How do fat guys get girlfriends?

How do fat guys get girlfriends?

Question of the year pal.

by talking very well

With their fat wallet

See unlike the virgins here, they have no delusion that they aren't hideous monstrosities that are completely incapable of attracting anyone, so they're very forward about finding a nice gold digger to give money to.

ask your actual biological dad

my dad's only fat from drinking heavily for 40+ years.

How do they, indeed?

Get a fat gf then

with a charming personality (read: money)

big dick?
childhood friend/crush?

Why are you avoiding the obvious reason? Money.

Why do people say she's super hot? She's an average 6-7/10 with stupid whorish look, he's not that ugly despite being a bit fat.

>t. Cunt with the hottest girls and ugliest men

Earn much money.

girl here btw

I find pic related to be very true. Physical attractiveness is only one factor for male attractiveness.

th*N fags can’t compete with FAT bulls

all women care about is looks first, many actual women already told me about it, so stop lying


Mostly Japanese can not get fat like him.
We will die of diabetes before getting fat.

Well, everything has its up and downs.


How do you trick a hoe?
Dat not the question, white boy.
A HOE will choose a pimp, not the other way around, read: Pimp: The Story of My Life.