Batman Adventures In Memoriam Storytime

We continue from this Threat right here:
The storytime of reaction Images and Sadness continues.






I fucking love the facial expressions in this book.


Sure Gordon, there is a mass murdering clown, countless gangster bosses and a bunch of serial killers in Gotham, but sure, go ahead and judge the jewel thieves really hard, that'll do.








Sorry, I absolutely fucked that one up, there was supposed to be a page after this. Here it is. Selina is being a dick in it.

The name of her cat is kind of unfortunate nowadays, but who could have known that one back then?

One of the best pages in the entirety of the batman mythos.





How did he exactly find out about batman in the meantime tho? Shouldn't Selina have tried to get that stuff as far away as possible from him? Anyway, end of part 2.

We continue with the final part. Expect a maximum of Reaction Images and sad moments. Anybody watching this? I hope so, because at this point I don't give enough shits to stop doing this, so we're concluding this story.


not reading because I need to sleep right now. But, well here is a bump.

Thank you.

>In Memoriam
Who died?


No one, it's just the name of the arc. At least I think so, it was written on the very first page.





I like how he says sorry to catwoman, but never apologized once for punching Robin right in the belly




>The guy who's son we killed? Oh sure, he won't hold a grudge against me or anything, right?








I actually should have posted this one in the first threat about sad comic book pages.


And that concludes our storytime. Small question, I started this one because an user from the first threat requested it, but I was replying pretty late. Did you still see that one user?

That was really good user, thanks much.

Man, comics nowadays just don't have this kind of charm.