A 1km wide asteroid is about to hit your country, which of your neighbors would you direct it towards if you were able?

a 1km wide asteroid is about to hit your country, which of your neighbors would you direct it towards if you were able?

How about I direct it on the other side of the pacific so the shockwave doesn't eradicate 90% of life on my side of the planet?

scot land.

scot land

>would you direct
no, we deserve to die

Southeast Russia, of course

Whatever lies in the other side of the planet.
It will still have world wide effects, most likely mass eradication.

scot land


east tone


Ice land

i should say hungary out of spite, but they're actually bros and i think it would the world better if it his turkey or russia. inb4 not neighbours but they're pretty close

>which of your neighbors would you direct it towards if you were able?


The PRC.


as you can see, it's dramatic, but not earth killing


>1000m diameter
>5.28x10^8 volume
>average asteroid 2000kg/m^3
>total mass 1 trillion kg
>average asteroid speed 25km/s
>3.125x10^20 joules of kinetic energy
>74,689 megatons (1500 Tsar Bombas)
It'll kill everyone no matter who it hits

scot land

This 100-200m is a more realistic country size

Whatever is close to one of those islands we stole from Japan

>1km wide asteroid hitting anywhere on Earth

I'd just take some drugs and kill myself.

Russia. They have enough open wide spaces with no people living there

I'd have to say the several thousand kilometer wide one

the USA hasn't ever taken any islands from japan and made them part of the country

>1km wide
doesn't matter, it'd be game over for everyone