Doesn't "redpilled" just mean "brainwashed"?

doesn't "redpilled" just mean "brainwashed"?

Any way of thinking can be called brainwashed.

but doesn't deliberately watching tons of videos and telling yourself stuff to convince yourself of a worldview count as literal brainwashing?

you're not constantly exposed to 'redpills', you have to seek them out.

'bluepills' on the other hand are literally everywhere, songs, tv, media, movies, and even educational institutions all promote one way of thinking without outright stating that they are.

Also if you look at the way your average anti-trumper for example acts in debates, it's all ad hominem and emotionally lashing out, they rarely have any reason for their beliefs but they are certain that anyone that disagrees is Hitler.

>the way your average anti-trumper for example acts in debates, it's all ad hominem and emotionally lashing out
naw it's the exact opposite in the real world
most conservatives will start crying or hitting things if you actual try to argue with them because they hate how smug and perfect and always right other people are

Doesn't listening to the MSM and hearing everyone you know parrot their opinions count as brainwashing?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no...

no because i don't and nobody just blindly follows people and doesn't use their own judgement except conservatives

I do not think it is a forced action to intake new information, I would say brainwashing is forcing yourself NOT to take in new information. Brainwashing is being an intellectual pawn for others, NEVER stop considering the other side. I do this all the time, even/especially with my bad memory. I want to preserve beauty, others want satisfaction. It's your choice how to chose to use emotion to decide how aware/what discipline of emotion you wish to work for and eventually embody.

>because they hate how smug and perfect and always right other people are
Apply yourself next time, too obvious.

doesn't "trying to convince yourself that people with opinions you dislike are brainwashed " just mean "intellecual dishonesty"?

oh, this is a bait thread. sage

Every decision I makes is preceded by great magnitudes of time gathering evidence.

Because emotion is the spice of life
time is worth nothing without emotion to fill it

That's why you try to be objective as possible and not seek out information that only confirms your beliefs. If all your sources are coming from infowars tier Web pages, you're being brainwashed

The ""redpill"" is the biggest blue pill there is. Open your eyes, Sup Forums.

Yeah and the German civil wars never happened goyim!


Brainwashing is a specific thing. Being devoted, or even zelous about something is not brainwashed. Look in a fucking dictionary first you pleb.

Red-pilled is the opposite of blue-pilled. The reason the "pill" terminology exists as it does is because it's a play on the move "The Matrix". In the Matrix, Morpheus explains that it is the blue pill which will put him back to sleep into a "false reality". The red pill is what allows Neo to see reality as it truly exists.

So blue pilled is analogous to "believing in a reality you are conditioned to believe in (aka being brainwashed) and red pilled is analogous to "seeing through the false reality constructed by others and rejecting their false reality in favor of reality as it truly is".

Many people often equate the red pill to the far right and the blue pill to the far left, but this is a false equivalency.

adhering to Far right ideologies and far left ideologies (or any ideology) both opens a person up to the possibility of being inadvertently brainwashed, but the definition of "red pilled" is simply "A person who above all else values and seeks an understanding of reality as it truly exists and rejects the false non-factual versions of reality presented to them by others".

So From a definition standpoint- NO.

Redpilled does NOT mean "brainwashed".


also sage once again

What is usually meant by a "red pill" is a piece of information which challenges one's beliefs and causes them to investigate further. Thus being red-pilled simply means that one has formed their own opinion, rather than adopting one.

(Which is why the majority of Sup Forums is actually blue-pilled - they've just accepted ideas that align with their ideologies instead of thinking for themselves.)

Thats called indoctrination but yes sitting in front of a screen where some person has compiled hours of footage would describe indoctrination when not also accounting for motives, and bias of the producer.
Basically, you can watch MSM all day for this effect.
>Since it derives from the multi-news networks (systemic) it can also carry the label brainwashing.
I watch MSNBC and CNN but I disagree with many stances taken by their anchors, pundits, contributors, etc. If your shaking your head at their drivel then your indoctrinated.