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The Doctor is cute. CUTE! edition

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atleast it'll make sense for the doctor not knowing how to fly the tardis this time

I am wanting of a Hayley Atwell companion!

>haley gets injured
>has to suckle doctor to survive because time lord breast milk has healing properties

imagine if that actually happened haha!

I like the way your mind works user

Pertwee would too user

i watched the news with my mommy and we clapped so hard gosh, i had to jump into reddit to post the news there! i got lots of karma :3

just got to the first Dodo episode. this the point where it starts to get kino as fuck?

The idea of Tennant returning as a new regeneration always seemed like a pathetic last resort if the show goes tits-up. Worst thing is, he'd probably do it if asked.

wow thank i SPLINKED pants


But I'm pretty certain it would work

Would watch

>we finally get a qt female Doctor waifu
>Atwellfags still won't fuck off and keep spamming pics of the fat slut who is literally not relevant to Doctor Who and thus pure shitposting


Will Domhnall Gleeson ever be in Doctor Who?

They need to nab him now before he gets TOO famous.

Literally this. Face > Tits

>13 gets gravely injured
>Regeneration energy starts exploding out of her tits



Please someone help me, I've jerked off to Jodie over 10 times since the announcement. How do I stop?

Reminder that Marshall is set to be the next companion

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You don't

What's her main plot arc going to be, /who/?

none hopefully
plot arcs are a mistake

fighting valeyard tennant and the fanboose rooting for tennant

What's the greatest hairstyle in the galaxy ?

>2 days
>10 times

To completion?

Get yourself to a sperm bank lad, your wank powers must be harnessed for the good of mankind.

>But I'm pretty certain it would work
That's the worst thing. Tennant would do it in a heartbeat because he loved the part and you could see how excited he was to be in the 50th Special. He's got a good career but he hasn't gone Hollywood yet (closest was main villain in a Marvel Netflix series).
It would also create enormous excitement from the fans who left after Tennant/Smith and get them back to watching the show. It would definitely work. But it would also be a bit sad in a way, I think.

Well some shows have plot arcs and are kino

clearly a single braid down the back

been that way since the beginning of time

She's an alien time traveller who goes on adventures.

It'd be cool if she used the new, unorthodox regeneration to lay low from UNIT given that they have only seen male Doctor incarnations. Maybe the Zygons take over UNIT again and new Doctor has to stealthily fix it.

Reminder that first female Doctor was in the 80s, and played by the wonderful Barbara Benedetti:

Character-wise: Coming to terms with the fact he's female now.

Story-wise: Hopefully something minor and simple like the Pandorica.
>inb4 Great Vampire

Why are old Doctor Whos called serials and the new ones are called episodes?

Isn't that backwards?

>Character-wise: Coming to terms with the fact he's female now.

thats fucking retarded. the doctor is human, not a timelord, s/he probably wont care much more than the fact they're still not ginger

The worst part of this whole thing is that these threads are going to get even more cringeworthy.

Yes, let's stop main arcs. Let's have the Doctor and her companion(s) travel around and have adventures in time and space, and then a finale episode where the stakes are really high.
I'm done with Bad Wolf/Saxon/Crack/Am I a good man stuff. Adventures and well-written characters please.

*timelord not a human,

I'm gonna do something. Whenever the sex change or the Doctor's sex is alluded to, I ll be done with the episode.
At the end of the series, I'll count how many actual minutes I've saved (#missy)

>he doesn't want to imagine atwells tongue lovingly caressing jodies nipples
u gay son?

>tfw thought that /who/ would be nothing but whining manchildren crying that the show is ruined
>tfw it's the complete opposite

>assuming xe's female

Wow. That's pretty sexist.

How so? Classic Who had serials, 30-minute episodes for 4-7 weeks straight telling one story. NuWho has episodes, the story is contained in a single episode, or sometimes a two-parter.

Eh, I'm not asking for anything too dramatic, but it needs to be adressed. At least for the first time he's a female, there's gotta be some small distress over it, he can't just accept it willy nilly.
It can be played for laughs or a bit serious or both, but I just feel it would be better with it.

If that's coming down to term with being female, I'll burn every single DW merchandise I own, never buying any again
That would be total cancer

You can make actually good plot arcs
Doctor who ones are shit though

>adventures in Doctor fucking Who feel like filler
>meanwhile the best NuWho episodes are the isolated stories

Hell, /who/ seemed down on it but I really liked Empress of Mars. It was a cool idea, set on another planet, had one-off characters who actually died for real, and monsters who were killing them.

Gatiss for showrunner.

Yeah i agree with that, i just dont think it should be a character arc anymore than 12 being older was.

You should've seen the state of /who/ yesterday. But most of the Sup Forums fags and other visitors have gone now. And the regulars on here who were disappointed or even angry at first have calmed down and seen sense.

A female Doctor Who is bad because.............???

making bacon and eggs lads

Here I am

But tumblr invaded us and actual /who/vians are gone

I'm boycotting!

When the writer went out of his way to chose a woman and the woman playing the Doctor is a self-confessed feminist, you know shit's about to fall apart.

she won't be getting railed by aliens every episode

i want to see a 2 foot long cyberman probe all the way inside her

Fair enough, make it something that's solved in Jodie's first episode.
The rest is just wacky "male trapped in female body" hijinks

Tbh that was last season, there was no overarching plot connecting everything and Bill while she was important in the Monk trilogy wasn't some big mystery to be solved at the end of the season. And there was no big bad controlling everything from behind the scenes.

do you like the 13th doctor?
let's settle this

I generally call them stories but Wikipedia calls them "serials", divided into "episodes". Whereas the new ones are just "episodes", even if they're two-parters.

The serials don't link together as the new episodes do (just look at all the awful people who skip stories, especially reconstructions/animations). So they're not like old film serials in that regard.

The master didn't even realize he was a woman.

Of course Chinballs won't be able to resist shoving his SJW garbage down everyone's throats.

I liked the idea of the Doctor not even noticing until halfway the first episode where she walks past a mirror. I'd prefer it to be played for laughs and I think that's what they'll do. Not a whole "I'm a woman now and all my views have changed", more of a "Well...this is new...Anyway, I'm the Doctor, and you are?"

They could just have him play meta crisis doctor.

They are serials cause it means multiple or something, a serial killer has multiple victims, there are multiple episodes making up one story.

Jodie Whittaker is a feminist.

We're fucking doomed.

Stop assuming xis gender shitlord.

>I liked the idea of the Doctor not even noticing until halfway the first episode where she walks past a mirror

It's going to be either this or full-on surprise breasts fondling after regeneration body check.
It depends on how crazy Chib is feeling

I wish 13 start having regrets, find ways to go back to make things right with companions (Donna memory, pond separated from family...)
And 13 bangs with : Amy, Donna, Rose, Clara, Martha

Im already having that kind of wet dreams

We all want to talk about how much we want to fuck the Doctor rather than bitch about the fact she's female

Her attractiveness placated the general, if she was pic related we would be in chaos

What woman wouldn't call herself a feminist? Of course she wants equal rights, pay and respect. The word "feminism" has been poisoned by certain people taking it too far and becoming man-hating while still calling themselves feminists. There's nothing wrong with feminism, if you do the same job, you get the same amount of money. Sounds normal to me. There should be a new term for those "feminists" who just go out and hate men and call them all pigs and rapists for no reason.

That's how they're called

I suppose so, but "serial" has a specific meaning in film. They'd end with Flash Gordon about to fall off a cliff and you have to watch the next serial to find out what happens.

The way it's used in Classic Who they should be "episodes" (with individual "parts" or something), and the NEW ones should be "serials" (since there's always some Bad Wolf/Missy/Hybrid bollocks).

Can we please have an episode where she has an unexplained pregancy and has to find the father?

Scaroth reporting in.

this. there has literally never been anything wrong with being a feminist. it's the third wave "kill all men" feminists who are the problem.

I don't care about a female doctor okay but this casting seems weird. She just plays house wife characters in everything she's in. No eccentricity. Now Tilda Swinton however, she could gave nailed the role.

Hey /who/, has anyone shooped whittaker onto capaldis head for series 10 costume so we can get an idea of what she'll look like post-regen?

That said, there was a large focus on the Vault for the first half, and Missy in the latter half. The Vault stuff wasn't so bad (allbeit unsatisfying), since it gave the Doctor a reason to be spending time on earth at the university, which contributed to a lot of good bits of exposition and development with Bill.
But the Missy stuff wasn't great, even though I love Michelle Gomez - It really cut into a number of episodes and didn't add anything to them, and just makes the episode that you're watching feel insignificant, and treats the forthcoming finale with much more importance than the episode you're watching. Extremis is incredibly undermined by it, and Empress of Mars and Eaters of Light aren't a whole lot better.

The issue with Doctor Who's series arcs is that they aren't really series arcs. They're not stories that link the episodes and tie things together, nor do they add to any of the individual episodes. They're just teasers for the finale, but several weeks in advance, and they come at the cost of screentime that would ultimately make the individual episodes better if they had it. I think an important ideology for the showrunners would be to treat the current episode as "the most important episode" and make each week feel special - rather than undermine them with hints at what's to come for the sake of making the finale feel that much more special. If they can do a series arc that balances that, then that's great, and if Chibnall achieves that, I'll applaud him. But right now, I'm burned out on them and would rather they just go.

It definitely needs to be addressed in my opinion. Recent series have been hinting that cross-gender regenerations happen often, but the most notable time lord has had 13 straight male incarnations. So his case was definitely not just random.

Honestly they can just Dr. Who it and make up some new continuity on the spot. I'd go with "this new cycle of regenerations must be calibrated differently" (in reference to the new ones granted in Time of the Doctor). But I would definitely like to see it addressed.

sorry, im pro jodie but thats wrong.

feminism is aiming for equality on the basis of empowering women, as in, equality can only be achieved by continuilly furthering the cause of women and women alone.

But seriously how come here no1 is bothered by female Doctor ?

Dont you see it's 100% agenda being pushed ?

Do you think "random" is a decent explanation for the Doctor regenerating in a female after 13 males ?

Do you think that's really about female and not about being transgender ? Cuz if I were to be killed and regenerate into a female. I would find myself transgendered. That's still the same character
It's absolutely the same thing as female James Bond except it is explained by Space magic

>casting a "weird" actor

Might as well go with Stephen Fry or Sue Perkins.

The classic era one's were literally serials full of cliff hangers.

Modern ones are episodes because they rarely have any continuity between them. They may have bits for an overarching plot for a series, but they are mostly self contained.

what the fuck is that thing

>But seriously how come here no1 is bothered by female Doctor ?

because its a tv show about an alien that changes into an entirely different person every once in a while

So why are you kicking up a stink now and not back when Missy happened?

>The classic era one's were literally serials full of cliff hangers.

In individual episodes, rarely from one serial to the next, which is what I'm getting at.

CAN you read what I ve written after that ?

Truth has been spoken

>Dont you see it's 100% agenda being pushed ?

What agenda? Why now?

Will Chibnall make Who kino?

of course, but my response literally doesn't change

its a fucking tv show about a shape changing alien

Your point is fucking irrelevant because I have
You assume something wrong on me

>Dont you see it's 100% agenda being pushed ?
It's not really. It's maybe 5% agenda. Tops.

>Do you think "random" is a decent explanation for the Doctor regenerating in a female after 13 males?

>Do you think that's really about female and not about being transgender ? Cuz if I were to be killed and regenerate into a female. I would find myself transgendered.
le most civilized civilization in the universe, billions of years beyond gender obsession

>It's absolutely the same thing as female James Bond except it is explained by Space magic
Kinda but James Bond can only have one personality and appearence type, Doctor Who changes that shit constantly.

Now that the 13th Doctor has been officially unveiled, what kind of Doctor do you think she'll be? Which Doctor do you think will be the closest to her with regard to personality?

Personally I'm hoping that she has the most in common with Six and is a huge egotist because of it. She will technically be the oldest Doctor in history and I feel like having that many miles on your soul is going drastically affect your personality.

And what makes you think Jodie isn't one of the feminazis pretending to be feminists?

Even proper feminism is wrong because it's focusing on womens' issues and ignoring mens' issues.

Real equality is egalitarianism or humanism: focusing on both mens' issues and womens' issues.

Also the wage-gap is a fallacy because it doesn't compare like for like.

As for rights, what rights do men have that women don't?

Well most classic episodes did have cliffhangers and were part of the same story whereas modern episodes at most have a reference to the crack/bad wolf/torchwood, so it seems fitting.

The whole season felt kinda mediocre although at least not bad. I think the Missy plot was executed well though, they teased it over a few episodes but didn't wait till the finale and have generic evil guy has escaped and will destroy Earth instead they showed us the contents of the vault and started developing the whole Master turns good storyline as a sort of b plot so it had time to grow. With a better showrunner I think it could have been an interesting and well done series arc that wasn't generic.


>ywn go on adventures in time and space with your qt3.14 housewife

Lots of egalitarians say they're feminist because they don't know of the toxicity within the movement. Half the feminists I know genuinely think it just means equal rights, as opposed to the cultural Marxism it actually upholds.

Relax user.


Stephen Fry's one of my secret wishes to be the Doctor one day. But his comments about it being a children's show made me dislike him a bit. It's always been a family show. And an actor going in with the mindset of this being aimed strictly at toddlers wouldn't work.

After 3 years of a more darker violent Doctor, I'd like Jodie to be warmer and kinder

The general wonderment of the teaser made me think of the Matt Smith teaser and him all starry-eyed looking at his TARDIS, "Right, what have you got for me this time?"

Overall though, I'm hoping for something like Peter Davison.