Explain to me, realistically, how can trump still win

explain to me, realistically, how can trump still win

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nobody other than hillary will win this shit was rigged from the start the american citizen vote means nothing

-wikileaks 2 days before the first debates
-the debates
-the "monster vote"
-Far-left Hillary-hate
-More terror attacks
-Media anti-Trump saturation/Distrust in media
-Corruption Corruption Corruption

now you posted drumf making an ugly face he obviously can't xdddDDD #btfo


Traditionally, the American electorate is divided up into three groups. These are Democrats, Republicans and independents. Democrats will vote Democrat 95% of the time, Republicans will vote Republican 95% of the time, independents can vote differently every time. Everyone who votes third party is classified as independents as well. There are slightly more Democrats than Republicans, and independents are a fairly large voting block as well. Between these three groups, Hillary is winning. This is what the polls show, and I believe this to be true.

There is, however, a fourth block of voters. These are the people who simply never vote. This has been dubbed the 'monster vote', and it is a group of approximately 100 million people who just don't care about politics enough to go out and vote. What Trump is doing is appealing to this monster vote.

Pollsters don't just call up random people and ask who they're going to vote for. There is hard science to getting a sample that mirrors the electorate. Since the Monster Voters don't usually vote, they aren't included in the samples that pollsters use. There is a good chance, however, that a lot of them will make their way to the polls for the first time on November 8th 2016.

The evidence of this is in the fact that republican primaries had a larger turnout than ever before. What's more, the open primaries, that don't require you to be registered Republican, did even better. There was a 64% increase in open GOP primary turnout versus only a 19% increase in closed primaries.

Trump only needs a very small portion of the Monster Vote to win, and this voting block, almost by definition, is not included in the polls.

This article explains it quite well.

Trump jebs Hillary in the debates.

There is a reason these people don't care - there has never been a candidate that appeals to them before. It has always been a choice between shit or turds

through the magic of voting.

we just risked 8 years on a cheshire cat nigger

that was us dipping the toe in

now we'll take a full step in, to test the waters

you think in the solitude of the voting booth the concern troll within is going to win out over the rubbernecker troll within?

This is America, Pierre. Trump has pushed too many of our primal internal buttons. We must have an end to the story.

Does he build the wall?

The alternative is a low-energy reunion show with zero beautiful cast members. Not gonna happen

There are many wonderful options:
- Clinton gets hammered in the debates
- low turnout of dem voters
- Clinton becomes vegetable
- Clinton doesn't even make it to election night
- Something really disgusting about Bill sees the light
- Wikileaks releases something big
- Clinton foundation investigation finds something
- major terrorist attack on the US or even the EU (major in the sense that 10 to 100 casualties are not enough anymore to get people's attention.
- major economic downturn/collapse
- Obamacare collapses

realistically, the only way hillary can win is through massive voter fraud and/or assassinating donald trump.

really, barring these two possibilities, the more interesting question is how could Trump lose?

Hillary dying/hospitalized.

Well when he gets 70% of the vote its hard to deny him the position.

Yes but then $hillary will appeal to the niggers in Democratic states and "muh welfare" their votes, which is a 'monster vote' were niggers to be motivated to actually go and vote.

>politics is always shown to be 99% corrupted
>average normalfags don’t care anymore, just so long as their lot in life isn’t affected
>Trump’s got private sector experience, has created jobs and towering wonders; he has shit at stake too if corruption continues to win
>normalfags are growing sick of menchildren demanding free shit
>normalfags may actually be more racially aware of niggers/spics than we’re led on to believe (again, whites flee shitholes 100000000000000000000x more than they move to)

Ben Carson, a brain surgeon, has notoriety, but he’s a Republican politician—which as I’ve mentioned politics is 99% corrupted—normalfags just don’t care that Carson’s actually an accomplished individual. Trump swears no allegiance and we all know it; we all love it. Trump’s using one party to push his own agenda, and the GOP can’t do shit because their Republican pleb voters, which the GOP wholly dependent on, are casting their vote for an outsider. It’s brilliant. Normalfags see the Republican GOP being sloughed and gutted, and realise change’s afoot and fucking embrace it.

He can't win, but it seems like in his imaginary version of reality he does.

Trump: "Hillary can win PA in the elections only if she cheats"

Meanwhile, polls show Hillary dominates PA super hard:

Good point. I am 38 years old and never voted in my life... until this year. I registered as a Republican and voted for Trump in the primaries here in Baltimore City (Maryland).. and there were many other people I met that were first time voters of all ages.

Another thing I noticed here in Baltimore City and especially Baltimore County, is that a lot of the Bernie voters were really Trump supporters but they were registered as a Democrat and could only vote in the Democrat primary, so they just voted "against Hillary".

White men doing the same thing blacks did for Obama by actually showing up to vote.


>he can't not win the primaries
...They said
>Brexit wouldn't happen
...They promised

Go take your shit flag and nose somewhere else.

By having more votes than Hillary.
You're welcome, my record collecting friend.

>Yes but then $hillary will appeal to the niggers in Democratic states and "muh welfare" their votes, which is a 'monster vote' were niggers to be motivated to actually go and vote.
Minorities are already part of the core democratic electorate. There is no way blacks will turn out for Hillary in greater numbers than they did for Obama. The democratic decline is actually also covered in the article I posted. 18% LESS people voted in the democratic primary than in 2008 (there was no 2012 primary). In open primaries, the decline is 29%.

Thanks. You are an example of a monster voter. If the primaries are an indication, there are many, many many more like you.


People stood in the rain and snow to vote for Obama. Nobody will do that for Hillary. Peop,e will just tell their boss they're going to vote and just take a long lunch.

But Trump has is drawing so much excitement to a lot of people. And Trump appeals to the disenfranchised people that would stand in line for three days if they had to.


People always like to point to these then they forget to look at the 2004, 2008, and 2012 Numbers. Democrats are already registered and typically go with the Candidate that will win by default. They are typically lazier. The Primary Turnouts are always low for them. Pay attention to actual General Election Data. Primary Numbers mean jack shit.

That's actually true, thank's for reminding me. I had forgotten Obama was the apex of the black vote's mass turnout. It literally won't get any better for Democratic niggers.

People will stand a long time in the line to vote against trump, user.

he generated enormous amounts of hate against him, all by himself and his stupid mouth.

>expects people to click a cnn article

the article i gave is completely factual, user.

Nobody will stand all day "against" someone.

I want this to be true but I think you underestimate the laziness of Americans when it comes to politics

You are being extremely wrong. people actually care about their country and they want to reduce the chances of a complete retard to become a president as much as they can

CNN has no credibility.

And sometimes a half-truth is even worse than a lie.

CNN are actually pretty credible user. trump genuinely does all the stupid things they say he does, and they provide undeniable evidence for it - footage of him speaking.

Why are you responding to your own posts, jew?

>looks at trump rally turnouts
>looks at Hillary rally turnouts

Thanks for the input you dirty filthy jew rat.

Nah, it's not going to happen. I'm not sure why you think people will stand in line to vote against someone... in America anyway, I don't know how the rest of he world is.... but in America, there's going to be a lot of "long lunches".

They cherry-pick footage about Trump.

And they hide everything bad Hillary does.

They are not credible at all.

Look, Sheckleberg, you're losing control of the electorate. Your propaganda and your many media outlets are having no effect anymore. Hardly anyone believes the media, and even less so because your left-wing monkey goons are detestable, and are detested by everyone, except the media establishment. We see right through it.

I was at work the other week and during lunch break, nobody agreed with the BLM blocking Heathrow, except the tax-funded-TV-license-strong-armed BBC. We despites both the BBC and blm, because we sympathise more with the driver’s and holiday makers who were greatly inconvenienced that day, than those faggots.

>We’re breaking the conditioning

you make a fair point Chaim but I don't think our population is even close to being dominated by the speech-code enforcing sjw's or the frantic howling alarmists we see represented on TV.

The paradox of this entire campaign is that media like CNN, in the course of going wild trying to stop Trump, are lavishing insane amounts of publicity on him while simultaneously making him into an anti-establishment underdog, which I would guess could only further motivate this so-called 'monster vote' to turn out for trump in numbers that could very well overwhelm the motivated anti-trumpers

The CTR Shills



He also needs to stop saying stupid stuff

He can't.

Well, the question is will it be president Clinton, or president Kane. Hill looks ill, can citizen Kane, do the job. Or will Trump.


Damn some didn't prep the bull right

>believing hillary hasnt rigged the elections

shiggity diggity

The mistake with the primaries is that pundits didn't listen to the polls. The polls never lied when it came to Trump. He was leading in the polls in every state he won. People tried to apply "conventional wisdom" to say the polls would change any day now, but in the end, they didn't. The polls accurately predicted Trump's primary win and the pundits like Nate Silver were left feeling like idiots because it was right in front of them the whole time.

So if the polls were dead on about Trump in the primary, why wouldn't they be in the general?

The polls weren't dead on about Trump in the primaries. He overperformed in open primaries, and underperformed in closed primaries.


It's going to be hard. You just know the media is going to spam "DRUMPF BTFO" 24/7 after the first debate even if Hillary has to be wheeled off the stage due to multiple stress induced seizures. And people would believe it.

You niggers need to understand that once you start resorting to conjectures shits going bad.
>muh monster vote
>muh unskew the polls
>muh wait for the debates
>muh it's all part of Trump's plan
I'm always sceptical of these feel good speculations.
Understand this murrifats. If Clinton wins there will never ever be republican president.
There will be tidal waves of illegals, amnesty, gib me dats. Some states will even flip. The electorate is tilted against you already
You're absolutely fucked.
It doesn't event matter if you agree with trump. Every white person should vote him or its the definite beginning of the end.

Actually you're both wrong, especially the CNN loving Jew rat.

Monster voter reporting in. I registered to vote years ago but never bothered because both Obama and the other candidates seemed like shit. I blame myself for not voting against him, but even more so, I absolutely despise Hillary and all she stands for.

Will be standing out in the rain and snow voting against Hillary to clear my conscience and do my part to stop her from ruining the country with her corruption and control of the media.