How is this so fucking good?

How is this so fucking good?

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>the nipples poster

David Fincher was able to perfect the suspense of the unknown

It was a truly interesting Ted Cruz biopic.

Because it rips of the superior film, made 4 years prior. And yes, Memories of Murder is superior, as it doesn't rely on CGI in every scene. Fincher is a Hollywood director - competent, but a hack.

I still don't see it. It doesn't even make sense because the Zodiac murders weren't sexually motivated.

>as it doesn't rely on CGI in every scene.

CGI done right imo. It was very seamless and I don't know how else they could have recreated the 70s bay area so well.

>as it doesn't rely on CGI in every scene

right because zodiac is transformers. you're a fucking goofball

Greysmith is the zodiac

>lake scene starts playing

Never has a scene caused me to tense up as badly as that one

The crime scene locations are still pretty remote.


my fucking sides at this scene

I wasn't prepared to see someone get BTFO out so hard

gooks did it better

The most boring movie I have ever seen.

Amazing movie, but Zodiac is better in almost every way

I agree with the first part, but not with the second.

Cool, hows it feel to be wrong?

I wouldn't know. You'll have to ask someone else.


No Country for Old Men, when Josh Brolin is in the hotel room and Javier Bardem is right outside the door is better.

The scene in the basement with the guy who wrote the cinema posters is still fucking terrifying. Was there actually someone else in the house?

Because it's 3 hours of jake gyllenhaal shuffling papers.
What more can you want?

Bong Joon-ho, director of Memories of Murder, listed Zodiac as his favorite film of 2007.

no there wasnt

You son of a bitch

A way of complementing himself.

This film's ending is masterful and far greater than Zodiac's for sure. I don't know they decided to lean so heavily on Arthur Leigh Allen.

>It was very seamless
No, the waterfront really didn't age well.
Everything is CGI, even the blood.


its ending is better than Zodiac's but Zodiac is still superior

the most bizzarre thing is that Lee really did look guilty as fuck and every bit the weirdo they portrayed him as, but we know now it almost certainly wasnt him

Which is why I would have liked a more ambiguous ending. They paint the film as "wow we sure almost had him", while in fact they never really were sure of anything.

Not to harp on about Memories of Murder like others in this thread, but that movie captured the feeling much better.

the fact this actually actually happened in rl is so fucked.

so many worse things happen every day

Maybe so but a guy dressing up like an 80s slasher villain and stabbing people at random is terrifying.


This board is a fucking joke, seriously.
>film x is better
film x is superior

You can choose to be a pessimist all you want but I still think we'll get to the bottom of this and settle the whole debate once and for all.