Stronger, faster, more durable than any Earth creature

>Stronger, faster, more durable than any Earth creature
>Mild shapeshifting powers
>Can conjure forcefield bubbles
>Can summon an indestructible shield
>Control over plants
>His saliva is liquid concentrated Crazy Diamond
>He floats
>He can grow spikes from his bubbles
>He can just throw shields around like fucking ninja stars
>He can empathize with every sentient creature via unnatural charisma and bullshit telepathy powers
>He can invade your dreams and possess you
>His pet is a lion who roars sonic waves and portals, and has an infinite purse for a mane
>His GF is an Utena rip-off who is a bookworm AND already a great swordsman
>He can fuse with said GF to form Captain Tumblr

...and what can YOUR superhero do? HUH?

jesus christ, did a 5 year old come up with this character?

>super strength and durability
>limited flight
>trained from infancy for combat

And that's before you get into all the bullshit her wand can do.

Not much.

>super strength and durability
>limited flight
>trained from infancy for combat
I thought you were talking about Steven.

You forgot to mention that he is also insanely smart, it was shown in one of those side comics

Is there a particular explanation for this absurdly high frequency of SU threads lately? I hide about 6 threads in the last half hour.


New episode and tumblr imploding in on itself praising/condemning it

At least her powers are simple to explain: she's a good fighter and has a magic wand.
Steven just keeps getting new powers completely unrelated to each other.

>tumblr imploding in on itself praising/condemning it
I thought Tumblr had nothing but praise for this show.

>Steven just keeps getting new powers completely unrelated to each other.
So does Star

first legit 30 min special, not just 2 parts smashed together like previous ones, tumblr is going crazy because they say the character was black coded, and also mainly just because the episode delivered for the most part

Crewniverse pulled a bait-and-switch hyping up a "new member" of the Crystal Gems in what they were making seem to be a comedic, light episode, only to show that she's a war criminal who ends up trying to kill Steven when he doesn't want to use her tactics, and he ends up "destabilizing" his first Gem.

If by "explain" you mean hinted to then everything Steven can do has been hinted to before being made official.

>they say the character was black coded
But they're rocks

is it really the first time he's put one down himself?

>tumblr going crazy saying she was black coded
>but they're rocks

exactly, that's the funny part, according to tumblr having a black VA is black coding

New episode had a message of non violence and not letting your loss and hatred turn you into what you hate. There are those on tumblr who disagree with this stance either from a practical perspective or from those that honestly belive that if your oppressed or marginalized then any action you take against your oppresses is justified.

SU has almost encapsulated all of Sup Forums. I can't think of any shows that were ever this popular around here except AT, and Avatar before it. At this point I'd wish on a monkey's paw for some other show to circlejerk about

>At this point I'd wish on a monkey's paw for some other show to circlejerk about
You got NuPPG, no need to wish for another


A humanoid one at least. He's helped take down corrupted gem monsters before.

>Can summon an indestructible shield
>girl Woolie broke it like his dad's dick break his mom in half

I bet the rest of that shit is made up as well

Mine can kill anything.

Near the end the list gets pretty desperate re-listing stuff and even makes shit up. As for most of those powers, they just come with the territory of being half alien in a lot of cases. Like floating is just the natural gravity adjustment they do because they're a race made to exist through space on different planets.

I don't think she broke it, she just made Steven stagger which forced him to dispel it. Either that or fucking Bismuth is stronger than a huge ass beam from Peridot's ship.

By explain I mean "easy to summarize in the show's magic system". Until now we were lead to think that each gem had one main weapon or ability (gauntlets, clairvoyance, hydrokinesis, spear) and maybe a secondary power (heat generation, cryokinesis, wings, holograms), but Steven has a complete arsenal of shit.

That's why I think Star Butterfly is more acceptable, in her show magic is unpredictable and can do potentially anything you want, so when she does something new it doesn't feel forced.

>according to tumblr having a black VA, a stereotypically black hairstyle, and a distinctly darker skin color than the other characters is black coding
Is "black-coded" one of those offensive concepts that we're supposed to instinctively dismiss and ignore no matter how much sense it makes? Like women from misogynistic cultures may subconsciously pick up misogynistic attitudes?

Black coded iirc is tumblr speak for the character isn't black but they seem black so they're "Black coded" Like the crows in Dumbo aren't actual black people but they talk and act like them.


Where do I start?

It's for real and def makes a good amount of sense. What I find ridiculous is how you supposedly can't have any non-white coded peeps displaying stereotypical traits. Just because a char is black coded, you shouldn't have them be loud and passionate?

> implying I'm not Latverian

>Be American
>go to get free fry bits to fill fat gut
>get shot

Can't bubble what you don't see coming.


>He can fuse with his GF to form Captain Tumblr
So he's a supervillain?

I never watched this, is it the American version of magical girl anime?

Why would a 5 year old have interest in things like floating and shields when flying faster than the speed of sound and swords are cooler to them. This is a 16 year old girls list who is a big fan of the avengers at best.

>first legit 30 min special
What was Jailbreak then?

There's literally nothing untrue about the list, the most that can be argued is that the Indian girl isn't a ripoff of what I assume is an anime character and that "unnatural charisma" isn't a power per se.

A two-parter...

Ok but why was Rose so powerful anyway? It would make sense if she was one of the Diamonds as everyone thought, but Bussiness said she was a quartz soldier last episode.

It's been speculated that the diamonds all correspond to classic Final Fantasy magic. Blue is water/ice, yellow is thunder/lightning, obviously. In a sort of a weird paradox, pink is probably white magic, so healing/protection/buffs. In which case all of Steven's powers are in the clear.

>I can't think of any other shows that were this popular on Sup Forums except Avatar and AT
You know full well there's one more you can think of, that had more threads on this board than SU, Adventure Time, and Avatar combined. Other shows have generals to contain them, this one needed its own fucking board.

You know.

How long would this fight last before the two just get board?

She had dreads and dark skin and a husky voice. But Garnet is also black-coded. It's an interesting conundrum.

But then, Bismuth isn't evil so much as zealous. She's got a vendetta against the DA but she's also obviously hurt by Rose not believing in her plan. Maybe if she'd met Peridot they could hammered things out. ...I mean, not with her hammers. Figuratively.

Maybe Quartz are powerful. From what we've glanced they're relatively high ranking in the army.
Also there's Bismuth's line about potential they were brought up to ignore. So maybe Rose started tapping into her raw potential as a Quartz.

He has the only power that matters

The power of friendship

Connie is very obviously inspired by Anthy/Utena.

Maybe, but most of those powers are used in combat so it's weird another quartz like Jasper isn't tapping into the power and just going full sanic.

The Homeworld is apparently oppressive to the point it's detrimental to themselves.
They're against interfusion despite it creating something like Garnet which was superior to stacked Rubies. They didn't inform Peridot she had magneto powers. So they could've just wanted to keep Quartz soldiers more simple to prevent them from getting too out of control.

But if that was the case then the other gems would show a variety of powers too. As far as we've seen Ruby and Saphire have elemental powers that are unique to them. But Pearl and Amethyst don't. Also why doesn't Garnet have those elemental powers either?

Wow, that's a lot of stuff.

Usually, anyone who can do all that is called a Mary Sue, but at least his relevance to the story is overshadowed by totally awesome Lesbian Space Rocks and Token Minority Girl, and Ordinary Boring Citizens of the City, and his crippling weakness of crying and being a useless piece of shit that gets babied by his three surrogate mothers, so it all evens out.

Amethyst is a retard and Pearl isn't even supposed to be fighting, plus she's shown the ability to project which I don't think anyone else has shown. Also I'm just drawing a blank have the other gems ever summoned random items like Pearl does on occasion? They're branching out and exploring themselves in their own ways. Rose likely had a headstart in both starting powerlevels and chronologically.
Garnet and Ruby are probably cancelling eachothers elemental abilities out. They create a balanced being, if they're using their elements then they're out of balance.

can't deny your points

There's been a new SU episode every weekday for the past three weeks and again for the next week.

After that there will be one new episode every week.

Get ready.

It would balance out if he ever suffered a single consequence for his bafoonery and misguided optimism.

An episode that came after The Return and can be played separately.

Bismuth is just one long episode.

Technically Homeworld turning their sights back on Earth is his fault.

>Also why doesn't Garnet have those elemental powers either?
She does.
Hot + cold = electric powers. That's how thunderstorms are made.

Powers and abilities are also dependent on the gem type as well as resources used when they were made.

Peridot has no shape shifting ability since Homeworld has a resource shortage and stopped giving that power to Peridots

>Hot + cold = electric powers.
I don't recall

Pearl can do a lot of bulshit, like shoot laser from her spear and control limited amount of sand and mist.

Garnet has been show to be able to manipulate and generate eletricity, which some people believe, is due to the elemental powers of Ruby and Saphire.

It was outright stated by Sugar that she has electricity because of Ruby and Saphire

To be fair, she didn't attack him because he said no. She attacked him because she thought he was Rose and that he was going to poof and bubble her again without so much as telling her friends. It's not really unexpected given that she had a bunch of angst from the unilateral imprisonment, lost 5000 years, and finding out her friends were told she was dead by the person who knew for a fact she was alive.

She seldom uses them. I can think of only a couple of instances of her using them, mainly in Peridot episodes.

Specifically I think she shocks one of the monsters attacking Steven in Peri in the episode where the two go to the Kindergarten during the Peridemption arc.

>despite all his powers, still a fat sack of crap

Actually, considering that both Saitama and the Saint don't give a fuck for the opposite reasons, I think just an exchange of words between them will cause a massive explosion pf aphaty.


He wasn't able to save Centi.
He's still torn between being a human and being the successor of Rose.
He fucked up more than once for his inexperience.
It's here and there.

Forbid dancing.

> unlimited personal and remote teleport
> mind reading
> without the limiters his telekinesis can destroy the moon
> he can guard a huge area with his clairvoyance
> psycho-meter
> can see ghosts
> flight

I like how that show operates under "Greatest American Hero" principle

Thankfully Star didn't lose the instructions.

>indestructible shield
Jasper and Bismuth disagree.