> You are Latino therefore you cannot be white


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that's true though

explain argentina

>If I dye my hair blonde they will accept me

You said you were part sandingger so they are right morochin

Explain Argentina, Southern Chile, Central Colombia, Andean Venezuela, Costa Rican Higlands, North Mexico, Uruguay, South Brazil, Cuban countryside and a good percentage of Florida

ColombiANO Iberico

you know isn’t true, why lie?

>you are Russian therefor a nigger

There are no white people here you delusional indio. We are AFRO-Lebanese descendants.

>Southern Chile, Central Colombia, Andean Venezuela, Costa Rican Higlands, North Mexico, South Brazil, Cuban countryside
all memes

only a small fraction of them are white, so they are just an exception

that's a tiny country with an even smaller population
another exception

Not really. I said "un poco de libanés". That "poco" is like 5-10% at most from some distant ancestor from the coast

it's not
latino is not a race

>I have to found my racism on melanin count because I have only faintest of idea where my family or friends originate from

>10% arab, some other percent amerindian, another percent african, 100% white

Yeah but the rest you said is basque which is borderline so that 10% means you probably get mistaken by an arab in most of europe

of course not
since when is mixed race a race?

I have dark blond hair / light brown. I've been mistaken for Spaniard and Brazilian back when I lived in Florida

tfw christian amerindian

prove it

10% European
20% African
15% Lebanese
5% Asian
50% Amerindian
and 100% to reason to pretend you're a pure blooded European.

>some other percent amerindian, another percent african
Yeah, this doesn't apply everywhere. There were entire areas at least here that did not have Amerindian presence when the conquistadors arrived. I'm sure this applies to other South American countries like Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Also, there are entire regions where you'd be hard pressed to find a black folk, but yeah, memeing is definitely easier than actually researching the facts

A Latino by definition is brown

Brazilians as in the people from the majority mulato country of Brazil? Spaniard for an American as in a latino?

then explain this!

I actually researched the facts you dumbfuck
Fuck, I'll have to leave the bed and the phone and look for my computer thanks to this idiot

If you speak spanish by definition you can't be white, Wilson Chevrolet Ortega Chilotes.

I'm black and when I went to the US people used to ask me "why do you speak Spanish if you're black?" lol

Whites are weak as fuck, who cares

anda postea tu cuello, chupapinga tercermundista jajajajajajjaja


but there are many pure latinos

>Ya te vi HaitiANO

el monstro colombiANO...

Hay mexicanos negros en algunos pueblos costeros mogolico

My mom is a black Dominican, 0% Haitian

you don't even live here you dumbfuck
you probably learn about us from Sup Forums or stormfront memes, maybe you think our upper classes are white

Pic related is hair. I don't know why it is so hard to believe though. This hair color (we call it "castaño claro" here) is common as fuck all over South America

we are med

This is true though, Latin America is a post-racial society where everyone is equal and free.

that's just brown

>your opinion is invalid because I assumed that you are of a different racial group that I think is inferior to mine without any direct personal evidence that you actually belong to said group

Post face pussy

Ah yes, the """"white""""" latinos

>La creatura

>Brazilians as in the people from the majority mulato country of Brazil?
I suppose no.
>Spaniard for an American as in a latino?
This misunderstanding is a thing among Americans from the west coast, not in fucking Florida

Fuck wh*Tes!

dumbass you probably don't even know what the fuck a latino is
portugal, spain, france, italy and romania are latinos too

>A colombian saying we're white and don't shitposting against us.

Am i dreaming or something?

except OP refered to latino americans

don't listen to this congolombian retard with racial complex

he said latino, not latino americans. stop twisting it and admit you were wrong spic

>Central Colombia
Ib*rian scum are not white.

There are blacks in your country as well, mexicANO.
esto, pero no ironicamente


do i look fucking american? people use latino outside of usa

latino or latin?

>t. BrazilANO

>not being proud of your BLÄCKNESS


>Ayy el congolombiANO

No son más del 0.2%

I thought Latino (in the European context) was someone from Lazio, Italy and Latin was used to refer to Romance language speakers within Europe

OP, since the piece of shit is desperate to prove his whiteness

Basque is proto-european sweaty, not "borderline".

Albanias too and they look like venezuelans

I feel embarrassed right now for sharing a flag with that demented mong.

This, but unironically.
I want wh*tes and browns larping as ib*rian vermin out of my continent.

hahahahahah mapuches BTFO