Why won't Trump release his? He's the only presidential candidate in history not to. What's he hiding?
Why won't Trump release his? He's the only presidential candidate in history not to. What's he hiding?
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What is she hiding when she deleted the emails?
He's not hiding anything illegal. He is just hiding the fact that he is not really a billionaire.
How many times are we going to have this thread?
How many more times can OP hear the same answer without necking himself?
He is hiding it so he can make a deal.
He is a business man after all.
Because they will cherry pick them & use them against him
It's best not to release them
Because muh 10 billion dollars
>donated nearly 10% of their gross income to charity
Since when do we measure how much of people's GROSS income they donated to charity?
Also how much of that was to the "charity" of the Clinton Foundation?
So why did Clinton release hers? How is this not a double standard?
>So why did Clinton release hers?
Because the media is literally on her side. Every news station on TV, except perhaps Sean Hannity's show.
he's a businessman bot politician
he doesn't want voters to see how little on his income he pays taxes on while hiding the rest off shore
also probably wrote off a ton of random BS
All of it.
No, really, 9% to "The Clinton Family Charity" and 1% to a charity that ran events together with the Clinton Foundation.
How does voluntarily doing something create a double standard?
There is not true. Fox News is basically the republican propaganda channel right now.
It's just that Trump has done things that were so stupid it was unavoidable to talk about them. it's not really the media you see, it's trump genuinely being this bad and stupid
You people won't understand them since most of his assets, payments and donations will be in his corporate records.
The media will misconstrue them.
Maybe Trump doesn't want more lawsuits against him on top of the ones he already has :^)
>Wow, why does this cunt give her charity funds to her charity? What a crook!
Are you actually retarded? That's like asking why I put gas in my car and not someone else's.
The Democratic party is getting hacked so bad that she knew it was only a matter of time
Seems pretty selfish of you
>Why won't Trump release his?
What does it matter at this point?
It's literally nothing.
Or you're making excuses like a little bitch because you know he's full of shit.
Then release it.
>>Wow, why does this cunt give her charity funds to her charity? What a crook!
>implying this hard that's what he implied
el em ayyyy oh
You'd have a point if people weren't calling you a philanthropist for fuelling your own car.
Trump university was a mistake from the get go, he should have started a pay for scripture religion like scientology. With his level of narcissism he would probably have no problem portraying himself as a god/prophet
Trumps whole mystique is he has 50 GORILLION dollars.
In actuality he's probably only a hundred millionaire who does a bunch of shady shit. Like using his companies to rack up a huge amount of debt to pay for his lifestyle. Then companies run out of money and go bankrupt. But he's personally protected. Oh wait he actually did that.
If he releases his tax records it's just proof he's a constant exaggerator of his personal success. He's literally the loud mouthed Chad from high school that is always talking shit about how awesome he is and bullies losers like Sup Forumstards.
The point of releasing them is to show the public you were not involved in illegal tax activities.
trump refuses to release them.
what can it possibly mean, user?
Tell you what, when Clinton releases her medical records, then I'll join you on the bandwagon of, "y wont drumph relees tax returns!?"
Until then, who gives a shit?
Because he pays next to nothing based on a combination of questionable loopholes and perfectly valid rebate programs that are economically sound but don't make sense to the average voter.
There was never a tradition of political figures releasing their medical records to the public, literally no one does that.
[Citation needed]
You guys are missing the point here.
Trump is NOT the only president to not release his tax returns. A tradition that has been around for less than 70 years. Most presidents haven't released them. A good majority.
Why is it considered a GOOD thing to pay a lot of taxes? If rules exist that exempt you from paying tax, you'd have to be an idiot not to use them.
>Be old as fuck
>Not releasing medical record
Unwritten rule of between all politicians?
He's going to BTFO of everybody by releasing it close to election day to make the media and leftists look retarded.
1. I'm atheist.
2. Your post is nonsensical.
because he gains nothing from doing so. it would just give his opponents more talking points, and his supporters clearly don't give a shit
Sup Forums can't bear the fact Trump is just as bad as Hillary
>crooked hillary
Oh the ironing
Why wouldn't Obama release his birth certificate? What was he hiding?
Oh wait.....
>Illegal tax activity
>IRS does nothing
Even if his taxes showed he's the biggest tax cheat in the world, I'd still vote for him.
Even if it shows he doesn't give to charities, he gives to evilities, where people in masks actively steal what little the poor have, I'd still vote for him.
Even if it shows he's actually three Jeb!s in mansuit, I'd still vote for him.
Because HRC
Hillary Clinton is a murderer
Why won't she just come clean about all the murders?
Why does she feel the need to keep killing people?
Why is she so evil?
Is Hillary Clinton in league with Satan?
Did we breach your safe space...
>He actually think Obama is not US born
It's like you WANT trump supporters to keep their stigma of being stupid.
Is it really that difficult to understand the whole story is merely a rumor spread by republicans to try and harm the reputation of their political opponent?
Oh, and Obama did actually release a copy of his birth certificate to the public, pic related.
Do you think for a second that Hillary wouldn't have her goon's eyes on Trump's filings?
If there is any dirt it will be leaked.
That's ridiculous. She co-founded ISIS but to she is Satan is really pushing it.
>Legitimately believing this
Yet again trump supporters demonstrate why they earned the stigma of being stupid
He hasn't released them because his lawyers told him not to you fucking sperg.
And other tax lawyers agree.
The entire thing about his tax returns is just another media spin hit taking a non-problem and pretending like it's a serious problem.
Daily reminder that most of the major US media outlets have financial ties to the Clintons.
Daily reminder that if you vote for her you are literally pic related.
>that flag
>calls Hillary crooked
>won't release his tax returns
Do you understand, nigger?
Trump give his money to his friends.......
Not really Chang, it's nonsensical.
As if Trump is a better alternative, he's just as crooked as the thing he opposes, vote for Johnson instead or something
>muh tax returns
What about the emails?Benghazi? You don't give a shit about American politics.
>What about the emails?Benghazi?
What about the tax returns?
How is it a non-problem? The reason politicians provide tax returns is because it provides them SOME level of credibility. Shows that if their wealthy they at least didnt use it nefariously. Trump CAN'T release his tax returns because as a fucking playboy billionaire it would show hes spent millions on hookers and pyramid schemes and all sorts of other low life shit.
>Muh Shekels
>literally (((you)))
>Because tax returns can be used by foreign agents to blackmail Trump when he's president
There isn't much to argue over entirely fabricated statements that have zero connection with this reality.
Mr. Kike? May I ask as to why you think Hilary is a better candidate?
>Because tax returns can be used by foreign agents to blackmail Trump when he's president
You're fucking retarded. Why does Hillary release hers then? What does Trump have to hide? Do you trust a guy that doesn't even want to release his tax returns?
I really do hope this is the case
Would be nice to see some leftist butthurt
Hillary started the rumors during the 2008 Democratic primary. The relevance is that Obama's release or nonrelease had no effect on his election victory.
The same way tax records for Trump are unimportant.
>He's the only presidential candidate in history not to.
This is what low-information democrats actually believe.
Have HRC release her health reports first.
Threads like this remind me why I've stopped posting on this board
When nothing is happening it's a wash with useless shill threads
How many Obama birth certificate threads do you think Sup Forums had?
Oh wait none of you were posting during that period of time so you wouldn't know
Like for fucks sake look at these responses
It's just all fucking trash
I don't expect any less since we're three months away from election I just don't really get why anyone would even post on this board if they weren't pro Trump
It's a done deal that the vast majority of people here are voting for Trump (or would like to be in the case of the euros)
Honestly you'd be spending your time more wisely on the other boards trying to get all the Sup Forums moderates onto Hillary's or Johnson's or whoever's side
>his lawyers told him not to
You are confused, this is a Hillary board
You don't see my point. Trump's tax returns are of minor consequence if they're leaked to the whole world . It can't be used as a bargaining chip in international relations. Hillary's emails are a fucking goldmine though, seeing that it has a lot of NATIONAL SECURITY INFO. That means pretty much anybody can blackmail her with said emails if they have it on some server somewhere (which isn't impossible). So, considering the tax returns and the emails, the emails are of more importance to me as it has the potential to reveal major holes in Americas national security, you stupid fucking degenerate.
Eat shit you human trash, I hope you get anal cancer
Do you really care? It's a normal thing to do faggot. It's not like he deleted 30 emails.
and I'm Gary Johnson, honest!
30 000 emails*
>every republican presidential candidate since Nixon has released their taxes
>What about the emails?
Already investigated. Said it was careless, but not a crime
Also already investigated. If you remember the report by the bald republican guy, he said she was not to blame and had no personal accountability.
>Trump's tax returns are of minor consequence
How do you know?
The media, worldwide, is shilling so hard for this crook yet she is not leading by landslides.
She already did, including the results of a bunch of Tests. Nothing like McCain's, but pretty standard.
Trump literally released a letter from his doctor that said he's the "healthiest man in America", and had "The best blood test results ever"
>What's he hiding?
how little money he actually has.
Like since he has based so much no how rich and good of a business man he is that his ego wouldn't be able to take the hit of him being exposed as a fraud when it comes to the claims which he has based most of his public persona on
Lol investigated by Loretta Lynch. Even burgers saw the bias in this. It's normal for businessmen to keep their expenses confidential.
>its normal for businessmen to keep their expenses confidential
Not when they're running for President.
Well he's not the president yet
Someone explain to me why this is even important again?
Does the signature say "Tr-*scribble* DOCTOR" over it?
Do you understand what the IRS is? It's not a law enforcement agency, their only job is to collect cheddar.
You're allowed to, for example, sell cocaine to child prostitutes for ISIS and then you can tell the IRS that you've been selling lots of cocaine to child prostitutes for ISIS and that's where all your money comes from, and that way they won't investigate you for not reporting income. They won't arrest you because they don't give a shit, it's not their job, all they care about is your money, HOWEVER, if one day you decide to run for president, then you have to release your tax returns and everyone can see that you've been selling cocaine to child prostitutes for ISIS.
This is what this is about.
Because that's not a good barganing chip. His taxes are being audited so obviously everything there is legal.
Emails that were sent from a private server in secret detailing various stratagems in Libya, Syria and Iraq and other tidbits of national security however, are perfect bargaining materials.
Ad hom. Not an argument
>Said it was careless, but not a crime
Literally the opposite of what they said. They said it was criminal (for anyone else, literally their words) but they weren't pressing charges.
And the question isn't about criminal activity. This produces a pattern. One of which that means she isn't trustworthy to be president since she can't even handle the basic details of her current job as it is. Her (claimed) ignorance about how email servers and confidential documents work for the server problem and her failing health for Benghazi.
and that would make him a liar and a loser - his facade is falling apart. Sad!
Yeah thats why I said running for President. Not being President. Who gives a shit was his returns said he got fucking elected
You don't understand what an audit is. If Trump is actively is auditing his taxes, that already implies that whatever he's doing taxwise is within the bounds of the law.
Trump, like all billionaires, is hiding all sorts of offshore banking and fake charity tax loopholes he uses
Dafuck, isn't the highest tax bracket $39.6%?
You know it to be true.
that's a nice deflection there. scared of actually answering the question?
Ad hom. Not an argument.
Why wont clinton release her speeches? She's the only candidate in history not to. Whats she hiding?
Also, sage