Meanwhile on Sup Forums 10,000 BC

So are you guys excited for the new cave mural to be released soon? "The great hunt" or something like that. I keep hearing complaints that the director is a hack but i liked his old suspense work like "gathering of the poison berries."

So half out women were stolen by the Neanderthals in the next valley and THIS is what you're concerned about? This right here is precisely why no one likes us

Hey guys, I just invented this weird...rolly...roundish shaped thing! I think I'll call it...Steve.

Ug. Boy-whose-ten-sisters-all-live is best cave painting this year.

Only like because want snoo-snoo with sisters. You know me right.

Shief Snyder am bad chief. Chief Snyder amd bad hunter. when he make campfire dance story, he no have actors cance right and no tell good story. when he hunt, he use axe and try to hack.

Russo subchiefs good chiefs. they make good campfire dance-storie. their dancers dance good, and tell good story. They hunt with spear, know they need to have point

I wish I had rock big enough to hide from your faggotry boco.

It remind me of long moon with family, you are shadow dance on other people.

VĂȘnus is top waifu


That am unrealistic representation.
Idealized cavewoman unattainable.
How modern cavewoman meant have body like that?
Me am so triggered right now.

I say... we take big rock and hit chief Snyder. Then we get new chief! Chief that eats corn with milk.

Me don't get appeal of this. Why tribe wast time watching gay shiney rocks on ground?

I mate with green one

>green one
enjoy small children. bloodline deserve to die out

unga bunga Rockstop

Me find fast food. Me think might make good cave painting.


What if fast food is chased by some animal? And lets make it a shadow dance!

Am thinking maybe need something more. Challenge? Only fast-food boring, who want such thing? Now, if laughing-dog chase fast-food, much better cave painting.

Me no like shiney rocks because they look like CaveArts. CaveArts are hacks, and CaveArts murals all look the same, and me prefers old murals, who look more diverse and detailed. Me feels horny for some of the shiny rocks however.


Me think we onto something.


Me prefer cave painting story about dirt-wind-fire-stone berrypicker who find true umgowa with other berrypicker.


hunga me munga, me zug-zug with lizards

Dirt-wind-fire-water boy fights fire tribe was better

Me name brungo
Me carve little small round womans
Little small round womans what brungo like
30 bones for carving to have blood from yak
20 bones no blood

>green one
green one rip off cave-intruder zug me dislike

>Mods delete a simple rupestre carving cuz boobs

Moderation Gods make tribe kek at them

What are other good future sci-fi cave paintings?

fellow tribesmen do you enjoy cavestuck
who do you think best woman

Regular normal family meet Jetsons very good. Now they are shit meme from guy who talks like frog and faceless who defecates on music for lulz

what am some other good realistic cave paintings?

Me no watch much cape paintings, but me really like Bat-magnon. Me think Bat-magnon is cool. Bat-Magnon wear only panther fur, and make fancy hunting tools to punish rival tribe invaders. But why Bat-magnon no kill Cave Clown? Bat-magnon strong, Bat-magnon only defeated once by Bone, who hurt Bat-magnon's back. Bat-magnon should know better than let Cave Clown live. Cave Clown is menance to Bat-magnon's tribe.

Why Bat-magnon don't just assert dominance over Cave clow?

For the love of Trog, senior hunter gordon

Me love Bat-Magnon too, but would like to see more paintings from BC. It seem BC abandon other great hunters like The Runner

Hey Sup Forumsvemen

Why are Marbel cave paintings so shit?

Me no want women or mud people in cave paintings.


They doing pleasing dance to people from Tum-Tumblor

it only reasonable, after all cave clow clubbed senior hunters berrypicker offspring, it right that bat-magnon defend his right to mate by asserting over cave clow, what else to do?

Bat-magnon strong but no kill Cave Clown because he think like cub. Bat-magnon watch his clan die, and stay cub forever.

Think about how Saber-toothed Tiger Lady confuse Bat-magnon when she only want to play Happy Stick and Hole Game with him. He not know what to do with her hind parts. He no know better.

>He Am still living with live givers
>He will never live in a glorious cave like mine with harem of wohman


It all fault of shaman ben'dis, he try to dance so much he seem like berrypicker to me
Asking me, it am dumb idea. tum-tumblor can not be pleased by any dance, only make up new dance they want and never give meat favors or shiny rocks
Why not marbel do pleasing dance for those giving shiny rocks for years?! BEN'DIS!

Me not happy be Neanderthal.
No fur, so am cold.
No claws, so not fight well.

Me see beasts run free, me want run free like beasts.
Me make new skin. When wear skin, me am beast. Me run free, me happy.

Me no more name Kronak.

Me now am name Star-Antler Silver-Song.

Me invented fecesthrow

Me fecesthrow all over this wall now

>Meanwhile in the /x/ cave

legend say whomever hold this idol will be visited by the one with no mouth and one member of the cave will be taken away to never return but every time someone is taken away the cave will receive glorious bounty of food for the entire year.

That why him partner with Bird-Boy-woo-wears-no-leggings.

>Meanwhile in the Sup Forums cave

Fuck you guys hearing to throat sounds!
Butt sounds are superior for pleasing the Gods

Egyptian here, we worship mighty animal gods. move to egypt, worship our gods, smite anyone whom besmirches our gods or besmirches our culture and we promise you 100 virgins of any animal female you want

>>>/Where the elders go to die alone/>

Me waiting for new cave-painting of Super-Denisovan (secretly Kal-Elk, mild-mannered cave-painter), Hunter-Who-Fall-From-Sky. Him faster tnan atlatl dart, more powerful tnan woolly mammoth, able to leap mighty sequoia in single bound!

Super-Denisovan much better than Ba-Magnon.

Bone is big other-cave rival.

>Make tent to heavy to move to move on accident, preend meant. call it house
>Not know how to kill animal, pretend not want to. call it livestock
>Be to lazy to find food more then an hour's walk from house. only forrage in one place, call it field
Remind Ug why Egyptians so "smart" and "civilized"?

Me not like new cave paintings, they made by berry-males.

What you like about Kill-Self Clan story? Me no like Painted Woman. She look like bad wife.

They have better cave paintings.

But cave paintings degenerate, filthy megadolon maters.

Shiny and pretty to look at, but not more else. Shell stone better than green stone.

>Cavemongrel have no Jew Slaves
>Cavemongrel Have no all powerfull gods
>Cavemongrel have no advanced state of the art Weaponry and Armies.
>Cavemongrel have no art featuring beautiful naked women to produce the mans white life water to any time they want
>Cavemongrel still wear dirty animal skins instead of the newest most luxurious Egyptian robes

will someone please remind me why we let these cave monkeys live again?

Bone is large hunter

>people to dumb to know they can hunt
>Devote entire life to painting cave
Unga Bunga, that no good, that sad

>Egyptians devote life to making jew stack rocks; too dumb to know why we don't
>Egyptians ahve to convince themself there gods better when shamans always fuck egyptian wives
>Egyptian think soft bronze better then hard rock
>Egyptians no know about thick, beautiful idols
>Egyptians think they need to turn hair into fake skins because they can't hunt
Laughing as if a roar

>why we let these cave monkeys live again?
Because they live far to far away to mobalize our armies successfully.

Damn them and their thousand of widely spread small families and their cold, dangerous woods.

For unga.

>Big tribe
>Defeated by alone old guy with stick

Me am make my own creation

Me am name him sunich

Was becoming prey part of your hunt strategy?

>Use made-up words no needed to talk
>no undertsand why not justhave one tribe
Are Egyptian all widesett-eye untalking man?


We egyptians are just happy those filthy gold diggers are out of our country they will all just die in the desert and never prosper. and even if they do manage to somehow start their own country we will just steal it from them. I mean what could go wrong

57 48 45 4e 20 57 4f 52 4c 44 53 20 43 4f 4c 4c 49 44 45

Me like Sunich. Sunich is easy to understand. Cave people too complicated. Me want to create more Sunich, but me not own Sunich. Me create original spiky pig who look like Sunich. Me name him Cold Stone. Cold Stone like killing, but not for food. Cold Stone kill for fun. Cold Stone like rock-bangin music, and Cold Stone hate cave people. Cold stone is color of berry, but Cold Stone no submissive cave man.

Me gonna mix Sunich with Yellow rat and get fame.

I don't have to explain this twice, but once in recent times...

>me must take animal female
but what if Drong prefer muscle wolf-man over angry sun she-cat? what do gyp say to Drong then?


>but once in recent times...
Me not understand
Also me had to collect many plant for green pigment for me green cave letters

Very important remember arms no colored

You berry-male either way.
Another tribe mate with your female and she like it.
You bundle of sticks not fit to use in making atl-atl.
You bad


only in fire dance
marble give no power into cave painting. marble is no true shaman

We cave post again?
Me keep tiny beast as pet

Go stinct already bocosapien


>implying as if atlatl even real man skill
>implying as if real man no chase hornbeast with rockblade
>implying as if real man no fight animal one against one
and it is other unknown who is calling this unknown the berry-male. you will see when Unknown grab both you female, you womb-bearer, and you chief. at same time

>not see how many cave paintings have animals
Argument dumb. If we remove animal paintings we remove almost all paintings
What you think of new fire-dance of Lawful Rabbit and Cunning Fox? It children dance but performed well.

Me find strange shapes EVERYWHERE. Me scared cuz cannot not see.

Would smash
Would you smash?

>green one
>not dark water blue one


what do when bear cub become huge bearbeast
get real dire cub
dire cub give power and heart-pull as both adult and whelp

costuming incredible, but me no like how they make me think that maybe woman can leave cave and choose mate like man can
don't get Gormp started on woman hunting very bad-bad

Me prefer paintings from far east Eurasia. Lore more deep, better painted, women prettier, and men stronger.

Me favorite East painings are Fist of North sky-light, Jujugh Hunter adventure, and Boneserker. But me also like painting with cute young berry pickers, like K-ugh, Azumanugah and Clover head girl.

But me no like Narugh. Because Narugh, popular. Narugh fanbase shit. And Narugh plot stupid.


Me no like Shadcave. Shadcave paint cave women with meat stick. Shadcave no paint right, proportions all wrong.


Ugh, this old argument. They just animals. Me think you am not get point of dance. Rabbit am metaphor.
>inb4 tum-tumblor tribe

So THAT'S where Josh Lesnickgar got his cavepainting style.

>two hunter-gatherers

worship anubis and drong will get tons of big black cock in the after life

Nothing important happen after DayNight.

Ug me have confession to make.

Me am hunting, me see rabbit laying in field

me no want to kill rabbit, me want to keep rabbit as partner me want to hold close with rabbit

am something wrong with me?

Yes, you didn't fuck it. Get the ugh out of here


Me not pack leader, so me not breed with female yet. How does cave user summon demon female to breed with? Me ask tribe shaman, but shaman laugh and call cave user a drok head.

>be I
>me leave cave for once and play PrehisMon GO
>me walk around for while, find doedicurus
>me think those big, strong and go throw Prehisrock
>it do big spin and smash me legs in two
>me cave painting when

When will Gruff Mor'Zion return from sky? Me last hear him take over Heavy Shiny Rock cave painting.

Shit, me post on wrong cave wall, back to /vp/