it's at about 30:00 that he starts talking about it, but that actually may be the tail end of him talking about the possibility of voter fraud

I trust Roger Stone, and I trust Julian Assange, and the fact that Stone said he has talked to Assange tells me that this shit is actually gonna happen. He even talks about how Correct the Record is attempting to discredit Assange online (sound familiar?)

What do you guys think?

Other urls found in this thread:

>look up Assange
>of the first 3 articles, all of them are hit pieces



>thread being slid

(((pure coincidence)))

>Assange tells me
Stopped reading there.

>What do you guys think?

I think I've got gas in my ass.



he was right (about the CTR) taking what I said out of context


All of the doubters were on here saying "Assange has nothing and just wants attention"

Well, it turns out that the CTR was also, COINCIDENTALLY at the same time trying to discredit him

Funny how these things line up

anyway, what do you think about him releasing them before the debate? This is basically the best way right? Do you think Trump will reference them in the debate?


I thought it was funny.

It's interesting, but Assange doesn't want to be seen to be in bed with partisans like Stone.
The great thing about Assange is that he is seen to be rather non-partisan. He mustn't lose that image.

Checked and true

Clinton is an enemy to humanity. We need all the help we can get to bring her down.

Prevent the slide bump.

nothing is happening... enough roleplaying

If I was Trump, I would false-flag an assassination attempt on myself from a radical Muslim/ Hillary supporter.

looking forward to hear more

yes yes we know, nothing is happening, assange is a fraud, he's a rapist, he is totally a bad guy and any documents that are verifiably real are actually made up by this rapist assange

because he is part of the vast right wing conspiracy

he probably is also being paid by Trump and Putin.

i was reading this email just 30 min before rt published it;

link came from Sup Forums

so wonder no more, one of rt sources is this board.

may this post be archived in peace


They've been trying to discredit Roger Stone for a while too... that whole alex jones vs young turks bs a few weeks ago, most recently I recall.

>so wonder no more, one of rt sources is this board
A lot of sites use Sup Forums as a source. We're a trove of information and happenings unlike any other.

Heard him say this live.
Roger Stone is scary accurate about everything this election cycle and has been even before that, people confide a lot of information to him.

He didn't want to comment much on the nature of what would be revealed except the timing. People act like the election is over, far from it.

He's said before that he believes just about every thing Clinton has done will come out before November, one way or the other.

Undertoasted boast

Don't let this slid this is big


are you saying my thread was used by RT?

fuck yea

I can't really tell from the article you sent, I'm sure they would have heard from it on Alex Jones just like me..

yea I remember that everytime I hear from Roger Stone

all I really hear though is "YOU'RE DISGUSTING, ROGER STONE" and I think man, if this disgusting lying Turk Roach who corrupts everything that everybody says doesn't like him, then he must be great

Yea he is very good. I am hoping that they find a way to break open the flood gates built by the media. That is why I was always arguing that Assange wouldn't release yet, he probably wants to wait until all of the country is paying attention.


it's not that big, I mean, it's just confirmation that Assange IS going to release the documents and that CTR is behind trying to discredit him.

He already had one from a Hilary supporter no one cared.

Shill detected

keep it up

The paying attention thing is pretty important, remember all the stuff that happened on the 4th of July weekend? Most people had no idea what was going on.

But anyways, expect media to come out from Assange, other media outlets, and especially Trump himself before it's all over. Remember, 4D chess.

I am actually the OP of the thread, I was being sarcastic.

that's true, but it would be much bigger right before the debates and especially if it was a Muslim. Also it would play into the Hillary's health thing: Trump is healthy enough to survive an assassination attempt, Hillary had to get her diaper changed

Omg that footage of Hillary saying Trans Pacific Partnership ten million times

Not surprising really, Stone has been gaining notoriety without increasing security.

bumping for bumps sake.

So you all admit, that your candidate is so weak and unable to win based on his policies and charisma, that you need a foreign entity to strategically release sensible information on his opponent, potentially endagering national security?
The leader of free world, everybody.

He included some if the leaked info given to him by Assange in in manuscript, which got stolen? Are you kidding me?

We admit that a good and honest candidate is no longer capable of winning because of the media stranglehold on the narrative, if that's what you're asking

You would thing Germany would get that.

Can someone tell me when he mentions being hacked? I can't stand listening to Alex's chummy pot belly voice.

Donald Trump is running against the democrats, the republicans, the liberal media and mainstream conservative media. It's amazing the he's gotten here. Any help would be great.

Who is Roger Stone?

October Surprise Part 2: THE REVENGE

Be afraid Clinton cunts, be very afraid.

holy fuck lurk more

>"Joining us today, Roger Stone, Trump '''''''''former'''''''''' campaign manager."

Or maybe that someone who can restrain himself from saying one dumb thing after another could win?
Maybe if Trump had enough experience he could see what trap he is walking in and shut his dumb mouth?

Early rumors are saying that the info directly links Hillary to ISIS. Another bit connects her directly to a MURDER. One other bit allegedly shows massive, deliberate tax fraud on the part of the Clintons.


I think he stepped down so he was better able to help Trump.

I think it's at 35:00 or so. Sorry man.

>that brazilian cuck in the back forced to watch

I see that you, as a continental European, can not possibly understand your politicians not acting like they are better than everyone else, but talking as an average person would talk

you want aristocracy! and I get that!

Assange has nothing and just wants attention. All this is, is a Republican funded fear mongering campaign to try and scare their voterbase into actually voting for a fucking lunatic

Canadian shill is pissing his pants, lol

He's been a political advisor for Nixon and Reagan and has been an insider for decades. Wrote books exposing the Bushes and Clintons.


lol this fucking shill is freaking out!


>Correct the Record is attempting to discredit Assange online

Did they also email Chuck Todd and make him introduce Assange as a "convicted rapist" on MTP a couple weeks ago?

>To be questioned by Sweden over rape claim

>implying Roger Stone is not the actual campaign manager and Paul Manafort is just a spokesperson


ey, when do I get my CTR check? I thought it was supposed to be the first Friday of each month?

Maybe it will be direct deposited?

>Wrote books exposing the Bushes and Clintons

Nothing but smear pieces to try and further an independent agenda. The content provided no real substantial information

Roger Stone is the real actual Trump campaign manager in the shadows. Trump is not stupid, he is a chessmaster.

that's exactly what I was implying, actually

you forget, he is white, so sweden would come down on him really hard, to show that they don't let rapists go! =^] (only muslims)

Daily Reminder that the "rape" charges involved consensual sex with adults but without a condom.

I want a monarchy, but this is unimportant.
The point is someone who can stop saying dumb shit and would stick to policies didn't have to rely on spies releasing classified information to win.
Doesn't mean he shouldn't attack Hillary. But this is getting ridiculous.

so how do liberal democrats twist their brain trying to discredit wikileaks

wikileaks was like the crusader against tyranical govts and corrupt corporations and the bush administration


top shill, brostein!

I'm sure he was furthering his own presidential campaign wasn't he

God forbid someone actually link these 2 families, despite that Bush Sr's CIA hired Bill Clinton! forget about that goy!

CTR does not exist in Sup Forums. The only people you are seeing who are categorically not from here are either from /leftypol/, just have different opinions, or are straight up maddogging you.

Anybody remember when I said three weeks ago that the best of leaks will be coming two days before the final debate? ;)

>I trust Roger Stone
literally the only person in America who does.

it's not, if you were in america you would understand that literally nobody could win.

It could be literally Ronald Reagan and he would have binders full of women and want to put y'all back in chainz.

This is the only way. Furthermore,

>implying there aren't spies spying on Trump

Assange isn't a "spy." He is telling the american people the truth. If the system worked perfectly, he wouldn't have to, because Clinton would already be punished.

>God forbid someone actually link these 2 families
Criminally? It has yet to happen, and probably will not happen. Or else there will be (((accidents))).

>Bush CIA hired Bill

Smart move, considering his experience with foreign affairs. It's better than recruiting a boot for the same job

actually the best leak of all is coming the weekend before the election so it will be too late for Hillary to do anything.
smoking gun that proves she's a reptillian. trump landslide. guaranteed. or maybe i'm just shitposting.

He probably keeps his shit on thumb drives with backups.

Good luck hacking that shit.

>muh detachable penis im gonna fuck you with

God help this glorious faggot
hopefully he dodges the Hillary's kill list

What if Assange... had an accident, and the Hillary leaks (plus all the other goodies) got released in the dead man's trigger?

>It has yet to happen
Who is Barry Seal? What's Mena, AR?

>actually the best leak of all is coming the weekend before the election so it will be too late for Hillary to do anything

I think you give too much credit to the average Clinton voter. They are misinformed or not informed at all, which is better that way because once these leaks happen they won't know about it until two years after the election

>tfw you'll never be eskimo brothers with Assange

Definite shitpost. I work on the campaign, and the best of the best is coming on Oct. 17.

it doesn't matter if they don't. Their ideas do, weather these ideas are coming from the /leftypol/ guys or whatever.

And I would not put it past them to have a few shills on here. Think about it. You pay some indian dude 5 dollars an hour, and he is able to start what? 20 slide threads per hour? How much money would it take to have constant slide threads on here? Not alot.

Plus, multiple news organizations have mentioned us.





A quick search shows that there are people here from The Washington Post, the LA Times, Gawker, and Cuckington Post.

So no, it is not hard to believe. They don't have to pay for MOST news organizations to shill. They only have to pay to shill on right wing news sites comment sections, twitter, and here. I could do that for 6 million dollars.

I don't see a conviction, do you?

All of it is speculation and is presented as such. But I understand why you like to cite such sources, they seem credible at first.

CTR is definitely here but 8ch has so much autism they try to shit it up here so much because they think everyone will migrate to their bastion of paedophilia.

But there is a connection between the Clintons and JEB and Daddy Bush via Seal. A conviction means nothing in these circumstances. The fact that Hillary still walks free is proof.

>renaming fire ants to "spicy boys"

why am I giggling like a retard about this

Like you do (bear with me, I'm assuming), they shill for free. /leftypol/ created the CTR persona to try and scare the average user, but that was their fatal mistake. Once you can identify your target, then you can successfully fight back.

Problem is, no one has figured it out. Instead, they send death threats to a professional business headquarters, which in the end makes them look bad. You are being subversed, and those in it just for the laughs will be your downfall

Kill yourself

>A conviction means nothing in these circumstances. The fact that Hillary still walks free is proof.

Very reminiscent of the Salem witch trials. Burn the witch at the stake, if she burns she wasn't a witch. If she miraculously survives her wounds, she's a witch and must be hung. But, I guess that's the mindset you have to have with your opposition, when they do the same to you socially

no, he hired him in the CIA before Bill ever became political.

He has a kill switch; if he doesn't enter it everything gets dropped

You could, find the woman, woo her

You'll need to put yourself in a position of power first

Thanks Mr. Manafort

> Instead, they send death threats to a professional business headquarters,

When did that happen?

Regardless is CTR posts, here they are still scum worthy of the gallows.

Stupid fucking kraut get back in your cuck shed.

I can't tell if this is worse than what they're doing when you search the murdered dnc staff. Every article bringing up only conspiracy tier websites to frame the narrative

You don't remember when they leaked the personal emails and took pictures in their HQ? Later sending death threats with pictures of their offices?

Where the fuck have you been?

>CTR: the post: the movie: the videogame

of course there is no conviction yet.

The Department of Justice head was appointed by Obama, who works for the same people as Clinton and Bush. I know you know this.

Don't doubt for one second that once Trump gets in, all of these people will hang.

Hell, that's why alot of americans are voting for him. They want to see what the true corruption was. They want to see what these people were doing against them. They want to experience the most massive schadenfreude of their lives.

>Don't doubt for one second that once Trump gets in, all of these people will hang.

You seem to state this as if it is an absolute, which it is not. I hate to be that guy, but his chances dip with every single day. True he has hopes in the debates, but you gotta factor in that most of the (voting) American populace don't watch those.

Love that use of schadenfreude by the way

I remember that just not the death threat part. Kind of sounds like BS.

I'm sure if you dig around in the archives enough you can find it. It was in the same thread where OP was taking pictures, then bailed later

Trump doesn't 'need' shit but every bit helps. It amazes me how all my heroes are riding out to help Trump in his greatest trial.

it's pretty crazy

That's why I was telling that traitorous krautcuck that there is literally no way ANY candidate would win against Clinton, unless they were already green-lit to win.

That's why Assange is great. He is not the hero the west wants, he is the hero we need.