are white german women becoming an endangered species?
Are white german women becoming an endangered species?
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lucy cat is such an amazing whore
>germany will become brown in your lifetime
the women themselves aren't in any danger but the race is
They are just getting a little tanned. Nothing wrong with that.
>America is already brown
We're back up to ~80% once we kick the spics out ahmed.
your move
its not
Funny story
2 years ago I met this bitch at my mate's party
She seems to be a good friend of his sister
Fucked her after two hours of conversation
no you didnt
Did I broke your virgin heart, user ?
We are still 80% white, even if you assume that all 16 million foreign residents are brown.
>Pic related
>German sense of humour
>We're back up to ~80% once we kick the spics out ahmed.
Is this actually true?
>marilyn monroe tatoo
In what way could marilyn monroe be a role model
do people not realise how miserable she was
Did she suck a good dick?
well rape's gonna be an issue
just getting a little IQ drop too
Niggers are 13% of the population, and almost entirely concentrated in certain areas. A lot of states are 90% and up white. Spics are at least 17%, probably much more considering illegals. If all spics were removed the country would be close to 90% white.
le 60%, america isn't white etc is a meme forced by ass blasted eurocucks.
No, it's not. Race classification in America is extremely flawed. You have people like pic-related who are classified as white in the demographic statistics. Then we also have the mongrels with approximately a 5-10% non-white admixture, consequently making look white, who are also classified as white.
If we're talking about the actual white population of the US (i.e. people with 100% white ancestry), then they are an minority. I'd reckon it's in the lower 20s.
>I-It`s just a meme, I swear guyz
This bitch is incredibly skilled
Such a disappointment that I lost her number
Breh, if you add 13% of blacks + 17% of legal spics and X% of illegal spics you will sort of arrive at 60%. Btw which states are the whitest?
Funny story from back when i lived in Germany.
I made my gay cousin dress up as lucy cat (he sorta looks like her) before we went to party.
Anyways we get there and everyones pretty drunk. Some nu male starts hitting on him. Im dying laughing watching this german faggot spill hus spaghetti trying to chat him up. They went home and had sex lol
>she looks almost exactly like this girl I know irl
>They went home and had sex lol
haha got em
North Africans account for less than 0.5% of the US population, they have no impact on the White population proportion. And as far as your claim of "mongrels" goes, virtually no European Americans have any significant African ancestry.
>that ink
>hurr durr
Seriously, are you retarded? He is not Arab. He would not be considered white here, just like a nigger from France would not be automatically classified as white here because he was born in France. It's racial classification, not nationality.
Notice how it's always Germany and Sweden so obsessed with American demographics instead of their own, while Muslims overrun their countries and rape their women.
My point was that yes, what he said is true, if you remove the tacos America would be 80-90% white.
Anyway pic related, America is only not white along the Mexico border and the deep south where niggers were imported in the slave days. The northern most states are 90-95% white/european.
>And as far as your claim of "mongrels" goes, virtually no European Americans have any significant African ancestry.
You think it is only African ancestry that makes you a mongrel? You also have hispanic, middle-eastern, asian, slavic, celtic, mediterranean, balkan, etc. The consensus makes no distinction.
Like I said, most likely in the low 20s.
Tattoos are literal degeneracy.
Who cares
the guy she fucks on cam can't keep his mouth shut
>Seriously, are you retarded? He is not Arab. He would not be considered white here
He could be considered white in the consensus, and that's the problem. The white population of America is way below 60%.
Your country is also overrun with muslims, but also niggers. You have a muslim nigger in the white house for Heaven's sake. And you don't have as big of a rape problem as we do? Are you delusional?
No he wouldn't.
yeah, but if you're right winger what do you care about protecting biodiversity?
>Fucked her after two hours of conversation
Shes a legit hooker doing porn on the side
every fucking girl in the US has a trashy tattoo now-a-days
also, like 53% of babies in the US are non white i believe. will be brazil in 60 years
>No he wouldn't.
Your census says otherwise.
Notice how it`s always American so obsessed with German and Swedish demographics instead of their own, while Niggers overrun their country and rape their women.
And their raping boyfriend who come from their rapenests are getting a little bullet in their heads too.
Yes he would. Your census classifies the MENA region as white
ayy lmao I saw this bitch shopping in some cheapo supermarket and was tempted to walk up and say that I'm a fan and if she could give me the fan special
>Shes a legit hooker doing porn on the side
Everyone literally know this
But are you aware that she has a normal life beside of the camera ?
Its basically a shits fucked here dont be like us thing.
Youre supposed to learn from it
>did i broke
also checked full house
Dude the "95% white states" is a meme - they have no people living there. Trust me I grew up in one of them.
That explains why millennial Americans are such failures; they're mostly poo colored.
>But are you aware that she has a normal life beside of the camera ?
The point is that bragging rights go out of the window when youve hooked up with hooker.
Dont give me the "she has a life besides it" shtick
montana and maine look alright, are these considered to be based states?
Our political class is sadly unable to.
Don`t worry, I am just a dank memer, I think you have a good chance at reversing the trend if you manage to get Trump elected
America is less than 1% Muslim. Compared to your 5% and rapidly growing, despite the American population being over 30x bigger than Sweden.
And as I already posted, niggers are 13% and are pretty much entirely contained in the south east.
>the second most spoken language in america is some language other than english
>"original" peoples of Europe, Middle East and North Africa
He is a sub Saharan African racially, it doesn't matter what his nationality is. It's also say many Asians and blacks have Swedish citizenship? You really believe that when they would be counted as white because they have a Swedish passport? No, it means white ethnic Europeans. I'm so sorry for your mental disability.
>when youve hooked up with hooker
The point is that she did it because of aeshetics and not due to receiving money
There is an intentionally difference
Only dark-green states are good. That's where the scandis and germans live.
Not where i am at. Still a majority. Honestly though, german is decent, british is shit, eastern european is top tier. There are more british here than slavs, so in some of the woman you see that ugly ugly british gene. Really with it was germany/russian based instead of hideous british..
Why do all these refugees not settling in turkey? Its close to their home and same world view..
Uh yes, where the fuck have you been
>America is less than 1% Muslim.
Yet one managed to make it into the white house.
>Compared to your 5% and rapidly growing, despite the American population being over 30x bigger than Sweden.
I fail to see how this is relevant though. We still have more whiter people than you, even if we have more muslims. You get tons of niggers and spics, we don't.
>the second most spoken language in america is some language other than english
Why is it Spanish?
Even if he isn't considered white in the census, middle-eastern people most certainly are, and the mongrels. You're still down in the 20s.
she'd probably fuck anything that moves breh
that's not much of an achievment
Montana is good. Consistently vote red and 90% white. Maine is too liberal for my liking though (as with all the north east).
What's your point? There's a reason they are going there.
Things That Didn't Happen: Part I
2 weeks ago met a based German backpacker girl she is white 26 and repilled as fuck. We travelled up east coast. Fell in love. She flys out next week. Fuck my life
The urban centers in the northern states are what's causing them not to be dark green because they're full of diversity. Leave the urban centers of those states and the average IQ should rise. The southern states however are absolutely fucked up beyond repair, and I'm surprised that Texas managed to achieve 100.
what do you mean with "white german women"? i don't understand
Ok, now your being sensible...kek.
However, Arabs and middle easterners are like 1% of our population, and I hate to tell you this but everyone outside of Sup Forums and Klan members considers Slavs, Spainards and Italians as "white" that could also be said of European censuses as well.
>Minnesota is full of Scandinavians
>Somalians immigrating to it in droves
cmon man even you should find that hilarious
You seemed to have missed the part where this thread was about Germany demographics and wasn't posted by an American.
>and I hate to tell you this but everyone outside of Sup Forums and Klan members considers Slavs, Spainards and Italians as "white" that could also be said of European censuses as well.
Yeah but the difference is that our countries haven't been a cesspool of miscegenation since their inceptions. America has.
I don't find it funny that any non-white group is migrating to white countries/states, no matter the circumstances.
>In what way could marilyn monroe be a role model
If you're a pornstar, maybe
Well, she looks pretty good brah
Better than nothing kek
It really isn't. Our country is highly segregated. The U.K. has a higher percentage of mixed race people (meaning non-European, not the Sup Forums definition) than we do.
Are you by any chance autistic?
>Fuck my life
As someone that has had a similar adventure to you also with a German grill, you're not alone in your feels.
any one have his fb? I wanna scope the rest of his cringe material
German diaspora are pretty much the most fertile diaspora on the planet
(the ones that aren't mixed)
>Our country is highly segregated. The U.K. has a higher percentage of mixed race people (meaning non-European, not the Sup Forums definition) than we do.
And what about balkan, celtic, mediterranean and slavic mongrels?
who cares? most german women have ugly man jaws anyway. all the attractive ones are the russian rape babies.
>The U.K. has a higher percentage of mixed race people than we do
I think this is an impossible statistic to verify; more people in the US would probably just choose the race that they appear to be as opposed to someone in Britain who would without a doubt choose mixed race on the census if they knew for a fact that they had an ancestor who was British due to the stronger ethnostate identity that exists there which is essentially absent here. I'm willing to bet there are many more truly mixed race people in the US simply due to the history of our demographics.
Yeah because they have American tattoos and therefore do what American women do, fuck brown people. When you are under influence of Anglo propaganda you have no culture other than American advertisement.
*an ancestor who was NOT British I meant to say.
Lucy-cat, thank me later.
Spend some time in the degeneracy mode.
These ones are.
What about brown? Latinos are white according to American law.
went to Frankfurt and hannover there last month
saw loads of white german couples walking around holding hands. don't believe the Sup Forums memes, nobody wants to be with some greasy sandmonkey
Absence of blacks is not enough. Absence of cucks, fucking gooks, mestizos, mongrelized whites and jews is a must too.
Like I said, not the Sup Forums definition (Germanic only) of pure white.
It's really isn't. I don't have it on me, but there have been genetic studies on people that classify themselves as white in the US and like less than a percentage had African admixture and those that did have admixture it was an average of like 3% or less. Its the hold over of the one drop rule...thats why so many blacks have admixture of like 15 to 20% white but are considered basically full black in everyone's eyes...including their own. We are a highly segregated society.
Hispanics are fucking this up though cuz you got fucking basically full Indians that will claim they're white.
>Like I said, not the Sup Forums definition (Germanic only) of pure white.
So you just prove my point then? That 60% is extremely exaggerated since it doesn't make this distinction.
There is just one definition of white. Pure bloodline for the last thousand and five hundred years of the European ethnic Genesis.
Americans here keep saying that once they get the beaners out they will be 80% White again. How are you gonna do that? What, you think Trump is gonna do that? Kek