
Czechs are shit-tier slavs desu. Soulless, rude, arrogant, humorless bastards. All the worst germanic traits in slav form.

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What are you listening to, /Slav/? youtube.com/watch?v=4k7o_pYLMlI


They make great pornography though.


Why do you feel like you have to insult a different (or any) Slavic country each time you make a thread?
Bit rude

Дa эт cлoвeнoшизик, кaжиcь. Oн тoлькo и дeлaeт, чтo нaдpaчивaeт нa cлoвeнщинy дa cpёт нa дpyгих cлaвян.

Thats how you turned the thread shit just by making it. Good job mongol

You can make a new thread desu

The damage is already done

All this coming from supposedly a russian poster?
10/10 cool story, bro.

>Soulless, rude, arrogant, humorless bastards
Easy to say when you've only met """"""Czechs"""""" from Prague

So get the vodka, it's zelenaya toska time.

That's their biggest shit-tier characteristic though. Along with their atheism. Other than that my mechanic is Czech and he's pretty cool. Speaks English, Czech, Polish and Russian, which is quite impressive.

Ukrainians and Bulgarians bets slavs

That drink sucks ass

Stop with your retarded polish propaganda.

Блядь, кaк жe я нeнaвижy cвoю пycтyю жизнь

>atheism bad

>atheism good

Czechs are germanic. Also, what you’re referring to as slavs, are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids.

Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.

Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods.

All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact.

Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" thread.

das bolix innit, the Czechs settled in Bohemia around 550 AD, 300 years before Rurik.

Someone needs to make this pasta but for Germans as Russian rapebabies

I'm so fucking tired of this pasta. Jesus fucking christ, you obsessed retard.

poland is germanic

We're not.

We're sarmatian. The people genetically closest to Poles are Iranians and Afghans.


Oh my god! I was so blind all this time!
You guys are really closer to Afghans than to other Slavs

slobs :c

won't deny tbhjski


yes, this is my eye, true r1a

In Afganiston there are and turks like on your foto and also iranians.


Don't lie to me! We all know that poles eyes are the same black as your criminal soul

Black like my heart and soul

Yeah, literally the heart and soul of nigger

Afgan man!


There she is again.

ok ok I'm going

I'd rather have you sit on my face.

straszny ten Mel Gibson

Explain this, poles, wtf?

Post perky polish feet

both are turks though

I'd rather perky tits tbx

my gf left already

Twoja dziewczyna to dziewczyna(facet) ?

niestety nie

Oh come on, dude, out of all the shit you talk talk about Czechs this one thing is not true.

This, just look youtube.com/watch?v=vqOyJAVJYBU

Don't take his shitposts seriously

Wouldn't German influence suggest otherwise?

Germans are funny, like when they start shouting in their Orc language thinking that they are intimidating, shit is hilarious

>Germans are funny
Not from what I've seen.

Who doesn’t drink in Friday’s evening , has no right to name himself Slav

I'm drinkin

it's stupid stereotype. slavs are not a natural born alcoholic.

I was born in 80s dude, communism made me drink

Not in a mood honestly, I'm drinking too much anyway recently. lmao. But pic related is a good shit.

are you that rusian from Litva who live in Poland now?

nie, jestem Polakiem 100%

Everybody drinks on Friday

>t. shit expert

co ja lublu v Polshe to e film Shkaflandia aka King size. Did you see that film?


I don't. Alcohol has bad effects on me.

>founded Ukraine

every czech family has some jewish blood in them. the czechs on Sup Forums will deny it, but ask any czech IRL and they'll tell you its true, just like every russian has some mongol in them.

You mean hangover? Or you act like an ape when drunk?

zubr is a tiger not a buffalo you faggot

>acting like an ape when drunk
I feel fucking immortal when drunk. Especially if I drink some strong coffee inbetween to keep myself "sober".


and the balkanlar have some turk

Having fun with friends and people around you is good, being aggressive or insulting random people and other nigger behaviour is bad

>tfw out of salo

Majority of Slavs are friendly when drunk. Piss them off and you get ape-like behaviour.

Rate my slav eyes

Not deep enough eye sockets to be a Slav, my friend.

>Majority of Slavs are friendly when drunk

>You mean hangover?
Well that's one.
>Or you act like an ape when drunk?
No, but these
I worked with some Poles last year and usually they were shy. But come weekend and put alcohol on the table they transformed into madmen heh.

>I worked with some Poles last year and usually they were shy. But come weekend and put alcohol on the table they transformed into madmen heh.
Poles are very depressed people. Not shy, but depressed as fuck. They sit too much in their own head and thoughts.

Being drunk helps to drop that shit and stop caring so much.

That's not just slavs, that's everybody.


Yeah I know. I didn't get to know them too much because they kept mostly to themselves but they were nice.

well yes. only Old Rus was founded scandinavian konungs. Modern Russia and Ukraine are founded by slavs.
Hy кaк, нa caмoм дeлe в мocкoвcких князьях, cнoвaвших paшкy, кaкoй тoлькo кpoви нeт. тaтapы, литoвцы, гpeки. вoзмoжнo, чтo Хмeльницкий тoжe имeл в poдy тaтap или литoвцeв.

Kiev was founded by Kiev Polacks though.

it's very intresting version.

The true one though. Just ask Nestor. Kiev Polans founded Kiev and later it was Poles that gave Kiev city rights.

>fields only exist in Poland nao

It’s because they are alpinoids

would like to found some polacks with polish cutie if you know what i mean

I like Ruskie women more anyway.
No, but Kiev Polans were the same tribe as Polanes in Poland. They just split.

i think you have more blondes.

No, we don't. You have more. Poles are more swarthy than ethnic Russians.

>Polans were the same tribe as Polanes in Poland
Who said you that?

well i always said polaks are just west ukrainians.