What are our thoughts on this?

What are our thoughts on this?

Being blonde in Southern Europe is a nightmare, people will bully you and call you nazi.

T. Was blonde when I was a kid.

Its already been discussed, we all laughed at medshits together and even med women came to the threads and said they prefer nordic men

based as fuck

my father was bullied for being blond as a kid too
I had the same disorder for a while but I got cured when I was around 3

alright dont resort to lying southrons


inane ramblings of an old man who's wife has dark hair which she dyed blond


Cope, best looking men in the world are from southern europe. Italy and spain to be more precise. Also according to recent studies women prrefer tall swarthy men. Its nordic """"""""men"""""""" who should hold their women when going to southern europe

moreover auvergne isn't even southern europe, unless you count switzerland and austria as southern europe too

what it is however is a depressing backwater and the arsehole of france, people would kill to get out of there and fuck just about anybody if it can help get them to civilization, it's like any other 3rd world place the locals are attracted to 1st world people

>recent study


Varg is probably the only person this last 100 years to move to Auvergne and not out of it

>t. 1/2 (1/64 in the rest of the world) southron

deleted because i thought he was living in auvergne
also, he never lived in "southern europe", how could he know ?

>what it is however is a depressing backwater and the arsehole of france, people would kill to get out of there and fuck just about anybody if it can help get them to civilization, it's like any other 3rd world place the locals are attracted to 1st world people
céline go to bed

Varg is closer to a faggot who dresses up as his DnD barbarian than a respectable man.

Isn't he ?
Anyways don't have anything against southern France actually. Paca is nice, i like the garrigue and the song of the cigales and the bouillabaisse. I like the southwest too, duck food is delicious. Happy accents. Warm weather. Beaches.

Auvergne however i personally have been forced to go there as a kid enough times to know it is a shithole. It isn't even the south it rains all the fucking time. They don't even have the southern accent, just the peasant accent
Flyover region
I'm sorry for the Auvergnats but that region is like the closest thing we have to a time machine back to the middle ages, it's probably why Varg chose it actually
Food is good though i guess

What video is it from ?

It's the other way around though, Nordic women love meds for some reason.

southern europeans like blonds and northern europeans like brunettes, it's nothing new

it demonstrates a liking to generate offspring with enough genetic diversity, but no so much that it would endanger the adaptability of the child to the parents enviornment

two individuals of different ethnicies but of the same race produce genetically healthy individuals that can adapt to either parents enviornment, while a mutt of two different races produces an individual that will never fit in neither of his parents enviornment.

it makes me feel happy

People obsessed with race are fucking mental.

why the fuck does he call them southrons

top autism


Aren't Southrons from LOTR?

He thinks he's a Lord of the Rings character. He's been obsessed with the series for a long time and it strongly influenced his world view. He makes numerous references to the setting on his website and he made a song named after The One Ring in the story - "En Ring Til Å Herske" (translation note: "En Ring Til Å Herske" means "One Ring to Rule").

The word pre-dates LOTR, but yes, it is used in the books, which is almost certainly where Varg learned it.

Does anyone even take Varg seriously? Didn't he kill someone due to his autism?