Ok guys who do we REALLY want to be the President. Nobody supports Trump anymore judging by the polls

Ok guys who do we REALLY want to be the President. Nobody supports Trump anymore judging by the polls.

Is Cruz still a thing?... Johnson maybe?


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funny, it's a little early in the morning for shills to be online.. you must have no life at all..

I'm voting Clinton. Was a Cruz guy until Trump became the nominee then he just kept stuffing up and the polls numbers showed one thing.

America does not want Trump.


Trump or Die. Check your flag, fuckboy.

Totally agree. This looks like a Clinton board now. The Trump voters are in the minority. Maybe they should get deported! haha

There is no WE on Sup Forums

Yet you're online too, faggot

wow wtf i hate trump now

It's just us talking to ourselves?

There is no WE anyone on Sup Forums


No need to post about it anymore I think. Trump cheated on his wive(s), wants to bang his own daughter, ALL his business failures, Trump University, trump ice, his casino failures etc. The man's a joke.

>Shills have went full autism, not even trying to subtle.
I can't wait for all the salt once Hillary gets BTFO

Nope. Trump's ahead. Polls intentionally skewed the data and oversampled Democrats. Bunch of loser cucks get taken in by this and run crying to their mothers because they have no balls.

This is why we took your party from you. You're weak, you don't deserve to be represented.

Trump is losing... badly.

Sorry mate but America has spoken, and they said;

We don't want Trump!

yah, but I'm not a shill -- I'm Sup Forums I belong here -- you on the other hand get up early on a Saturday to bother people who think differently then you in the internet.. who's the faggot?

>Trumpets being this butthurt

Keep your head in the sand while your board becomes filled with 'shills' or whatever. You're just on the wrong side on things, sorry.

>-I'm Sup Forums I belong here

Idk if it's shitposting or shilling at this point

Sup Forums is with her now.

We're with her because believe the world needs a defender of liberal democracy and human rights and that the US is still in an exceptional position to be that champion in the 21st century. Hillary Clinton's smart power approach to IR and her strong attitude towards protecting the post-WW2 liberal international order will make sure that America will maintain favorable diplomatic relations with traditional allies and be tough on its foes that seek to undermine US strength and leadership.

We are supportive of both intranational and international free trade and open markets, we believe in a regulated but strong financial sector that helps to stimulate growth but reigns in on the excesses of greed on Wall Street. We believe Hillary Clinton's plan to overhaul US infrastructure will create millions of good jobs for US workers and bring about the long overdue modernization of American infrastructure that will guarantee competitiveness in the 21st century. We are not mindlessly opposed to big business or globalization but instead recognize the benefits that global capitalism has brought the world in terms of generating peace and propserity for a large number of nations.

Lastly, we can not accept a Donald Trump presidency, a person who has proven himself over and over again to be a utterly ill-informed and braggadocious carnival barker with zero intellectual curiosity and no indepth understanding of history, politics and governmental policies or even the US system of government. This is a person who bases his opinions about events and policy on what he happens to see on TV, he even said he gets his ideas from "watching the shows", not policy papers from respected think tanks or consulting with expert advisors or reading books written by academics who have studied the topics they write about for years and decades. Nope, just TV. That's all he needs. Well, it's not what the world needs.

>believing in polls

I give fuck all what the world needs.
Trump is for America.

>getting upset because more people support Clinton than Trump


It isnt important that who is being supported by a Vietnamese cooking board. Americans are supporting Hillary Clinton. You arent against HRC, you are against madam president. But Americans alredy made their decision.

Only a mental midget would buy into polls. Polls said Brexit was going to fail as well.

Trips of truth. America doesn't want trump.



Do you have a minute to talk about the Lord?

But user

America is a part of the world, in the interconnected global economy where trade is happening across the globe, America's health and economic well-being depends on its relationships with the outside world. Hermit Kingdoms like Bhutan or the DPRK don't fare well

God Bless.


You need america
>Reason they are doing badly is because american sanctions, Pushed by EU.

Say it.

All hail the new Queen of Sup Forums! May she reign for a full 8 years on her Kek-given throne! HILLARY HILLARY HILLARY

>You really think a woman will have any power in a caliphate under sharia law?

Not Trump. Clinton's a scuzzball who's probably going to start a war with Russia, but at least the government will remain functional with her as President.

tippy toppest of keks

We're going to continue that tradition under Trump, except were going to make better deals. Tremendous deals. The best motherfucking deals that don't cuck us over.


She was a great Secretary of State. She should be exception. There is no one who qualified to this job except her.

Only fraidy-cat repubs believe this is going to happen. As a true capitalist, I also believe in the free market of ideas so I have faith that the American people will continue to progress and will never fully embrace extremist views of any kind. Love trumps hate, friendo. #I'mWithHer.

what job are you giving her?

>tfw I made this post bc I'm bored and now I wanna delete it but I can't

This pic, holy fuck my sides

explain the joke

im missin somethin here

It's a kangaroo, what the fuck do you think?