Objectively the worst characters ever

*aborts your baby*


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>you're right, you don't understand

He had to fight with every ounce of his being to not ram his fist into her nose. He's expressing a lot of emotion at her and she dismisses him with such arrogance.

What the fuck? s this portrayed in some kind of positive way? Are people supposed to take her side after she literally KILLED HIS FUCKING KID WITHOUT TALKING TO HIM?

She's smiling, smug and dismissive of everything. She comes in and casually talks about aborting it. She is supposed to be the good person here and he is being unreasonable.

for VERY OBVIOUS REASONS I've never seen a single scene out of this show, so I don't know the context here - is she supposed to be in the right? who does the show want us to empathize with here? It's him, right?


She is being totally unreasonable if she thinks casually talking about it and being dismissive is in any way a reasonable way to tell him she killed his child. Especially when she should have CONSULTED HIM FIRST. Jesus Christ.

Basically everyone in Spartacus except Ashur, but ESPECIALLY Naevia 2.

Yeah the way she handles this is inhuman.

The show is made by someone who

>is an admitted and unapologetic child molester
>lied about being raped and smeared some random person for it
>said she wished she knew the joy of having an abortion
>got a dog, refused to train it, then blamed the dog for ruining her relationship before abandoning the dog to a kill shelter

Who do you think is supposed to be sympathetic?

Have you never spoken with a woman?



Would he have had the same reaction if he found out she had taken a morning after pill? Or if she was on birth control? Or if she had an IUD?

It makes me mad that Adam Driver is so good on this show. He acts circles around the rest of the godawful cast of smug, talentless harpies.

It's like if they made Picasso do all his art on a truck-stop bathroom wall with crayons.

Only professionally. I've never had a female friend. They don't seem to like me.

I've never really seen this show, just this clip. But everything else I've seen of him shows that the dude is really too good for star wars

Of course not dumbass. Similarly, he would have been much more upset if she had taken his three-year-old son and drowned him in the bathtub. It's almost like the degree to which one displays anger has some connection to the severity of the transgression against him.

No, because she would not have been pregnant at all if she took the pill

This is honestly a very stupid post.

Out of those three, only the IUD is an abortifacient.

The others work by suppressing ovulation.

And even the IUD only RARELY works by stopping implantation of a fertilized egg (which some might consider "abortion").

Most of its function is spermicidal in nature.

Her body, her choice

How hard is that to understand?

Are you guys memeing or did this board just suddenly become pro-life? It's just a fucking fetus who cares?

I see the hook, but where's the bait?

It's not the fact that she got an abortion, it's that she does so without a care for the father of it

Claire Underwood

I'm just gonna say it here goes but why were women given the right to vote? I just don't get that at all

And why do they have rule over their reproductive rights? Nothing good has come from that

imagine spending months thinking you were about to become a father then your wife decides to end that dream without telling you and doesn't understand why you're upset about it

Men have it harder than women, this is a fact

Women pretend our plight doesn't matter, and are surprised we walk out on them