Why does the AfD not exceed 25% already?

I am sorry, but in Austria the FPÖ has 35%. How come the AfD only gets 19% in polls in MV?

86% of Germans think the migrant crisis is one of the most prominent thing to solve right now. 84% fear Islamic terror attacks.

How come there are still people voting for CDU, for SPD and for the Green party shills?

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All the people who voiced their opinion on the subject have been taken to prison. They cannot vote.

The problem is that AfD are absolute morons. I would like to have a real conservative opposition, but I don't think I would like people like Beatrix von Storch have anything to say in this country ever. Like holy fuck she must have an iq of 60 or something.

We need a party like the AfD. But the AfD is absolute garbage

>We need a party like the AfD. But the AfD is absolute garbage

Quite honestly, we just need the old CDU back. Merkel has ruined shit in Germany, just ax her and get someone who knows his shit in power. Just get rid of all the Merkel followers in the party like van der Leyen and De Maiziere.

Get people in power with ethnic German names and conservative values.

Because Germans are cuckroaches

They cant stop thinking about big cocks.

My sissy german boyfriend loves getting pounded by my superior Iberian cock.

old people.

>Because Germans are cuckroaches
You have as many refugees per capita as we, Swissmate.

You get 2,000 to 3,000 refugees per month, we get 15,000 to 20,000. Only that we have more than 10 times more people in Germany.

Your migrants also get a shitton more gibmees than in Germany.

>My sissy german boyfriend loves getting pounded by my superior Iberian cock.
Congrats that you are in a loving relationship.

Could a Krautbro give us a quick rundown of each party?

center-left, center right (merkel), memeparty, lefties, greens, irrelevants

Our right wing party is on 33%, Germancuck

>I am sorry, but in Austria the FPÖ has 35%. How come the AfD only gets 19% in polls in MV?
Austrian on vacation here, because unlike the FPÖ the AfD is chronically incapable of having fresh ideas, a clean image or a reputation beyond 'that anti-immigrant party'.

Basically this. They're useful idiots with the emphasis on 'idiot'.

Sweden Democrats have a similar problem. Of the right wing opposition parties in Europe only UKIP, FPÖ and France National are even remotely legitimate.


>Our right wing party is on 33%, Germancuck
And yet she doesn't do anything. Why?

well they have minarets banned, thats better than european average :^)

PVV is leading by far in the netherland.

PVV, UKIP, FN, FPÖ and maybe Golden dawn

They are out the eu and have voted to restrict immigration.

What more could they do?

This is just a meme spread by the media, youre just a media cuck. 15 years ago everything the AfD says now would have been considered normal.

Doesnt the AFD leader teach chemistry?

its simple there are not enough elections since the antifa got caught trying to rig a election. 1 since the failed attempt.

the german election cycle drags out for years to replace many positions across germany. its meant to prevent sudden change in political alignment. in america 1 mid term can shift the legislative branch to one side or the other. takes like 5 years in germany

Bradley Effect I presume.

Jimmie does better in actual elections than polls.

I presume people don't like to say they're voting AfD in case it's the Antifa calling.

>right wing

>They are out the eu and have voted to restrict immigration.
Sure thing, but they vote 2 years ago and the migration keeps on coming. And they comply with all EU laws.

>What more could they do?
Stop of the free movement of workers from EU countrys.

because they get money from bureaucracy and govt contracts. One polish commentator says Germany is run by 800 people

Because it's 2016 lmao
>TFW Poland will get far-right party sooner than Germany and our rapefugee count is close to 0

They just voted in a referendum to do that.

Ticino, another place in Switzerland, has voted to ban the burqa.

They refuse citizenship to people not behaving properly.

But I thought a far-right party already won the last election in Poland?

Because people are brainwashed.
It's the same here in Norway. There's massive resistance to immigration. Even polls taken a decade ago show that a little over half of the population want to permanently end immigration. Today, the anti-immigration sentiments are even stronger, but still our anti-immigration party hovers around 15%.
People completely agree with their views, but because of 30 years of slander in the media, they simply dismiss them as racist.

Despite this, though, our anti-immigration party is part of a coalition government, and they've done a lot of good for the country over the past year or so.


also polls are biased

remeber last elections?

>durr hurr only 8%

>implying uncucked

I have no idea what he meant but our current government isn't hardcore far right, they're relatively normal natoinal conservative party with "far right" label given by the leftists. UKIP, Wilders or Le Pen sound more far right to me than our government.

That's what media would want you but it's bullshit. They're moderate right-wingers at best but I'd call them centrists.
Literally christian democrat who didn't abandon christian principles. Yet.
The closest thing we have to far-right is Kukiz'15 but they're meme tier.

>be Germancuck
>have to work after being retired to feed refugees
>daughter gets raped and is taken for Ahmed's harem
>get arrested for thinking bad about tanned Germans
>house gets ousted; the new Germans are here now
>"b-b-b-but the others..."

AfD with their scandals lacks the confidence of some of the established parties have and I'm pretty sure their close ties with the Kremlin is off putting to a lot of people.

Not to mention their policy on Muslims is light years away from what can be done realistically without throwing the constitution in the bin.

>AfD with their scandals
What scandals?

>I'm pretty sure their close ties with the Kremlin is off putting to a lot of people.
Why? Why should we not be friends with Russia?

>their policy on Muslims is light years away from what can be done realistically
What part of their "policy on Muslims" is light years away?

>pensioners looking out for themselves
>left won't vote AfD because they're corporate benders
>right won't vote AfD because they're corporate benders

>tfw only right winged party get 4.76%

t. German Media cuckold

>What scandals?
Antisemitsim (Oy vey), Gauland spectacle, etc.
The entire shit the media flips out on. We're all taught that AfD is a Nazi-Party while they're kinda a fucking Yiannopolous-Knockoff

> LINKE 19%
> GRUNE 6%
>Merkel 23%
>SPD most popular party


holy fuck you are so cucked. You are officially worse than Sweden

This is you

Fuck off

Don't be so delusional and think that voting and better conservative parties would change anything. They would continue the slow cultural and ethnic decline, just a bit slower.

We need civil war. I hoped the flood gates to stay open a bit longer but the balkan route closed.

apparently they caught him:


>afd 19

what?! last time I checked they bareerly went above 10%. fuck guys you can be nat soc if you want, just don't attack polan this time please, k?

Looks like Germany is infested with something worse than the new rapefugees... libtards.

This. Lucke AFD was legit, But the powers abolished him into nothingness. Now it is the same old trick, just fill a conservative leaning party full of retarted Ossis to make them unvotable.

It is not necessarily what they say but how they present it and how they present themselves. It is sad, but the AFD has been infiltrated by dumb Ossis niggers.

BTW, not saying all Ossis are like that, but the ones that are, are AFD members now

Furthermore, germans really are cucks. They are terrified of saying something 'racist' and defending their opinion. If the media and the government says A is B, then the german will accept that.

Wait a sec...
Isn't their leader an anti white jew?

It's true though. I wish we had something like FN in this country. AfD is garbage, I'll still vote for them, but they're morons.

>What scandals?
Most of the shit they say that gets reported on by big media outlets is scandalous.

>Why? Why should we not be friends with Russia?
Their approach at better relation with Russia is retarded and all it would do is make us too dependant on the Kremlin. Basically the same relation we have with the US right now but instead of sucking Washington's cock we would be swallowing Putin's seeds.

>What part of their "policy on Muslims" is light years away?
Wanting to ban mosques is one.

it's only 1 shit tier eastern state

This 19% is just for north-easter state, not all of germany. The last state that had a projected 19% AfD received 25% in reality. It is possible that the AfD will be the strongest party in that state.

Also up next are election in Berlin. There is also the possibilty that they will be strongest party, possibly second though.

Don't worry, their numbers are going to flatten out.

>AfD is garbage, I'll still vote for them, but they're morons.

As long as you're voting for them, good.

I suppose I am guilty of your attitude too because I didn't vote for UKIP in the last election. But they have the same problem - a lot of retards. David Cameron once called them "loonies, fruit cakes and closet racists" I believe.

But I did vote for Brexit, and now I would probably vote for UKIP - at least, I will if the Tories don't do anything about immigration now that Brexit has been voted for

Read what I said above - yes some of these anti-immigration parties might not be perfect, but it's about sending a message, it's about changing the agenda of your country's politics. It's about making them realise that mass immigration won't be tolerated by the population

Jesus Christ, so much uninformed bullshit, how can you even walk on your own. Get out of this country, roach.

You need some more terror attacks

In Germany terror is traditionally state sponsored, so that chance is low.
>Celler Loch

Hear hear

Meaning that it does not conform with your opinion, huh.

I am pretty sure, AFD will be nothing more than controlled opposition by 2017. Germany is corrupt as fuck. If a Party can get more than 5% of the votes, it means that it does not endanger the political agenda.

Furthermore, AFD would have to get over 55% to be the governing party, because no one will even consider forming a coalition with them. Quite unrealistic, considering germany's cucked status.

Real change cannot be voted. Not in germany at least.

Schwarze Ros' in meinem Garten

>If a Party can get more than 5% of the votes, it means that it does not endanger the political agenda.
And yet AFD are polling at 20%. Go figure

>Furthermore, AFD would have to get over 55% to be the governing party, because no one will even consider forming a coalition with them. Quite unrealistic, considering germany's cucked status.
It doesn't matter if they're not the ruling party. They're collecting seats in the regions, and they'll almost certainly get seats in the Bundestag. You're not getting my point - any political pressure is good.

UKIP basically managed to secure a referendum while having only ONE seat in parliament, out of 650 MPs.

You CAN vote for change, and it's happening ACROSS EUROPE. Stop being such a bloody defeatist and get on board.

CDU CSU = former conservatives, now center left
SPD = former left center, now LINKE light
Grüne= captain planet party very left wing
linke= communist party, marx was a pretty cool guy.
NPD = Heil Hitler party
FDP = Liberals, conservatives. The media demonised them a few years back so no one likes them now.
AFD = the only conservative Party left in germany, founded a few years ago, so the media demonises them now as far right extremist party.

At least there would be an opposition. The current size of the opposition is tragic.

>the only conservative Party left in germany, founded a few years ago, so the media demonises them now as far right extremist party.

It is funny isn't it, how traditional conservative positions like being anti-immigration are being called "far right" by the crazy, deluded, leftist middle class

to offer a different view
CDU - conservative party, former center-right, now center
SPD - social democrats, former center-left. trying to be center; desparate for any vote
Grüne - former left, nof feelgood conservative party for former lefties
FDP - economically liberal, no further agenda but nepotism for their clientel (doctors, architects, lawyers, pharmacists)
AfD - meme party
NPD - demonized nazi party
Linke - leftist

forgot to add that all but the NPD and Linke are neoliberal pro-NATO cunts

They won't be in power any time soon, just give them a few parliament seats and allow them to grow. Over the time they will be able to get rid of morons

How come NPD is just racist green party?
Why didn't there exist an actual sort of right-wing populist party before AfD?

>The media demonised them a few years back so no one likes them now.
FDP is the top cuckold Party.

2013: thrown out of the parliament
2016: coalition with SPD and GRÜNE

>importing millions of niggers and muslims and wishing for the extermination of whites is "center" in Germany

Holy fuck, nuke Goymany already.

As always. The left is far more inclined to hyperbole than the right.

But this will be their demise. You cant call everyone a racist or sexist or nazi without changing the meaning. In a few years people will start to think that everyone who is called a nazi is just a conservative.

Because CDU/CSU were right wing parties back in the days

Can an apfelstrudel green txt me want party alliances could be used to form a government?

Germany is cucked to the core

Anything to reach 50.1%

>Why does the AfD not exceed 25% already?

the "center" means 80% of the spectrum is covered by these parties.
CDU/SPD/FDP/Grüne always get 80+% of the votes so nothing ever changes. All have been in power before and all make the exact same politics. Pro-NATO, bending over for US interests and corporations.
Voting in Germany doesn't change anything

>It is funny isn't it
wew lad

Of course all of this is instead of becoming a powerful country in your own right that doesn't suck russian or American cock. I hope we pull out of NATO - our cock is weary of this weak suckling

>pro gun
> pro individual freedom
> pro liberty of speech
> cuck party

I aint think so. Remember they had 18% in the Bundestag once and stopped the surveillance plans, the gun grabing and the violent video games ban of the CSU CDU.

I hope NDP gets elected and gas all Turkish diaspora.

Also, what about the Pirateparty? Do these hyper cucks still have horsefucker safe spaces in the parliament floor?

Because the CDU decided there can be no alternative to their right side. And since there wasnt any, they develeoped towards the center, meanwhile fucking up the SPD who did the same, moving towards the center. Which in turn led to the Greens happeneing and later the Linke happening. Left and Green party should be part of the SPD really and force them to work for their core clientel, the workers

one hit wonder. Won a few seats here and there and vanished again.

What Afd needs is a strong leader that will establish the party line and kick all the retards and agitators who are always attracted to political parties.

You can critize Marine Le Pen, but she at least managed to do that.

the berlin branch of the piratenpartei basically killed the party on a national level.

they are and probably always were a meme party if anything.

...why so suleimad?


SDP (24%)
Linke (19%)
Green (6%)

total 49%


CDU (23%)
FDP (3%)

total 26%


AfD (19%)
NDP (3%)

total 22%

Aside the missing 3%, the only way the left can be beaten is if right and centre come together. And a prerequsite for this will be dropping nationalism.


Its dead jim.

But that doesn't look like its happening, so don't they form a coalition?

>Changing nothing about 50% taxation
>11% working for the state
>Dude, more free shit

In Austria women don't lust after brown rapey cock and also vote right wing. This makes a huge difference.

Afd isn't nationalistic

Sounds about right. Sheeeet.

But then Rösler, Brüderle and Lindner came. Westerwelle is literally dead.

I would say both are just as capable of hyperbole when you get to the extremes.

>But this will be their demise.
I hope so. I am sure that a lot of leftist / globalist attitudes are still going to remain strong because a lot of peoples' livelihoods depend on it. But the conservative reaction is real and I definitely think it's going to make a difference

We've been over this Hans, who gives a fuck, give them all your support and stop thinking about clunge for once in your life

(That means girls)

I only thought of that after I posted it

They pretty much destroyed themselves because their president was an utter faggot and the party wouldn't stop fighting among themselves. They did this publically, because "everything should be democratic and public". They also thought social media would bring a new age of democracy. But instead they used those social media for internal shitstorms and fighting.

>wage dumping
>trying to curb worker rights at every chance
>importing bazillions of fugees to start even more competition amongst the poorest
>dumbing down the school systems
>partaking in US wars
They try to look like social democrats. They're just taking it slowly like raising tobacco tax. Stay addicted and pay more

How the fuck can anyone seriously vote for a party that call themselves "pirates"?

Change the name and more poeple will vote for you.