What is the best and or most useful language to learn?

What is the best and or most useful language to learn?

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Done. Whats next?

The greatest use of a language is saving a language. The most historically important endangered language right now is Aramaic. The language of Babylon at its height, threatened by I S I S. Therefore that is the most useful one to learn. Better start now because it has 200 spoken dialects.


Why Spanish?

a lot of people use it, easy to learn and sounds nice

I think the order of importance is English>Mandarin>French>Spanish>Arabic IIRC

The rest is completely irrelevant and you shouldn't waste your time on it.

Don't listen to him, I know spanish and it's useless.

Here's a list of meme languages that people tell you to learn but are actually fucking useless.

1. Spanish (ultimate meme tier)
2. Mandarin
4. Portuguese
5. Russian
6. Punjabi
7. Any slavic language
8. French
9. Italian
10. Any african clicky language

Why are these meme languages? Because even though they're spoken by hundreds of millions of people, most of these are useless poor shitskin losers shitting in a hut and pissing in a bucket. Learn a language with a small population base but with a highly developed culture and economy. Anything in North Europe is okay, Korea or Japan is also okay and several others.

Don't fall for the "most spoken language" meme and stay true to your path.

I was considering Japanese, but with their declining birthrate I was worried how much longer they'd be around.

T.self hater

Haven't you grown up from the edgy "I hate my country phase" every 3rd worlder have?

this more or less; all about learning languages that interest you desu. Languages are fun once you get into the thick of them.

>Anything in North Europe is okay
What a fucking waste of time for ugly languages with 0 literature. All of them already speak English.

Actually you should learn a language spoken by a sizeable population or a country of some economic importance but that is seldom studied. Polish, Dutch and Hebrew for example fall under this category.

What do the Polish do that is economically important?

You're not done
>Whats next?
It's either "What's next?" or "What is next?"

Stop thinking in memes. Objectively there isn't a best/most useful language to learn. You need a very specific reason and and that's not even all, for every language you decide to learn you also have to settle on a clear goal for that language: what do you want to use the language for?
Of course, some languages might present more opportunities, but it's still up to you. My advice is: see if you have any general insufficiencies in all areas of your life and seek a language that can provide aid.


11. Japanese.

>Korea, Japan
Ken...those are bigger memes. Learning those is like learning Spanish to be able to understand reggaeton lyrics.


This is a joke right? You do know when globalists push their shrinking scarecrow ( to prop up the Ponzi scan that is pension ) they don't mean coubtries will disappear in a few hundred years. Japan will just have a few million less people. Big deal, it's overpopulated as is.

Singlish, Mehbeh.



My Wife Was Given The Dumbest Chinese Characters Ever Written. House Pet + In-Game Avatar. Morgana, FateD~S./我的妻子給出的最蠢的中國特色寫過。 屋寵物+在遊戲中的化身。 的Morgana,注定〜S. /

Okay, So I'm In Singapore Game's Court.


Winning Move, First Degree Strike.

Mother's Coat Tails Not Fit For Drag.

Resorts to pain, has no moon in her heart and only her name.






>Korea or Japan is also okay
you lost me

French must go above Portuguese

Icelandic is the language of the elder gods
bow down you disgusting insects
it's been going downhill over the last 1000 years

It does sound interesting but what industries are important that come from Iceland? What is the culture like there?


Spanish is for sudaca shitskins, Chinese for subhumans, German for poop fetishists, French for aspiring terrorists and Portuguese for poets.