German anons please help me answer:

German anons please help me answer:

Are conspiracy theories popular in Germany?

Would you consider a certain conpiracy theory as the most wide known and popular in Germany? If so, which one?

Are older people 40+ generally aware of conspiracy theories in Germany?

thanks anons

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The regular Jew shit and Germany is still occupied by the US and a company instead of a country and all that shittery. Obviously I'm not the one to ask here. I'm completely retarded due to high altitude thin air and shit.

Thanks. Lets say if random middle aged German would see a newspaper headline about some conspiracy theory, they'd generally be familiar with the subject? If so, which one? New World Order etc? Flat earth? Chemtrails?

where is a group that called themself "reichsbürger", they talk a lot of bullshit and believing in conspiracy crap like, that merkel is the number 1 jew and other shit.

why are g*rmans obsessed by jews? serious question

Danke Schön :) Would you say the average German knows of Reichsbürger and how many would you say believe/agree with it?

>Are conspiracy theories popular in Germany?
The BRD "Federal Republic of Germany" is not the government. It was put in place by the allies to keep da germans down. It's also, in fact, a corporation. The REICH still exists to this day, you just can't see it, and the borders from 1937 are still legit too. The fact nobody recognises this means nothing.
As an inspiring symbol of resistance, people are now forming their own kingdoms in their living rooms, making up fake documents and getting pulled over for not having a valid licence plate.

last time i have read sth about it there was a headline that the number of reichsbürger ist very harsh increasing

while there were 8000 in 2016, there were 20000 in 2017.... if i remember the numbers correctly

another conspirancy theroy is maybe the chemtrail thing....

>Would you say the average German knows of Reichsbürger
yes pretty much everyone knows of them, after this one one of the reichsbürger shoot an policemen down. after they tried to take his guns by force.
>and how many would you say believe/agree with it?
according to BfV where are 15.000 people in the reichsbürger group. not sure how many people really believe in them but i guess there are way more of them.

Interesting. Seems a little like fringe russian monarchists, who think the state after 1917 is illegitimate, and so are borders etc...

Posting more pics. These are the larp ID cards they print.

Why nazis like German Empire soo much?


Kek. Would you say most of these Reichbürgers are viewed as Neo-nazis by the general public?

A few years ago, one of these Reichsbürger shot at some cops, killed one, and got life.
They were raiding his house for illegal weapons. This is unironically what he looks like.

Basically they're somewhat comparable to the whole "sovereign citizen" thing in the US, except here they wanna be le ebin resistance moobment, and so they frequently attack police, raid government offices, blockade town halls etc.

Well, Second and Third Reichs had the same goals (muh lebensraum, BTFOing Britain) and ol' Kaiser actually approved of Hitler (as in "NOW they are doing a good job")

all of the stated

This is an artists' rendition of his face, as was described by witness accounts.

First Reich > others shit Reichs


>dysfunctional multi-ethnic romaboo state
>better than unified German empire



>major European power for centuries
>second and third reich
>ruins the country twice within a 100 years
>ultimately causes Yurop to become an Anglo proxy


On your knees, NOW!

Srsly, I love the HRE, for me is the best Medieval Kingdom by far.

>First Reich > others shit Reichs
3rd reich will remain as the superior reich you untermensch

I'm going to propose a kind of Falangist "personenausweis" to the Falange party. Thanks for the idea.

What is "conspiracy theories"?
Do anons who are here know that?

That's carlist / traditionalist song. They are not the same as Falagists but they fought together in the holy Spanish crusade against communism.

German history started in 1870, they don't have a choice.

I know, but this song is catchy as fuck. Do you know if there's still some carlist or catholic traditionalist moviment in Spain today? It is easy to find a TLM? I'm planing to visit Portugal, Spain and Italy maybe next year.

Explain yourselves!

Carlism practically died after the events of Montejurra, but there are still traditionalist groups that feel that they are heirs of Carlism.

Some tinfoil hatters believe that Germany is a company because they don't know that the words "Geschäft" (business and affairs ) and "Personal" (personal AND personnel) has multiple meanings and that we don't have a constitution because the word "Verfassung" is not present in the title "Grundgesetz".
Oh and we are technically still at war since 1939.

We have (had) Axel Stoll.
>Nazi Germany still exists
>Federal Republic of Germany is a company
>Bielefeld doesn't exist
>Sun is cold
>Earth is hollow
>Earth is a penal colony for ayy lmaos

>Bielefeld doesn't exist


>and Germany is still occupied by the US and a company instead of a country
That's not a conspiracy theory.

it's a running joke because of how insignificant Bielefeld is. Even Merkel made a joke about it once.



Rude. I studied in Bielefeld and I keep hearing the same joke. "You didn't study because Bielefeld doesn't exist and the university is just a giant space ship."

le 9/11 imside job is actually frustratingly popular
I have to cringe everytime I read about it in what is supposed to be "serious" literature or some """""authority"""" speaks about it

We have an entire publishing company for this garbage, it's called Kopp Verlag.

These. If you need an example of German autism, look no further than Reichsbürger.