As someone's whose only read a few Batman comics (Hush, Killing Joke)...

As someone's whose only read a few Batman comics (Hush, Killing Joke), what series has the best interpretation of Batman?
Which comic books get every aspect of Batman's character on point?

Batman 66

Year 100

Morrison's Batman.

>what series has the best interpretation of Batman?



>Tell me ...your name


Under the Hood

>>Sup Forums

Batman the Animated Series

This. The entire comic is about this

Quite probably the worst interpretation of batman


how so

I think Batman Shaman is a great younger Batman story.

I wouldn't look for a "canonical" or "best" interpretation of Batman.

If you want an insane Batman like in The Killing Joke, pick up A Serious House.

If you want a violent, reactionary Batman, read The Dark Night Returns.

If you want a cheesy, fun Batman, watch Brave and the Bold or the Adam West show/movie.

If you want a hypercompetent Batman read Morrison's run or play Arkham Asylum.

As someone mentioned earlier, BTAS is a fairly balanced interpretation, but the episode quality is uneven.

because batman inc is everything that batman would never do.

seconding, morrison was forcing retarded ideas and doesn't even understand the character

This guy gets it.

Batman's a character that's been done so differently over 75 years that there's no one, real correct characterization.

why not. it shows character growth, both on the part of bruce and dick, and frankly everyone in the this guy said there is no correct characterization of batman, but the bruce in inc showed sign of healing and distancing himself from his self imposed autism and mental issues.

imo it's the ideal batman

Detective Comics #35

Morrison's From Gothic to Batman inc