ITT: Films Millennials will never understand


I was born in 1982 and technically counted as a millennial. I'm probably quite a bit older than you, OP.

>shitty 80s movie with no gender diversity
get your shit taste off my board, dusty old bones, full of green dust

wtf? No millennials are anyone born in the year 2000 or after.

Why wouldn't?

That would be Gen-Z you dimwit.

There are human males, human females, robot males and robot females

And that guy from Deadwood


A millennial is someone who came of age at the turn of the millennium, so someone born between like 1980-1990. I was born in 1986 and love Blade Runner.

Oh, Gen-Z. Like a new generation.

Thanks, I needed that.

People keep using millennial like an insult when in fact unless you are over 35 than you are also millennial.
I seriously doubt someone here is over 35.

I am Gen-Z and I love Blade Runner. And so do most of my friends

What you're going to do about that, faggot?

>People keep using millennial like an insult
As a Gen Xer, your entire generation deserved to be drowned at birth.

That poster is worse than the knife jogging one.

35+ is definitely an extreme outlier on Sup Forums but they do post here.

I'm trying to get mly brother to watch this but he says it's too slow and boring and not engaging. I urged him to watch it before the new one but he is resisting. I personnaly think there's no poiint watching the new one without having seen the classic

My brother is 18,he refuses to watch anything that is not made this or last year.
Flat out says it makes him sick.

Born 1997 and this is one of my personal favorites. Suck my millennial cock

i'm 43 and love BR but the sequel looks like shit storywise



I avoid the trailers, only watched the teaser and the beginning of trailer 1. They show way too much these days, only to attract viewers. I'm already won. Denis Villeneuve is a good director, I think we can trust him. If it was a Ridley Scott film, I would be more worried. The guy lost all his talent


No millennials are people from 1986-1996

wtf? how?

you're not a millennial. 1986-1996.

I know but that's the general conception where I come from.

as i said the story looks like shit, i wish i had avoided the trailers
visually it looks ok but nothing special, also i'm sick of the giant hologram trope

The majority of researchers and demographers start the generation in the early 1980s, with many ending the generation in the mid-1990s.


what is the giant hologram troupe

>The confusion and denial when you find out you're of the group you've been making fun of.

Blade Runner is overrated, sans the visuals which are great.

Age means nothing.


book is superior

Millenials are anyone reaching puberty after year 2000 so 1985-1986

1992 if you live in a muslim country.

what? they're making a sequel now precisely because millennials love it so much

Subtle and underrated.

lol i hope you've been walking around saying this wrong-ass shit to a bunch of people and embarrassing yourself before finally getting corrected by strangers on the internet that don't even like you.

Lie and make him watch some of cinema's masterpieces under the guise that they were only made to "look" vintage. Then when he enjoys them pull the rug from under him and blow his mind with the quality of classic film.

born 1985 am I a millennial?
From what i know, millennial are people who grew up over the millennium. And I was 14-15 over the millennium

Go cut yourself while listening to Nirvana you fucking tool

Couldn't you post this without some shitty contemporary poster art, you undercover millennial

It's people born after 1992, this entire fucking board is Millennial.

1982 i mean, typo

1982 baby here. I was always under the assumption that the term was coined because people born that year graduated high school/turned 18 in 2000.

Not subtle or underrated at all stupid fuck

Blade runner is my favourite movie and I'm 31 so I'm an old millennial.

OP is dead wrong

hey dude its not our fault The Fifth Element rendered Blade Runner irrelevant

This whole thread is confusing me

I was born in 94, what the fuck am i then?

a retard

Tail end of millennial

>That would be Gen-Z you dimwit.
tfw they were making fun of you the whole time and you were too dumb to know


It's not our fault your generation fucked everything up.

>national geographic unironically successfully pitted people from different generations calling each other names and labeling themselves like a cattle

For that I give them props this whole thing started when Generation X was airng.

The cutoff for Millennial is if you were old enough to remember what life was like before 9/11. So probably around like ~1997. After that is Gen Z.