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great movie to watch while high

It alright. Don't know if the unique style is to its benefit or a hindrance.

Why were the Draags such bigoted pricks?


Troll harder.

The OST for this film is literally perfect

lets try to explain the weird phenomenons we see that dont actually impact the overall story too much, kind of like the dudes meditating? when terre spied on them.

why did whistling break the weird hail ice stuff?

Slide slide slippety slide
I do what I do just to survive

When do the Fantastic Four show up?

I have no idea what the film is about

>why did whistling break the weird hail ice stuff
That's actually kind of believable. People singing and glasses breaking is a real thing. I think what would be more interesting is why that shit appeared in the first place.

On a way larger scale, a bridge collapsed because the wind happened to provide the same frequency as the natural frequency of the bridge.

The video that every single freshman physicist/engineer sees.

And then hopefully by their sophomore year they learn that it's all wrong.

Stick to your Twin Peaks.


great movie to watch while on acid.

The only thing that's all wrong is the speed of the older video. That concrete still undulated like a fucking ocean.

The reason it shows the meditating is to show how important meditating is in their culture.

when they meditate, it's like they leave their body and go to the moon, to inhabit robot bodies so they can dance with other aliens doing the same thing.

When the Ohms / Humans get to the moon it fucks shit up for their meditations.

Humans on another world that are kept as pets.
One gets smart and learns shit, and goes out and teaches the other wild humans,

They revolt and build a rocket to go to the moon.

The End

When does lord quas show up?

All I wanna do is fug the giant blue lady