Are people really politically swayed that easily?

Are people really politically swayed that easily?

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Trump voters are notoriously stupid. Srsly.


probably already was just wants to make his side feel good about itself

but democrats are intelligent sophisticated people of course

This is actually America's nightmare scenario, the shit that made the founding fathers break out in a cold sweat. Two extremist parties constantly undoing each others' efforts.

Obama disarmed nukes. Now Trump wants to build up more nukes! And the man after Trump will put an end to that and disarm all those nukes. But then Trump 2.0 will demand even more nukes! Meanwhile the taxpayers are like AHHH



The Democrats nominated an individual with an extensive political track record including foreign relations, domestic policy and previous West Wing experience due to her tenure there as 1st lady.

She is also capable of speaking coherently and articulately while refraining from engaging in petty bullshit laden with narcissism, revisionism, and spite.

She has also never undermined the 1st Amendment like Trump does nearly daily, while he also politicizes law enforcement institutions and demands complete loyalty to him rather than the constitution, lies at every opportunity, and operates out of spite, such as repealing everything with Obama's name on it, regardless of the content of the policy.

Whatever reason you dislike her, she was the better candidate. This isn't debatable.

oh boy look at him go!
Christ yanks are so funny

nice meme dude, you really got me. Zing.

>due to her tenure there as 1st lady
And not as SoS?
>She is also capable of speaking coherently and articulately while refraining from engaging in petty bullshit laden with narcissism, revisionism, and spite
Then why are there "Deplorables" running the White House and a book out, written by her, about how she was cheated from the Presidency?

only America could be torn apart by the polarisation of an economically right wing party and an economically centre right party

All voters are

>i voted

Normies just care about being in the fad.

Is this sarcastic? The clapping part seems a bit too obvious

Is this what they call "virtue signalling"?

Normies have no convictions. They just have some set of preformed ideas that they are ready to change if they notice that people around them are doing as well.

Imagine being this assblasted about magapede boomers
The state of leftypol

Founding Fathers only wanted gentry to have political power in America. Look it up, newfag.

They believed people who owned land had more investment in the country and therefore, deserved more political power.

In the Founding Fathers's eyes, Landowners > Renters

Completely unrelated, but OK. I saw your flag and wasn't expecting a smart reply anyway.

*votes for Bernie Sanders*
oh don't mind me


> I was crying and clapping in my living room tonight

The Founding Fathers were pretty extreme and did this routinely
The Federalists denied immigrants the right to vote just so that the Democratic-Republicans couldn't get votes, not to mention the whole Hamilton-Burr affair

If anyone would be rolling in their grave it'd be George Washington

I bet even the most brainwashed p*tin's fans dont do such silly things.

She deserved to lose for that actual meme video.

Two extremist parties constantly undoing each others' efforts.

this is a soy site now

The idea about both parties just undoing each other's shit and running around in circles is probably right.

The Democrats are really boring institutionalists though. We have an old TV show "The West Wing" that's about I guess a bunch of nice moderate technocrats solving all the country's problems with Respect and Debate and Logic, and the crowd cheers, and the whole country comes together, and look how smart we are. That's where 90% of the democrats are

good article about one reason why the democrats are the democrats

>not to mention the whole Hamilton-Burr affair

Getting shot?

>Two extremist parties constantly undoing each others' efforts.
That's what they wanted, user. They put in so much checks and balances that if everyone didn't agree on something then it just wouldn't get done.

>american politics

That was SO lame.

Who the fuck is in charge of her PR? I know she was phony, but you'd think a career politician would be better at not looking like it.


It's crazy how in the 90s no one could have imagined that America would be collapsing in just 20 years. It looked like they would last a thousand years at the top.

We could have built something beautiful together.

Stop being a Sup Forums stereotype.

Why would I? Sweden is a social democratic nation, is it wrong that I prefer the man that has the most experience, stands up for the little guy, and leans to my side of the politic spectrum?

If anything is a Sup Forums-stereotype it's choosing which political candidate you like due to memes.

I'd still rather live here than anywhere else on Earth. I've travelled around. The rest of the world sucks and just tries to copy us.

>The Democrats
they didn't do anything.

>Sup Forums-stereotype it's choosing which political candidate you like due to memes.
Isnt that exactly what you are doing? You are not even american, i doubt your research on that guy was much more than online memes.

oh wow

i really really hate over-worshipping someone, especially if it towards a politician


Even though I'm not american, it's without a doubt the country which politics affect the rest of the world the most. I'm also interested in politics, so of course I read up on him.

The easiest way of finding someone that you feel represent your views is just checking out what their voting history is on for example

USA has a history of basically being an oligarchy where only the very wealthy can steer election results by every politician needing lots and lots of funding to be able to run, obviously this leads to them endorsing and making deals with corporations, which seems to me the very definition of being corrupt.

The system is more or less fucked, Trump did it, Clinton did it, Obama did it, everyone does it.

Bernie didn't do it. More or less purely funded by donations of private citizens. People can spout their shitty memes about a cuck jew commie all they want, he was the pure man of the people standing against corporations for actual social security for the little guy.

>I was crying and clapping