Without memes, in what a "race" actually matter

Without memes, in what a "race" actually matter.

What's the purpose of categorizing people in the way they look?

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to foster a sense of solidarity and community within a homogeneous ethnic group whose members otherwise wouldn't give a shit about one another

>the way they look
it's more than that m8

>the way they look
>race is only skin deep
>third world education

1. Study your english, shitskin
2. humanbiologicaldiversity.com/

The only thing thats matter is ginding true love user

Love for a girl, a passion, a hobby, a dream, oneself... You will find it

Race only matters insofar as you consider averages across populations. You can say, for example, that certain races on average are more intelligent or well-behaved than others, but this doesn't apply to individuals as there are outliers in every group. There are going to be lots of people of every race who are more talented, more intelligent, more likable and more useful than you in every way, and the idea that you're superior/inferior to someone solely based on race and not on your actual merits is laughable, to say the least.

True. But why not choose something else, perhaps height or musical talent. Or what about nationality?

You guys only care for the look. If a guy 99% white except he has a black skin you call him "black".

>Muh langoj

I agree.

Talent and intelligence are merely affected by the environment you grown up in. Sometimes you notice some pattern and you jump to conclusion that it had to do with race.

As an example African Americans, they are sons of sons of slaves. You ignore the face that it's hard to break out of poverty, and that a son of a poor guy most likely to live poor.

When you look at white trash that are generations of white trash you ignore that fact since you don't see the pattern (special look).

Race is deeper than skin color, there are plenty of biological differences that have more of an affect than you think.


Brain size, skull shape, general skeletal structure, allergies, blood type, etc. Doctors and nurses have several units of their education dedicated to identifying traits of various races because some treatments may not work on a person because or their race.

Just because several racial groups have invaded already industrialized and successful white countries over the past hundred years or so doesn't mean they are equal to the whites that built them.

>Talent and intelligence are merely affected by the environment you grown up in.
If that's so, then Ashkenazi Jews must be really poor and dumb, right?

It's just easier to tell that someone isn't Norwegian if their skin is yellow, brown or black, and unlike a German or Brit their second and third generations will still be obviously non-Norwegian.

My race's most important day every year lies on a night, either late january or early february.
I only look at shekels, animal, green and human rights be damned. Using those to convince other members of my race is akin to salting the ocean.
When I'm going to be enganged to another member of my race, I bring everybody within 3 generations of me to meet.
Disrespecting or failure to support elderly parents is worse than bible or equivalent burning.
My code words among my race is rated to be hardest to understand among common languages.
You'd know my race by now?

What the fuck's a Morocco

>As an example African Americans, they are sons of sons of slaves.

and all credibility was thrown out the window. you're fucking useless



Why do you keep posting this picture?

because he's a cuck

Meds are the "master race", why are they a miss today. Consider that Syria is the country with the high Med genes frequency.

>If that's so, then Ashkenazi Jews must be really poor and dumb, right?
Europe's Jews (Ashkenazis) share the same culture, so they grow up in the same environment.

1. Ashkenazis weren't able to own property in Europe. This made them invest all their money in their children specially in education and business.

2. They were the only ones allowed to lend people money with interest in Europe. This was basically free money from the European such to them and an exclusiveness to the banking system.

3. Being oppressed and getting kicked from time to time made them unite and help each others to reach their gaols.

All this happened not because Ashkenazis is a united group, but because all other groups united against them.

>You guys only care for the look

And that's where you are wrong. Looks is the least important. Most important is intelligence because this gives your society the edge.

But importing 3rd world workers and possibly interbreding, you reduce the average IQ of your nation, fucking them over in the long run.

I would say the same if the other race looks closer to whites.

On the other hand, Japanese/Mongols/Chinese are at the same level of intelligence so I dont think mixing is as much an issue as long as they dont destroy each others races by it.

>Talent and intelligence are merely affected by the environment you grown up in.

And in addition, you are completely wrong. There are enough scientific studies done about it. Intelligence is 85-95% genetic, the rest is environment. Especially the case where black babies were adopted by wealthy white parents and they still couldn't prosper, despite having the best environment possible.

All other groups uniting against them and them coming out on top shows that they have high intelligence naturally.
This is one of the dumbest rationalizations I have ever seen.
Fucking kek that explains it.

>You guys only care for the look. If a guy 99% white except he has a black skin you call him "black".

Except there's no such thing, you can't graft only the "black skin gene" because there's no such thing, it's a collection of genes that is tightly correlated with several other genes that are tightly correlated with low cognitive skills (highly heritable), poor impulse control and a lack of long-term planning capabilities, to list a few.

>85-95% genetic

>All other groups uniting against them and them coming out on top shows that they have high intelligence naturally.
You came in top of them for centuries and they are enjoying a few decades of prosperity. It doesn't need them to be THAT smart to have small win here and there.

>you can't graft only the "black skin gene" because there's no such thing
Brazil, not even once.