Can someone please explain to me how christianity is more beneficial to the west than atheism...

Can someone please explain to me how christianity is more beneficial to the west than atheism? Surely having such an advocacy of rational, objective thinking would be a positive?

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Because Christianity is the truth

So your question is like asking: Can someone please explain to me how living truthfully and in our best interests is more beneficial to the west than not believing in a higher being?

Atheism has brought nothing of significance to the West in itself

The bible advocates rational and objective thinking anyway

rational, objective thinking
That is what is cancer, rationality is bullshit.

Because atheism is based on nothing but theories and naive intellectual thought

>moral relativism

Christianity is the only truth in this world

America thrived as a Christian nation before we let Jews and atheists destroy the place.

Russia collapsed in under one century as an atheist shitlord state.

Family values. Just look at the black community. No one is married, there are multiple baby daddies, everything is shit because there is no core to the community. Religious values like the ones in Christianity help solve that problem.

atheists incentivized to be extremely selfish
true or not, christianity incentivizes people to do good for the community shit which adds up over time

atheism is take take take
christianity is give give give

No, bible advocates blind following. Criteria to pick saints from sinners are very subjective, all these points mostly conflict with each other, especially old vs new testaments.

If some part is wrong and the other must be considered true, it is not rational to put truth and unimportant babbling into same book. If everything is true and holy, bible still conflicts with itself and thus is not objective in any way.

USSR collapse after atheist period didn't bring even close severe repercussions as Russian Empire failing with Civil War.

Christianity is truth, God created us, we owe it to him to worship him and follow his Law that he gave to us.

Not that it's a 'Dictactorship styled' law or anything, it literally teaches to love one another as you would yourself, not to give in to lusts of the flesh, be humble, and righteous, fair and giving.

By obeying this law we would see a Golden age across the globe, but certain people would like to go against this Law, commiting sins left right and centre and then they wonder why their people and nations are being destroyed.

God blesses nations who follow his law and obey him.

And those who don't... Well, look at the Western world today and decline of Christianity. See a correlation? I do :)

But then again, everything is within Gods power and control. It's made evidentally clear in the Bible what state the world would get into and why.

We learn from Revelations that Satan deceived the world, why would God allow this? Because the Bible, God Jesus and his word are true and known to the world, yet so many still disbelieve, so they are allowed to be deceivied through their ignorance.

If you take the time to look at the historical evidence for Christianity, and aren't dogmatic in your naturalistic views, you will come to the rational and objective conclusion that the Christian worldview, and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are all true.

>bible advocates blind following

>bible still conflicts with itself
there are zero contradictions in the Bible.
if you think you know one, let's hear it. you can use pic related if you need help (none of these are contradictions either)

I don't believe the bible is without error, in fact the concept is quite silly
translation errors, lost texts or forged sources or whatever would have had to a play in part in handing the bible down over for thousands of years

if Jesus is God (which he is), then what he would say would trump any contradictions in the bible, and it is not very subjective or ambiguous: he wants us to love one another. that is the criteria to pick saints from sinners

they're the same, but atheism is pretty ignorant in general, Agnosticism or Platonism, Hellenism I can get with

>If you take the time to look at the historical evidence for Christianity, and aren't dogmatic in your naturalistic views

Or in other words, "if you just agree with my views"


Nah, being universalist fuckwads out to help all the poor scum at the expense of our own people is the way to go.
>Because Christianity is the truth
No, it's the opposite of the truth. It's fantasy.
>The bible advocates rational and objective thinking anyway

Nothing is of benefit, mankind is inherently bad--that is the great truth everyone ignores or downplays.

>it is not rational to put truth and unimportant babbling into same book.

you just don't understand the way that scientific information was encoded into the bible,

you have to examine the entire book under a series of analysis techniques to really get at whats in there,

chemically for instance the book tells you that you can see god and hear the word of god by consuming psychoactive chemicals

but it's hidden in an allegory about the way the ark was built, not to mention there is very high tech stuff in there, fully decoding the bible you can build advanced weaponry and flying saucer type technology

Even if the stories are completely untrue historically and metaphysically; the morals that it teaches have shaped and influenced greatly Western society. Even today, you can see that Christians tend to be happier and contribute more to society

and also see pic


that's a bizarre takeaway, you should drop metaphysical naturalism in the context of looking at historical evidence for something supernatural just because it's begging the question.

I don't think you have a very firm understanding of Christianity, though in some ways I can't blame you. The Protestant reformation really changed what Christianity is at its core and the media bashes Christian extremism (really just the WBC) every chance they get.

Essentially, Christians believe in objective morality and objective truth in all things. A true Christian believes that being in harmony with this objective good and subsequently God is their natural state, and being out of harmony with it is serving the devil. Atheism one of the Devils philosophies and advocates doing what ever you want at its core because since there is no God and subsequently no after-life (as a Christian believes we are going to live forever) it doesn't really matter what we do. I know you will say "but muh objective thoughts" but you will eventually try to justify any action when you give over to your emotional state (which is always changing) to justify doing something. Christians believe in following logic and reason more than anything as they are aware that emotions change but we must maintain and follow what are logic and reason once told us to be true. This is one of the Christian virtue's, otherwise known as "Faith".

Christ didn't want Christians following a bunch of rules, he wants a specific type of person. this goes back to being in harmony with that objective good in the universe (which is why you sometimes here people say "God is good"). Being a Christian is actually pretty easy and our natural state once we get red-pilled. Now I do think some churches have a pretty poor grasp on this aspect of the gospel and sadly the Catholic Church has a pretty bad, liberal Pope atm. You should read more into the truth about Christianity. Our country attempts to condition people to be faithless because they can make more money off a faithless person (materialist) but in general without faith we have nothing. Most atheists I know are incred. ignorant and conceited.

>the Christian worldview, and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are all true.

if so where are Jesus' tax records? his marriage certificate? anything he wrote at all, any evidence this was a real person at all? where is any evidence of the census from the story of Jesus' birth

none of that exists you have to admit there is something funny going on with this Jesus person, if the story regarding the census did not exist the explanation that all personal records of his life having been destroyed or holed up in private collections would be more plausible, but you would never be able to hide all the evidence of that census and yet nothing exists except the story itself

And you should figure out what fallibilism and what falsification is


Any belief that makes you a better person and doesn't stymie science can be considered rational.


There is no objective truth without God.

>Christians believe in following logic and reason more than anything

didn't get rise from the dead on the exact location of a Mithraic cult?

still no evidence he was ever actually a real person the closest thing we get outside the gospels is a brief mention in Suetonius as he's ranting about something else briefly mentions Jews have come to Rome and caused a great stir at the behest of their leader Chrispus

we don't know who Chrispus was, or if he was a real person or a figurehead for the movement, the most likely explanation being that preparing for an uprising jews decided to center their movement around the Christ figure knowing they would get the support of Mitraic and Zorostrian cults by using stories about how great Christ was since these stories are mostly the same as those for other similar cult icons

well said

>There is no objective truth without God.

but what is god? a man in the sky watching you or a way to describe the force of all creation within the cosmos?

and really it's both depending on your intelligence level, religion and science have always existed in these types of cult schools

>marriage certificate
>any evidence this was a real person at all
here are a ton of contemporary historians who were hostile to christianity who affirm the existence of Christ. they'd have every reason in the world to pretend he didn't exist:

i'll be honest i'm not really well informed on this census angle, i'll check it out.

>There is no objective truth without God.

You need to not use imaginary definitions for common words when you're discussing things with other people, they're gonna think you're a moron.

1. Christianity supports the family and having kids. That helps aolving the demographic problem of the West.
2. Christianity is inherently hostile to other religions, especially Islam and Judaism. We used to burn them at the stake ffs.
3. Christianity is traditionalist and rejects the tyranny of moneyed interests that have hijacked our political systems and imposed mass-immigration and internationalism.

Of course im talking about true Christianity which is traditionalist Catholicism. Forget about liberal pseudo-Christians.

>the principle that propositions concerning empirical knowledge can be accepted even though they cannot be proved with certainty.
>an investigation into fraud and the falsification of records

not really sure what you're trying to insinuate.

bible is a copypaste of greek humanism and jewish tales
all the 'rational and objective' comes from greek humanism
all the bullshit from the jews

the real truth is only Kek

1. Islam supports the family and having kids. That helps aolving the demographic problem of the West.
2. Islan is inherently hostile to other religions, especially Christianity and Judaism. We used to burn them at the stake ffs.
3. Islam is traditionalist and rejects the tyranny of moneyed interests that have hijacked our political systems and imposed mass-immigration and internationalism.

Well shit guess white people should all be muslims now.

How do you know Socrates existed?

It isnt. Atheism is the way of the future

Because the stupid faggot atheists embrace degeneracy and then ask millions of fucking Muslim immigrants to invade their country for free.

Atheists are the biggest source of degeneracy in the west. I mean just look at the amazing atheist guy. One day everyone loves him and the next he's shoving a banana up his ass and filming it.

Socrates didn't supposably walk on water or turn water to wine

A better analogy would be hercules

For a man who does not believe in a miracle, a slow miracle would be just as incredible as a swift one.

Nobody can imagine how nothing could turn into something. Nobody can get an inch nearer to it by explaining how something could turn into something else. It is really far more logical to start by saying ‘In the beginning God created heaven and earth’ even if you only mean ‘In the beginning some unthinkable power began some unthinkable process.’ For God is by its nature a name of mystery, and nobody ever supposed that man could imagine how a world was created any more than he could create one.

GK Chesterton

it's no problem and I wasn't alive at the time of Christ so I can't really say, it's quite possible there are a great many people who fit the story who actually lived but the fact that records in the Roman were so well kept,

nobody gives a shit about Manai an unimportant figure whose religion was ground into dust but we have his tax records his marriage certificate his letters, as in he was a real person

so that someone as important as Chirst who isn't just a cult figure but the third person of the trinity as in God incarnate and we have nothing is quite suspicious

and then there is the other angle that Christ is somehow Caesarian and that the kings and queens of Europe claim descent from him so the idea that the reason we don't have this information is because a figure of nobility at that time attempted to seize control of the state by associating himself with these cult stories is certainly an idea that deserves to be taken seriously

as in Moses is the same figure as Thutmoses etc and that really these religious stories are just ancient propaganda designed to assist in ease of rule over the nations of their day

Atheists pretend they CAN have values but they don't. And Christianity and it's values are what have made the West great. Now that secularism is taking over, it is being followed closely but Islam. All secular country's are shit. USSR/PRC/PRK/Kmer Rouge/
Atheists pretend that they are intelligent. But they are not if you follow their records. It sort of reminds of of religion actually. One smart secular person like Karl Marx comes up with a bunch of ideas, then the rest of the uniformed retarded atheists follow and it leads to human carnage and suffering on a national scale.

>>the principle that propositions concerning empirical knowledge can be accepted even though they cannot be proved with certainty.
>you will come to the rational and objective conclusion that the Christian worldview, and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are all true.

Now think, when does the former imply for the latter?

I have his tax records, death certificate, the records of his familie's business, which is similar to others from the same time period, that shits in the vatican library you can go look at it

If there is no immortality, the Liberal believes, one can still lead a civilized life; "if there is no immortality"-is the far profounder logic of Ivan Karamazov in Dostoyevsky's novel-"all things are lawful." Humanist stoicism is possible for certain individuals for a certain time: until, that is, the full implications of the denial of immortality strike home. The Liberal lives in a fool's paradise which must collapse before the truth of things. If death is, as the Liberal and Nihilist both believe, the extinction of the individual, then this world and everything in it-love, goodness, sanctity, everything-are as nothing, nothing man may do is of any ultimate consequence and the full horror of life is hidden from man only by the strength of their will to deceive themselves; and "all things are lawful," no otherworldly hope or fear restrains men from monstrous experiments and suicidal dreams. Nietzsche's words are the truth-and prophecy-of the new world that results from this view:
Of all that which was formerly held to be true, not one word is to be credited. Everything which was formerly disdained as unholy, forbidden, contemptible, and fatal--all these flowers now bloom on the most charming paths of truth. [4]

The blindness of the Liberal is a direct antecedent of Nihilist, and more specifically of Bolshevist, morality

Im speaking from an European perspective.
Of course Americans have no heritage or ancestral connection to the ways of their forebearers.
I guess Americans might as well convert to Islam.
We on the otherhand see Islam as an existential threat to our existence so any similarities between our two religions become irrelevant.
We will hate them regardless of what their faith actually stands for.

yeah but the 7 sevens in that passage also describe the formula for the law by which the heavens rotate around the center of the universe which is pretty neat

>Of course Americans have no heritage or ancestral connection to the ways of their forebearers.

I do, we've been doing the same shit here since Europeans kicked us out for denying whore culture in the 1600s

the idea that you could avoid the responsibility of parenthood through a trifling payment for the act itself was unacceptable and Eurropeans just wanted their whores so we had to go

that "the propositions concerning the empirical knowledge of these events can be accepted even though they cannot be proven with certainty?"
okay. . .

also: there is more to it than "it was written down, so believe it."
check out this massive wall of text in this pastebin:

Are you talking about alimony?
Are you aware of the fact that there is no divorce in Catholicism?
Divorce wasnt even allowed in most countries until well after WW2.

>You also may have heard people argue that Jesus' disciples simply hallucinated the resurrection appearances. But a hallucination by definition is something that occurs in the mind of the person experiencing it. If someone were to take a bunch of acid and a leprachaun appears to him, the rest of us are not going to ask for his pot of gold, because we're not going to see them, it's only in the mind of the person experiencing the hallucination. The leprechaun does not exist outside of his mind. So we can't attribute the resurrection appearances to legend or hallucinations, Jesus appeared to multiple people on multiple occasions.

Lol i was watching some debate with a fat neckbeard and he kept saying the halucination theory, atheist are truely retarded

I do notice an extreme parallel between Christian ethics and physics to Stoicism

but truth is truth, all it is is a measure of how closely an opinion fits withr reality. The greeks were the greatest philosophers, and schools of thought like stoicism were very well near the truth.

So if you believe the premise that the Bible is the true word of God - then its no suprise there are such parallels of truth

but if you don't believe that premise - it would make sense that it was borrowed from Greek philosophy

It is a very interesting topic indeed

Objectivity is a lie.

We are all subjects. We cannot be objective. Everything that we observe is done so as a subject. The subject cannot be denied unless you (a) become a Buddhist and seek to eliminate self or (b) become subservient to a greater entity. Considering that (a) is absurd, we are left with (b).

Now serve Christ with us.

>fat atheist
was it james white vs this guy?
i think i saw that one too.

all religions had a hedonic aspect, those catholics were running brothels, but specifically in Europe in the 1600s certain religious people believed that if you fathered a child he was your responsibility to raise, end of story, the wealthy and catholic church have always pretty much disagreed with this because they're whoremongers

and if you can't believe it look at pompeii, a city frozen in stone that was 85% whorehouses, to this day the women in countries where the catholic or orthodox churchs are strong all want to be whores when they grow up,

it's a fucking disgrace and has always been that way, the catholic church is an army disguised as a faith, if they told you they wanted to come in and tax your land so they could fuck your wife and children to death you would rise up in arms, but since they say they're with god you fucking go along with it to stay out of hell

Bit off topic but I don't see a better thread for this. I've been considering converting to Christianity for a while. My dad was Jewish but at least my family is unorthodox it didn't get hammered into my head. I was never really religious, because I got ADD and was never able to learn Hebrew, and Jewish services are all in Hebrew so I never was able to connect to it in any way. I faked it until I made it with Sunday school.

So a while ago a relative from my mother's side of the family, which is Christian, died. Was a distant relative that I never met so it didn't really effect me, but what did was the priest for the funeral. That was probably the first time I've had a positive experience with religion in my life.

Reason I'm shouting over hear about it instead of just converting already is because one of the first requirements to be Christian is to believe in Jesus Christ. Now I without a doubt believe in God, but unfortunately it's a lot harder for me to believe in Christ.

I've been really depressed for a long time and I really think some religion would do me good, but the religion that reaches to me the most has requires somethings that I don't know if I'd ever be able to provide. I really don't know what to do with myself.

>Now I without a doubt believe in God, but unfortunately it's a lot harder for me to believe in Christ.

either way, you should check out 'The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus' by lee strobel.

Going from god to jesus is a huge step what took me years

Because who knows what sort of wanky pop-science flag you little shits would pick to replace the very decent one we have

Both are trash. Islam is the only way you can resist all of the western degeneracy like feminism and faggotry.

Going to put it plain and simple. I had a friend that helped me out a lot in hard times, and he died in a massacre from a sandnigger. The politically correct have been pushing me to the edge but when my friend died I willingly took the jump. I want Mecca to look like Berlin after the Soviets were done with it.

Christianity is the belief that Pure Love is Divine.

Without the belief in Pure Divine Love, man lives by his rationality which tells him to be selfish at every opportunity and even more selfish and violent when he believes he can get away with it.

Chistianity is betrayal of your roots. Arab religions must be ended.

Maybe God is trying to tell us that the philosophies of the Greeks are True, but that it only really matters (i.e. it's only really True) if Love (i.e. God) is present.
Maybe He knew that the best time to send His Son was after the Greeks had established their intellectual doctrine, so that it might be enlightened by divine Love.
Maybe God knows what He's doing.

>my grandiose unverifiable claims about a being who's infinitely powerful and kind but let's bad things happen to see if we believe in it anyway and if we do we die and go to paradise

>the concept of objectively bad things
>can even exist
>without God