Thoughts on this graph?

Thoughts on this graph?

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2008 economic crash?

>11.7 is an okay amount

eleven point seven million

Those are the ones they can find.
There are around 30 million illegals in the US

Definition of immigrant changed?

Is this the one that only counts legals with dual citizenship?

They stopped counting anchor babies as immigrants.

Keep in mind all those people had children, and those children had children.

Obama found a way to fudge the numbers.

no, american and canadian companies decided to move their production to Mexico to cut expenses, as there are more and more companies moving south low class mexicans are finding jobs more easily so there is no reason to cross the border, this mixed with Obama going hard on deportations has turned immigration the other way around with more mexicans moving into Mexico than the ones leaving it.

geez I wonder what could've happened in 1970 to cause that

Looks like a typical growth graph so far to me

Everytime i watch a graph everything seems to go to shit in 1970 no matter what it is.
So, is it safe to say that the end of the gold pattern and the oil crisis is the root of all modern problems?

It's almost like something happened in the west in 1968

hmm.. really gets my neurons firing...



Misleading leftist propaganda garbage that covers up whats really happening with deceptive wording.

The "Mexican" population might be going down, but hispanics are higher than ever.. Mexicans are now the dominant immigrant in all the southern and even many northern states as opposed to the Germanic or Irish or English or eastern european that it always was etc...

Mexicans also have their own country where they are the vast majority, whites do not.

Not a single country in the world are white children still the majority. Genocide is real, and voting isnt going to stop it.

Americans don't know about the revolution of '68

We prefer to ignore france




Updated graph for 2015? Did the trend continue?

Wow guys it's almost as if the US President was assassinated and replaced with a corporate shill

>man kicks you in the penis a dozen times a day for 30 years
>Now he only kicks you 11 times day
>You should be happy about this

lol its ironic aint it? Trump wants to bring back those jobs through protectionism and stop illegal immigration but its free trade and offshoring thats preventing them from coming over here in the first place.

How can you know that's how many there are if you cannot find them?

>Assassinated in 1963
>Mentions 1968

Kill yourself my man.

I must admit, I fucking lol'd

Mexicans aren't coming at the rates they used to but Salvadorans and Guatemalans and Hondurans are more than making up for that

They are now undocumented workers.


I don't care. Lmao

>Not a single country in the world where white children are the majority

Retard detected.

>Not a single country in the world are white children still the majority.
Quoted for stupidity. Leafposters are retarded.


It's not at the bottom of the chart right now so it's not low enough.

Build the wall.

White children are the majority in every white country except for the United States

To keep them in?
Looks like they are leaving.

I dont think you know how immigration works.

I already invested in a business that carries nothing but 30 feet ladders and high grade shovels. I can't wait for that wall to be built.

i love this fucking graphs streched over 160 year time line

White people will be the minority in all western countries by ~2040 to 2050.

Our children already are.

Thats in the US, they dont talk about it in the EU, but its in your countries too.

>My country is 85% white! Impossible!

Less than a 2.0 birth rate and hispanics arent recognized as such outside North America.

Hispanic doesnt mean half spanish half white, it means not white, mongrel.

Those spanish mixed with moors? Not white.

Those italians mixed with north africans? Not white.

Those finns mixed with mongolians? Not white.

>A law from 1872 prohibits the French Republic from conducting census by making any distinction between its citizens in terms of race or religious beliefs

How convenient for genocide.

>A new analysis of monthly Census Bureau data by the Center for Immigration Studies shows that the nation's immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit a record high of 42.1 million in the second quarter of this year — an increase of 1.7 million since the same quarter of 2014. Growth in the immigrant population in the last year was led by a 740,000 increase in the number of Mexican immigrants. After falling or growing little in recent years, the number of Mexican immigrants again seems to be growing significantly.

This includes illegals? For they claim it does I'd like to know how they gathered this info

It was genocide when it dropped 10%.

It was genocide when we went from 99% to 95%

It damn sure is genocide when we went from 100 - 49%

Sales data from food stamps buying beans.

That's about 11% user

Pay attention to my post faggots, refute OP with facts not meme arguments

they just included the taco bell and lawn employees

bloody hell are you a grunt in the military or something?

No one bantz that hard who isn't close to death.