Harley Rebirth

Are you kidding me?

What exactly are you reacting to? Did you expect them to retcon the new 52 stuff even though it's clearly more popular?

other than the annoying narration boxes and shit layouts, what's the beef

you know honestly, better origin

Did the New 52 do away with the jester costume completely? I thought she had it for a while before the bleached skin. Either way, Harley with bleached skin sucks.

No, not at all. The actual origin where she's a psychiatrist who gets manipulated by the joker into helping him escape and tagging along as his sidekick worked fine. There's no need for the thrown in chemicals shit, that'd just make her a generic gender flipped joker ripoff.

You skipped the pages where Joker pushes her into the vat.

And how she went overcover in the asylum as a patient and fell for the Joker.

The BTAS origin makes her a victim of the Joker, which is fine for that situation when she's just there for him to talk to someone. But wanting her on her own she needs some initiative to be a bad guy and be one separate from the Joker


I think it's to help justify her above average strength and fighting ability. Some things just can't be explained with gymnastics, like being able to use a giant hammer as a signature weapon.

The only synergy is her most recent hairstyle, unless the movie took something from her new 52 origins I guess?

Oh yeah, she's a "world-class gymnast" now according to Suicide Squad Rebirth #1

Well, at least we now know the exploding gameboys is noncanon.

She was an Olympic-level gymnast according to the Animated Series.

It never happened in-universe, but because Harley has 4th wall knowledge she knows she used to wear it.

>Palmiotti and Conner are full of shit

And in other news water is wet

>It was the ditz he loved the most, so I played along

Is that right?

That's old canon too.

The bleach skin look is dumb

How is she immune to the gas?

>Harley solo takes place in the distant future after she's no longer in the Squad
Well, that answers that.

Ivy gave her toxic immunity.

Pre-N52 she just drank some goo Ivy gave her that made her stronger.

>the sex kitten
>the seductress
>the innocent
>the aggressor
>the antagonist
>the victim
>the ditz
>the skank
>the strumpet
>the groupie
>the whore
>the slut
>the floozy
>the your mom
>the slam pig
>the runaround sue
>the wizard's sleeve