I don't get it

I don't get it

the only funny shit tim and eric have ever done is awesome show

simple as that

one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen

it's a commentary on the american urban upper class and their nihilistic tendencies.

Tom Goes is great, awesome show was terrible, this is the correct opinion.

What is on cinema.

protip: it's not a comedy

The cook off is some of the best shit ive seen on youtube. Its such a great parody of all the shitty chefs on youtube. When he shit talks the old greek woman its gold.

Fuck you I'm willing to die for steve brule

If you don't relate to this movie you don't belong here.

Entertainment > The Comedy

It's normal to get a boner during the seizure scene?

entertainment was very good but was kinda a bit too much. the comedy is my favourite film and i think it works a lot better then entertainment because of a 'less is more' type thing

I prefer Neil Hamburger as a character and thought the comedy in Entertainment was better.

yeh entertainment is a lot funnier

The Comedy isn't supposed to be funny



Tim was born to play this role. This movie explores the question, what if one of Tim Heidecker's wacky ironic characters actually existed that way in the real world? The result is a nihilistic and disturbing take on the modern culture of dis-attachment. We have a main character that is quirky, rarely serious, off the wall. But in this setting he only comes across as an insecure asshole who has spiraled downwards and away from any semblance of structure or fulfillment. It says a lot on how a culture of apathy and hedonism, when taken all the way, degrade the human condition. Its an incredibly relevant modern tragedy, and it hurts to see Tim's nihilism reflected in yourself. I think thats what this film is trying to do.

It's in the name Brah

It's a criticism of post-irony, and lack of sincerity in our society. At least that's what I got from this film.

So he gave up the fortune right?

I'm a cynical lazy asshole so this movie hit me pretty hard
>that scene where he watches the girl have a seizure

i am also a lazy cynical bum, but this movie gave me hope because i'm not on this level yet and i doubt i ever will be.


>Not one defending billion dollar movie
Does anyone here have any fucking taste?