Young Animal hype thread


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What's the deal with that sandwich? Why is it posted all the time?

But will my husbando every return?

No. But I'm still hyped.

That's the official cover to Doom Patrol #1. It's also peelable, and obviously, once you remove the sticker, you can't put it back.

It's a gyro, not a sandwich.

Fuck man, I want a gyro so bad but the only gyro place near me closed. What a fucking travesty.

Is there a better villain than Mr. Nobody?

Of course not.

I hope not. Honesty just seeing Flex worries me that Way's Doom Patrol will feel too much like a sequel than it's own thing

Bring back Rita.

You forgot:

Will they make jokes about how the reboot that cancelled them was itself rebooted?

Mr. Somebody might take some note of that if he ever shows up again.

Good stuff in the interviews. Really hoping Mother Panic is good, it definitely feels like one of those books that could go either way. But a Gotham book that's different from the norm could be really fun.

So much hype I got this towel

Shit dude, in the shelf thread I saw it went for like $150?

Preordered a copy of the regular gyro cover and one of the variants today. I haven't been this excited for a comic in a while.

Fuck, I sure hope so. He was the most sane and morally upright fictional presidental candidate ever.

PLEASE don't fuck this up Gerard

You're a huge fag and your band is unlistenable, but I will have the utmost respect for you if you make Doom Patrol cool again

I want you to bury Marvel harder than 2002 Triple H

That's a pretty sweet cover. I'm ordering two of the regular cover because of the sticker, damn them for tricking me into supporting their tomfoolery.

Hotel Oblivion when?


You're not alone user, I seriously considered getting a second copy of the gyro cover too, but I settled on the variant as my reading copy instead. I'm still considering going back for a second because I want that fucking sticker.

Why did they call the imprint young animal?

Acronym cheekiness.

Young Animal.


Young Adult

holy shit how much did this cost ya?

What, for a towel? Does it come with Charles Atlas Workout Regime and gives you the power of Muscle Mystery?

>MFW I was gonna shill this to all my non comic friends
>MFW at the last moment they all decided they now hate Gerard Way for dashing their hopes of an MCR reunion

Wait they're not reuniting? Oh thank god, I was worried that would kill Young Animal before it even got off the ground.

Y'know, before the sales can.

nope, The Black Parade is just getting a re-release.

If that cover is any indicator that this version of Doom Patrol will be anything like the music of Lightning Bolt then I will be a very happy man.

Jesus Christ I'm cumming

a DC book from the Transformers vs GI Joe team?

Can't wait

damn it can't wait anymore...
I think Morrison ended their story pretty good. I trust Gerard but I doubt we will see the one we are actually looking for.

fuck this shit, bros. if the imprint title being ripped off from a japanese manga/gravure magazine is any indication, it'll all be edgy tryhard bs masquerading as actual cool abstract shit.

Did Way say that he didn't know that a seinen manga magazine of the same name exists?

What's edgy about Ai's tits?

I think he didn't know anything about it.

This feels like Vertigo:You in a good way
I loved DC:You and feel like Rebirth was a mistake
the only good books are New Super-Man and Green Arrow, although Superwoman looks cool
I loved shit like Prez, Bizarro and Bat-Mite
I just want comic books to be fun again

okay, who is the white guy?

As long as he is not Mr Somebody again

>it's a disnigger episode


I'm hyped. About all of this. The Hernandez Brothers, Way, my nigga Flex returning. All of it. I haven't been this hyped for a comic in forever.

I'm cool with Flex but him bringing back Jane has already soured me.

Have you read chippendales comics? Because chances are DP will be nothing like those


They don't want to spoil the surprise, but every comic will feature buxom, barely legal Asian models.

Aww shit new doom patrol comic? Nice

Couple questions
1. Will the DP team be same team that showed up in one issue of Justice League back when they clashed trying to grab Power Ring
2. Is there any hope of this run getting the length it needs (last run literally ended during the middle of their big fight with Ambush Bug saying that's all folks)

what makes this incarnation of doom patrol so hyped? we've gotten a bunch of doom patrols since morrison took off. were those noteworthy?

Way is pals with Morrison, a huge DP fanboy and a very good writer.

im convinced but i dont know if i should get the main cover (that's a TVU reference) or the chippendale cover

both are real good

Buy both
Read one box up and preserve another.

Way wrote Umbrella Academy which was a fantastic off brand Doom Patrol

Is he bringing back Jane? I have seen nothing to suggest that

Didn't he say in an interview that she was on the team?

It's been stated a few times that he's using Morrison's roster, and that includes Flex Mentallo.

Is Sup Forums in charge of Young Animal now?
Neutral Milk Hotel variant when?

He's not, though? Dorothy and Josh aren't there, and Larry isn't Rebis.

He said he's taking the the history of doom patrol and putting it in a blender
So they'll probably show up eventually

I thought he was doing a mixture of all the past rosters, while adding a few new ones.

Chippendale does comics and is pretty big in the indie scene.

Im completly oblivious to whats happening here.
can someone explain to me why are we hype and whats Grant Morrison has to do with it?

grant morrison's doom patrol was great, and way is his apprentice who is a good writer himself

>hating Gerard

the book is going to crash so hard, there's just no nostalgia for the Morrison era DP, it's basically selling on Way's name alone and does anyone really believe he'll be on after issue 20?, 13?, 7?, 4?

I personally can't wait, I like most of what I've seen about this but the artist and the gimmick cover for #1, seriously the 90's are back $10 holofoil issues here we come.

that line up for the variants is sick tho.

I just learned about this today and don't understand the hype can someone please explain? Also it's the hype only for doom Patrol or all of young animal? Also why is it called young animal?

You are the luckiest man on the beach.

I think trades and digital may do well but probably not the floppies.

>please explain?

Way is a good writer and student of Morrison

>Also it's the hype only for doom Patrol or all of young animal?

There seems to be a healthy hype on Sup Forums for all the books. I'm most hype for Mother Panic personally.

>Also why is it called young animal?

I don't know, he might have explained in an interview. I like the idea that it's because
>DC Young Animal
as a symbolic continuation of diversity of themes stuff

Thank you

>Where did the name of the line, “Young Animal,” come from?

>It was a phrase that got caught in my head, and that’s happened to me for a long time, I just get song titles or phrases stuck in my head, and it sounded like it was a really good title for my second solo album. And then when I decided I wasn’t going to make a second solo album — yet — I said, well, it will just be the name of my new project. I started to get in the habit of, when I come up with a good idea, use it. Don’t hold on to it too long. So, “Young Animal” was going to be the name of something, so it might as well be this.

Way isn't writing everything though, I know he's co writer for some books but I doubt that will last for long and will be another situation like Brubaker/Fraction on IIF where his name is in the book solely so people pick it up.

That's kind of lame he should have named it something actually related to the project, not just something random

I was at the panel at SDCC and honestly after hearing about them, I'm hyped for all of them.

Way himself said Doom Patrol is the comic he's always wanted to write it. He'll probably drop the others after a few issues and stay on DP for a while.