Athiests believe these magically came into existence

>Athiests believe these magically came into existence

Shove another banana up yer arse why don't ya

Other urls found in this thread:

Christians believe a Jew who is actually God, came down to earth, not as a god but as a man, killed himself for his own creations, but really actually didn't since he's a god.

That's cute, i'd watch neurochemistry-themed Pixar film.

beliving in god means ur low iq idiot, all high iq are atheist like steve jobs bill gates hawking etc

What am i looking at

ebola crawling up a nigger's spine

transport proteins.
pretty obvious.

also if you're a christfag you're literally retarded.

A colorful and dramatisized look and how proteins are created in the body.

>Atheists believe in magic
I don't think you understand how this shit works faggot.

A protein chain I think

Pretty sure you guys think everything exists because of magic.

I thought it was religions that believed this?

Wow, another
>Strawman argument
>Athests BTFO!
thread. At least it's from the UK, though, so that spices it up. How was the journey to London, Ahmed?


No, I believe I took billions of years of slow, gradual progression of survival of the fittest.

>theists explain one complex thing with another infinitely more complex thing which we have no evidence for yet claim the epistemological high ground
wew guy

We do?


No, Christians believe they magically came into existence, atheists believe that they came into existence by a logical selection process over 10s of millions of years.

The people pushing the athiest meme are the most spiritual of all. They know belief in the source is extremely powerful. They are gnostics.

Let the plebs consume and fuck until they die deranged and in denial.

Let the enlightened rule eternally.

Swiggity swooty

to be fair you also magically believe they came into existence.


Asspained fedora fags ITT maybe stop shoving bananas up your asses huh?

I'm not even religious but I'll never call myself an atheist, reason? See these fags here

>christians think god magically came into existence

wow I just realized god is a cuck

not magically

in fact there are some very compelling theories about how symbiotic single cell organizms work together to become more complex multicellular life

Nice trips, retard.

A kinesin protein moving along a microtubule presumably.

>also if you're a christfag you're literally retarded.

OP does raise a good point though. A lot of things in molecular biology shouldn't really exist due to thermodynamic reasons. The origin of life makes little sense.

>>Athiests believe these magically came into existence
Nope, it was the juice

Fucking moron I hate Christians so much, Christians are scum I called my grandfather a freak on his deathbed for doing a confession

awwww ur cute


THIS I hate stupid Christians

>Christfags believe the father of a socialist kike made this

>Theists also think it magically came into existence

>in Madden 17, the best overall QB available is Elway

What did EA mean by this?

>pretty obvious.

get a load of this pretentious faggot


And why would a God even make those?

Why would a God many anything that can't be seen with the naked eye? what's the point?

>magically came into existence
thats exactly the opposite of what atheists say.

Religion and science are not at odds, moron.
>the atheist libertarian shitstains ITT
You really have to wonder how these people find Sup Forums

wtf i hate dawkins now
really make me think

>what is peer review

Jesus isn't God
Jesus wasn't meant to be crucified by the Jews
"He died for our sins" is a meme
Jesus taught people to forgive and other morals which essentially formed today's western values

is the koran peer reviewed?
what about the old/new testament?

are the experimental setups described therein causing consistently reproducible results?

Theyve done simulations and complex organic compounds form naturally in certain atmospheres.
I think you fail to appreciate just how long billions of years is, especially at the molecular level where things happen "faster"
Believe what you want though, itd be pretty awesome if God was real

Religion is fantasy, Science is reality.

Evolution is literally the simplest concept ever you creationist faggots just don't get it.

In the beginning, we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands and it had butt sex with a squirrel or something and made a retard frog-sqirrel, and then that had a retard baby which was a monkey-fish-frog. And then this monkey-fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey, and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey and that made you.

>which essentially formed today's western values
this is what americans actually believe. fucking idiots

it was the ENLIGHTENMENT that created modern progressive ethical value system. and no, the enlightenment did not come from religion, fucktard, in fact it came from the opposite of religion: rational thinking

>itd be pretty awesome if God was real

If he exists he clearly doesn't give a shit about us.
It would mean we're irrelevant pathetic beings who aren't worth any attention from the supreme being.

What are you saying.

I understand that you are trying to be funny but you have not succeeded.

>If he exists he clearly doesn't give a shit about us.

T. I know everything

>“Sausage Party” is at its best when arguing the virtues of godlessness. The film’s theological thesis is simple enough for a child to understand, but the go-for-broke enthusiasm with which its rotting characters rise up and embrace the hard truth of their existence is genuinely transgressive.

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

>Christians don't realize that notion of intelligent design has exactly the same problems and raises far more questions than it answers
>don't bother trying to answer any of those questions cause "we find out when we g2 havean ;)"

Eeey, I used to work modelling those.
Evolution also isn't incompatible with intelligent design.

contain your edge, brother

>Theists think these magically came into existence by a magical sky father who also magically came to existence because a book written by bronze age savages written 5000 years ago tells them so

Wasted holy trips, magic is literally what you believe in. Atheists (and a majority of Christians) believe that such structures occur naturally and have produced workable hypotheses and theories to explain how those structures came about and which are also capable of predicting their behavior. A theory has this predictive capability only because it is somewhat correct.

Creatards on the other hand believe that all of this was created with a golem spell where God fashioned creations out of dirt and mud, and then breathed life into the golem to animate it.

There is no god but there is a creator.

video is fake dude.

Fucking duhhhh

>Fucking moron
>called my grandfather a freak on his deathbed for doing a confession


you can't ignore that Jesus had a huge influence on people. even if there is no God and Christianity is false, Jesus still made countless people behave in a more civilized, compassionate manner

>OP does raise a good point though. A lot of things in molecular biology shouldn't really exist due to thermodynamic reasons. The origin of life makes little sense.

Like what?

Just a fair warning, I'm expecting you to not understand what thermodynamics actually says.


Why religious people always passing fakes off as acts of god?


>Atheists believe these MAGICALLY came into existence
No, it would be the Christians that believe in magic.

Laryngeal nerve

Please don't speak where you don't understand the field. You're an uneducated cock sucker. You should have at least should have hit the wiki before making such an obscure statement.

The irony is they literally believe that, while atheists actually posit different theories based on physical and mathematical evidence.

>le atheism is a unified quasi-religious system meme


2 peter 3:3-10 KJV

>not believing in magic

>God and nature are the same thing

Science behind this?

What am I looking at

Kinesen motor proteins.

it's the same as looking at pic related and thinking "no way this is just the sophistacation of 19th century mechanical computers, aliens/gods must be behind it!". Higher animals may look complex at cellular level, but it all started with very simplistic protocells

a .gif format image on a computer.

>Science behind this?

>science I don't understand is magic

Seriously low IQ philosophy is what religion is.

Athiest don't believe in magic.

are you that tranny leaf

That seemed really funny to you before you posted it, huh?

I had that picture on my computer once. I named it "Saturday night fever".

How do they know this is what it all looks like?

I guess its just speculation mixed in with microscopic analysis?

>not "keep on truckin


>b-b-b-but you believe in RELIGION
>look at all the RELIGIOUS things RELIGION tells you to believe
>only a STUPID person would think that religious things happen
atheists think this is an argument

After believing in a god that created everything it´s actually you who believes that these came magically ontp existence.

It can be seen with a microscope, I'd presume its pretty fucking difficult to get a good image though, considering how small these structures are.

still laughing now

But a truck is non-biological. My filename was much better. It matches the music too.

Agnostic master race. Atheists have FAITH that God doesn't exist.

That's two myosin heads crawling up a microtubule, yeah?

You'd be surprised what kind of accurate predictions solid math and science can get you. The first images of the structure DNA were identical to how James Watson and Francis Crick described it some 60 years earlier.

Until they're facing death, then they'll cry like faggots for their Father to save their diseased asses. Fucking cuckfags.

Lol. Shut your fucking faggot mouth and go outside and talk to actual people. Your pillow with it's drawn on person is not real.

Isn't it a lot more obvious that you slam rocks together until life happens?


You'd think the Bible would have told us about those and not needed people unshackled from Christian dogma to find out about them.

Christians: no better than Muslims who claim all Science is already found in the Koran, even if we haven't found it yet, and will claim it when we do.

Organized philosophy - an oxymoron, it's what happens when a low IQ base is attracted to a high IQ endeavor.

No actually, Athiests believe they naturally came into existence. Religious people believe they came about magically.