The reason sub-Saharan Africa is third world is because Europeans stole all of their natural resources

>The reason sub-Saharan Africa is third world is because Europeans stole all of their natural resources

>me have opinion opposite to Sup Forums
>therefore me smart

>Europeans, Americans and Russians had no hand in Africa’s state of poverty

Yes? It's a fact
I'm sorry but your racist narrative
>hurr durr they are poor because they are nigger savages with low iq
is not accepted anywhere except pol.

>I'm smart

This, except unironically


Not as bad as when they say Europe is only rich because of stolen natural resources

The most unironically retarded post ITT from a leaf. Who'd expect.

The average IQ of subsaharan Africa is 75
The average IQ of Hong Kong is 105

Both were colonised by White people.

hope this is an ironic post

Because Europeans still would've developed to where they are now without colonialism, right?

Which natural resources did we steal again?

Britain would probably be wealthier on average

Because I'm pretty sure we just put niggers to work on plantations.

For some reason a lot of lefties also think trading resources is the same as stealing resources.
But without trade they wouldn't even be worth anything.

gold and diamonds

>For some reason a lot of lefties also think trading resources is the same as stealing resources.
>But without trade they wouldn't even be worth anything.

Our colonies never had much of that. As far as I know.
Indonesia did have rubber and oil.

That's part of it. The other reason is because they got fucked when it came to geography. Bad spawn location.

We spawned in a fucking flooded swamp without natural resources.

Well, no natural resources until the late 20th century.

this desu. isolation bc of the sahara. jungles that prevented travel and infrastructure. the whole place being big as fuck so no communications between tribes was possible. short end of the stick

Explain why your corporations, such as BP, still have stakes in Africa then?

The standards for Anglos sure has gone down over the years, are you sure you aren't German by any chance?

are you one of those Somalian Australians

The British are literally responsible for the industrialization of the world.

No, that’s me

Britain would be wealthy with or without BP, also it's a pretty strange example to raise as the company isn't really a major presence in Africa and its few past assets there like in Nigeria were divested to the Nigerian government decades ago.

>Europeans are the only ones capable of creating civilization, without them the human species would have never advanced

Stop stealing the resources from black americans!

fucked by the genetic lottery worst of all

Never heard anyone say that here. We are not pol

>Never heard anyone say that here
checks out

I hear it at least once a day

>be leftist
>try to reason with people in a discussion that sub-Saharan poverty exists due to a mix of religious superstition and extreme conservatism and some parts of reoccurring exploitation from north of the Sahara and then exploitation by European colonialism
>get jumped by radical leftists claiming that it was all Europe's fault
>get jumped by Arabs claiming that they din do nuffin
>get jumped by the radical right claiming the only cause is the mental inferiority of niggers and whites din do nuffin

>~150 yrs of European colonialism is the reason Central Africa, Ethiopia, Sub-Saharan Africa is in a state of continuous poverty

Okay, how come the Berber States are doing much better than them, when they were much longer under European rule?
How come the most successful African state is Botswana and South Africa (disputed, but let's say, ~20 yrs ago.), states settled by the British and ruled much fiercer than the rest?
How come Nigeria's most developed regions are the Coastal regions which were settled by the British?

You already know the answer

Because that's what Africans reurgitate all the time so they won't feel like buffoons for sucking. Africans are childish. Although nowadays ultra-jews like Nestle are really putting a strain on many niggers.

Resources that are useless for starting civilisation

To start a civilisation you need water, bread and bricks.