Why do other boards hate us so much?
pic unrelated
Why do other boards hate us so much?
pic unrelated
Because sadly, Sup Forums mostly consists of loud, obnoxious retards who can't make a single argument to back up their view and instead of taking part in calm, rational discussion will just tell each and everyone to get back to whatever shithole they probably didn't even come from. The Redditard refugees and moderators not doing any of their job have only made this worse.
Because Sup Forums is the primary source of reddit migration to the site.
Because said plebbitors become the most over zealous and retarded types here and completely forget that the site was actually up for 12 years prior to them arriving.
And said plebbitors don't realize that even if the rest of Sup Forums still buys into their narrative they still feel the need to shoehorn in political discussions to every other board.
Who cares?
you know why
No boards hate us. Are you retarded. Its the shills trying to blend in to create that atmosphere.
The only ones who do are probably eurofagsfags
No Sup Forums is prime faggeditors newfag
Keep your epic memes and redpills where they belong.
he's not wrong though
That is true, gonna have to agree with you on there.
Dude, Sup Forums is a prime example of reddit, I've seen the majority of people on threads agreeing with Nintendo's censorship and jewery.
except pol memes come from reality and are important.
Because the majority of underage newfags start on Sup Forums and Sup Forums. You faggots are also extremely obnoxious with making every thread political. Big guy here btw.
Actually, Sup Forumstards are to be found on almost every board now
Some boards have more, like Sup Forums. Some boards have less, like Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
And yes there are the remaining cuck leftists that exist on all these boards who hate everything about big ol' mean Sup Forums. But they will come round in time. Resistance is futile.
Ofcourse Sup Forums is rebbit, but Sup Forums has been rebbit for ages and it's not the primary source of immigrants. Way more people have come to Sup Forums from r/the_donald and the like in the last 9 months than have come to the site via Sup Forums.
Funny because its true
>people being retards is funny
Did you somehow manage to turn despair into joy?
>majority of underage newfags
>claim to be from Sup Forums
nice try dude, Sup Forums is trash waifu posting
Because we have the best memes next to Sup Forums's baneposting.
People prefer a beautiful lie over an ugly truth.
Everybody hates a know-it-all.
because they are too thin skinned to handle differing opinions
Because a lot of the other boards are infested with leftists and unironic SJWs.
This becomes apparent when you push them on their complaints. It usually goes like this:
>user makes a post relevant to the thread that happens to mention blacks/jews/sjws
>instantly gets a "go back to Sup Forums"
>replies with "lol are you offended tumblr"
>"no, not at all, i am a real 4channer like yourself, who is jaded and aloof, my problem is that your post is just off-topic"
But the thing is, these "gb2pol" people don't enforce these rules in any other threads.
Nobody complains at a Total War thread that becomes a history discussion. Nobody tells people to go back to /his/. Nobody complains at a Dawn of War thread that becomes a 40k lore discussion. Nobody tells people to go back to /tg/. Nobody complains at a movie thread that becomes a discussion of the soundtrack. Nobody tells people to go back to Sup Forums.
But god help you if you take the wrong stance in a thread about Company of Heroes. Or complain about biased journalism.
It's this hypocrisy that reveals these people. If they were solely concerned with making sure posts are relevant to the board, they would police other threads as well. All irrelevant posts would be called out. As it is, they seem to only have a problem when encountering the irrelevant posts they disagree with.
>way more people come from political subreddits during election season than normally
You don't say you fucking halfwit.
>muh pill
>muh white superiority
we got the point
You do realize everyone already agreed with you, right? Nobody actually thought you were mad conspiracy theorists apart from in the worst depths of Sup Forums. There is no 'differing opinions' to speak of.
Just because you decide you're being persecuted and force your discussions and memes into every board on the site doesn't mean you actually are. See This is the first time we've actually seen it this bad. You can't even compare 2012 Sup Forums with what's happening now.
It doesn't matter how important they seem to you. People don't want to deal with your obnoxious shit when trying to discuss their hobbies.
/new/ sorry
Sup Forums shitposting is more intelligent than Sup Forumss though, my lad.
>Sup Forums is a hivemind that believes everything Sup Forums does
do you honestly believe this?
>generalizing = hivemind
you shit up every other board with your autistic need to get offended over identity politcs almost like some sort of SJW
you may now post that one comic that infers I'm an SJW that you post on every other board constantly when told to fuck off back here
An Australian would know.
What are you doing on this board?
because there are a handful of autists who go around calling things degenerate and spamming happy merchant because they think browsing Sup Forums makes them cool. Sup Forums is by far my main board but i hate seeing it in other boards.
but is that comic wrong?
can saying "anti-x ideology is just as bad as x ideology" be considered as anything other than retarded?
They dont hate "US". Just you.
they don't