I wish i was born white upper class

I wish i was born white upper class

What are you?

Black trash

i wish i was born white

>being born

I wish i was a 1rd worlder.

>born white upper class
>wish I wasn't born

Fuck! I mean 1st. At least i got dubs.

I wish I was born Singaporean

>born upper white class
>parents dont help me financially
>dont know wtf to do wih myself
>end up lower "white" class
thanks white privilege

>i wish i were born

I wish for the power to make a world where latin america is a first world continent and the people of latin america love themselves.

a self-hating y*Kuboid sympathiser is worse than any wh*Toid
you will feel the wrath of KARA BOGA(Allah) soon subhuman

Even genies dont have that much power

you don't really
people around are fake as fuck
you are always expected to attend long and boring dinners
you are always dragged to shit museum expositions or live plays
jews and homosexuals everywhere
shit music, everyone listens to hipster rock or hipster electro or all that shit
women tend to not even be hot (but think they are)
arrogant people full of themselves
cutting, passive-aggressive little piques are the standard way to communicate

it's better to be born white middle class, because you are surrounded by normal people instead of a bunch of sociopaths

hey at least you're not arab

so just become sjw

Be glad that you were born in first world country.

>tfw you are tall white and rich
Psst nuffin personal kid

black males are the most privilged minority, though

i wish i was never born


exactly, upper (middle) class society is stiflingly conservative and utterly intolerant of any sort of nonconformity. They also view anyone who isn't one of them as subhuman. Why would you even want to get to know such people?