

Is moore's little mini worth reading just because you like moore? Never read any other crossed. Thought about just reading ennis and moores run

Yeah, it was pretty good.
Spurrier continues it for 3 more arcs but he isn't in his element at all.

so don't by the second trade?

Well, since you said you've never ready any crossed before..I would peruse the pages before even buying the first trade

It is a series about essentially rape zombies.

I've read like a couple issues of the not good stuff. Was alright, just imagine it written by the better authors would make it a lot better

That 2 parter Sup Forums hates is hilarious even if they do break a cardinal rule of Crossed

Can I start at moore's run to give it a try, is it a separate thing, or should I start with ennis


It's set 100 years after everything else.
So separate enough,

The initial 9-issue Crossed by Ennis was a fine horror comic book.

The only other one I found memorable was the Psychopath arc. It was legitimately disturbing study of a legitimately disturbing person. I liked it because it didn't try to justify the self-explanatory actions of the main protagonist. He's literally the most disgusting character I've ever read about, so that was a new one.

There were probably a few good issues or arcs here and there beside that, but I lost interest rather quickly and all I remember is a bunch of embarassing pages posted on Sup Forums from time to time.

I assume Smokey died getting revenge or simply went and found the Tennessee group.

Does he shave or just have some weird, naturally hairless disorder?

He just ended it mid-way through the story, what the fuck.
Both Smokey and the twins survived, too. Like he didn't want to do anything to change the closest thing this series has had to a status quo, even though it's all coming to an end.
And the way they announced a supersized 60-page final issue, only for it to be 20 pages of story and 40 pages of old covers.
Is anyone satisfied with this? Just a bad show all around.

Any links to Spurrier issues? Or to the last arch?

This guy's probably had the best life of anybody in the Crossed universe.
13 years of being under the protection of Smokey, drinking beer, sitting in an air-conditioned room and watching normies herded into torture ranches. In the end, you get mercifully, painlessly and unknowingly executed by your BFF/husbando.
What more could you ask for in the Crossed apocalypse?

Like I said, it sucked. I guess it's a blessing that Badlands is over, because the stories just kept getting more and more bland. The most notable one in months was that stupid two issue SJW fest.There's so much potential you could still do, but oh well.

He also probably lived in constant fear that one of the Crossed would go rogue and slaughter him. It's one thing to be Smokey's bottom bitch, but it's another to surround yourself with Crossed. All it would take is one of them spitting on him or some blood spraying the wrong direction.

I'm super disappointed that Once A Warrior King might not even be out this year

>He also probably lived in constant fear that one of the Crossed would go rogue and slaughter him.
Didn't seem like it. After a year or so, a status quo would start to set in. Humans can get used to some terrible stuff.
He probably suffered verbal abuse by the jailbait twins, but that would only make the whole ordeal better tbqhwyf

I'll be happy just to hear some official word about it. I reckon that they'll up the scope and production values, since it'll be the only Crossed book running.
After +100 #18 comes out, we'll be in the first time since, like, 2011(whenever Psychopath ended) that there isn't a Crossed book coming out. Can't say I'd mind a break before Ennis's finale, since Badlands hasn't been good in forever.
But I think that they could still put out a 2016 annual, if they wanted to.

I imagine it's to wait to Burrows.
Why else use line art from the original mini and re-release the original mini soon after?

Burrows is coming back.

And you're right. A break would be okay.
Like a calm before whatever storm awaits. Plan on storytiming all of +100 when that ends anyway