How would Sweden be today if it wasn't for the immigrants?

How would Sweden be today if it wasn't for the immigrants?

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Immigrants in Sweden are less than 5%

Brown people are totally irelevant considering most immigrants are Finns

Was never based

How would Germany be without immigrants? We have 5-10% nonSwedes and that includes Finns and white eastern Europeans, and we're already deporting a whole bunch of them. What are you doing? Jerking off while Merkel sucks their dick?

Children of immigrants are not counted as immigrants

That's not right. Finnish is not even the biggest minority language anymore, Arabic is.

Most immigrants are shitskins.

You mean 20%


Sweden was the shit. But now 15% of the population speaks Arabic first

Go figure

Because there's only 5 million people in Sweden and 9 million in Norway.

It would only take a short amount of time until it became a problem. And we've been seeing the crime rates and rape rates sky rocket all over Europe ever since the refugee crisis began.

The other reason why people freak out about immigration and Sweden is the fact that Muslims never want to assimilate to our way of life. They will keep coming over and committing all kinds of hate crimes against Europeans until people do something about it.

20% atleast. If you include illegals And immigrants not citizensit's estimated at 25%

Dead, since their population would be lower than most big european cities.

I remember growing up (Eastern European) everyone thought of Sweden as a fairytale land.

Now I wouldn't go there if you paid me.


Broken link Mr 60%

Probably even more degenerate, as there would be more government money avaliable for degenerate socialism, and fewer people would wake up and understand the problems of marxism and modern degeneracy.

16% are foreign born, and that doesn't include the mudshits that was born here. And the government are doing an extremely lousy job at deporting them.

>never based
Pic related

Well, Sweden actively supported Communist regimes throughout the world, including assisting North Vietnam and the Vietcong while they were at war with the U.S.

Swedes are innately degenerate and it's easy to see why they're the most hated nation in Northern Europe.

It'd be nicer, but still not all that great.

sweden is falling apart in the eyes of the racists, but in fact its doing fine. seriously look at the data

-above average happniess levels
-decent gdp growth rates
-pioneers when it comes to integration, which is a muss considereing how low the native birth rates are

Non-white countries need not reply.

hi Schlomo, don't you have some pogrom to be a victim of?

Why do vikings prey on nigger balls?


It used to be. It's like at least 15% now.

We also pray on their heads.

Swedish MPs have actively stated that Sweden is an immigrant country and all the natives can go fuck themselves.

You're about as white as North America, Sven.

There is no integration, though. I've been to Sweden once to visit my aunt and there's neighborhoods for natives/other Euro immigrants and then there's Muslim ghettos.

They could probably secularize the Muslims faster if they prevented these ghettos.

There would be no immigrants. Crime rates would probably be lower, social expenditures lower.

But to have entirely no immigrants would probably also mean a more isolated and poorer Sweden. A small country has to be in the world to be prosperous, allow foreign capital in, some high end folks.

Probably like it was before Sweden's government started importing massive numbers of third-world immigrants in the late 1970's.

Yeah well you see, science says the opposite. You're less Germanic than us.

>the communist scumbag Olof Palme
Pick one

>above average happniess levels
Mass immigration has not directly affected most people, yet.

>decent gdp growth rates
GDP is a shit measure of wealth and the numbers are all fake. Even with that, GDP per capita has been stagnant for a decade

>pioneers when it comes to integration
What the fuck are you talking about? The government puts every non-white invader on social welfare and sends them to live in ghettos with the other non-whites.

>which is a muss considereing how low the native birth rates are
The problem here is degeneracy and abortion. Those things are not fixed with immigration.

-pioneers when it comes to integration

But the immigrants aren't integrating. Ever heard of no-go zones?

SD are gaining voters

We have more celtic and saxon blood in us, and you're far more Asian and slavic than us.

You're not gonna win this shit fling contest, Karl, and you know it.

A Swedish no-go zone is probably equivalent to America's safest neighborhood.
>Implying politics matter
What do you think SD will do? Kick out all non-whites citizens? That's what needs to happen.

It`s the other way around
9 in Sweden and 5 in Norway

Swedes are genetic defects, I wish it wasn't so. The rest of the white currently would be better without their pathological altruism.

If they want to commit suicide, so be it. But they are trying to tak the rest of Northern Europe with them.

>We have more celtic and saxon blood in us
Saxons are Germanic, Celts are not. Even with your Saxon population you're still less Germanic than us.

Like I said, I've got science on my side.

It's not people from slavshit contries like Russian or Polish?

>Swedes are genetic defects

its not easy because as I said, they are one of the first nation to go from 99% mono ethic => diverse society. but its getting better, lessons are learnt. and as I mentioned before, they have to do it, cheap nationalism won't pay you the bills. and history shows that open societies that let immigrants go from minimal wage => rich man do work, (see USA).

>No sources or time reference in the graphs
Keep being delusional sven. Your country is doomed to become a shithole at this rate.

norway is whiter than sweden

It's the other way around.

>unsourced graphs are fine when they support me, but not if they don't

Sup Forums in a nutshell

>But to have entirely no immigrants would probably also mean a more isolated and poorer Sweden. A small country has to be in the world to be prosperous, allow foreign capital in, some high end folks.
White immigration might have some benefits. But that must be very few, they must have high requirements to adapt and they cannot get any government welfare whatsoever, or it would end up in the current situation again.

No they aren't. They are stagnant because they became cucks.

>A Swedish no-go zone is probably equivalent to America's safest neighborhood.
Nah, I doubt that. There are still some nice whte parts of that country.

>Kick out all non-whites citizens? That's what needs to happen.
This though

Do you have rodgrod med flode in your eyes or what's the problem? The source is cited on the infograph (albeit not on the second one seeing as I put a guy there).

You really upset because we're whiter than you, aren't you? Or maybe it's something else?

Yeah, OKAY sven, whatever you say

I love when the Nordic countries shit on each other

Like come on bro, you're white, you shouldn't resort to nigger tactics

Do you need glasses? We have a higher Germanic population than Norway.

If you really wanna brag this hard about your slavs, then fucking go ahead.

It's just really fucking embarrassing though.

Scandinavians banting each other is a long tradition. We don't really hate each other. We just hate everyone else.

>Germanic people
Are you genuinely brain-damaged? Also, Norway has the largest amount of slavs AFAIK.

....That's because you're double the population of Norway and Denmark, you double-nigger.

You're actually legit stupid. Like really fucking dumb.

Speak for yourself. I hate danskjävlar. You would too if you knew what they have done to us in the past.

no, we have more non-whites and more race mixing. norway is generally a whiter country with fewer non-whites, why deny facts? by that token America is whiter than Sweden because they have more fully germanic people than Sweden.

Sweden is 10% Muslim now.

Except those savage shitskins you can't seem to stop letting cuck you.

>That's because you're double the population of Norway and Denmark, you double-nigger.
The graph is percentual you absolute moron.

i miss old sweden

Immigrants just go to countries where it's good to live and which pays them.

Actually swedish products are not bad. And you forgot GANT clothes brand, I've bought their pants not long ago - very good.

>How would Sweden be today if it wasn't for the immigrants?

I've honestly never met a Swede I didn't like. Never. They are literally bro-tier.

I've also liked every Dane I've ever spoken too.

this thread is a perfect example why nationalism will lose.

>hurr dur im whiter
>hurr dur i conquered you

meanwhile we lefties are cool to each another and know that histroy is the past.

Russians are not very common around here. There's quite a lot of Polish people however.

Overall we accepted far too many refugees last year; Before then the immigrants were a far less severe problem and it was the politics behind it all that caused issues to escalate. Our politicians are far too liberal (and frankly, corrupt / unwilling to care about what Sweden's population really wants)

That's why the party with the strictest anti-immigration policies is the fastest growing political force in Sweden BY FAR. (Went from 4% of the votes to over 25% in just 4 years time..)

And you exclusively talk in total numbers, you Swedish-educated mong.

>Picard facepalm

Update your fucking 2006 image folder, faggot.

A decent amount of immigrants are European and/or don't count as immigrants since they were born here. It's probably close to 30% non-Swedish by now and around 10-15% non-European.

>no, we have more non-whites and more race mixing.
No we don't? We have more Germanic people than Norway both in total and per-capita. What do you think that means? That Norway has more non-whites than us. Race mixing? Norway has more of that as well. Normies consider slavs white, so they don't see a problem breeding with them, and so they will. Race-mixing isn't common in Sweden, and seeing as we have more non-white looking immigrants, then our women will refrain from breeding with them. There's a reason they are raped, because they don't willingly spread their legs.
>why deny facts?
Indeed, why do you?
>by that token America is whiter than Sweden because they have more fully germanic people than Sweden.
Don't make me laugh. Although you are correct in a sense. They may have more Germanic people than us in total, but certainly not per-capita. This is a tricky question seeing as mongrelization is so prevalent in American society.

Me too, my friend. Me too.

You have no idea how much shit we Scandinavia are throwing at each other

thats because you never learn a single thing from the past, only repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

"This time it will be different!", said every lefty ever.

>We have more Germanic people than Norway both in total and per-capita.

That implies that there are actual people in Norway and we both know this to be incorrect.

>And you exclusively talk in total numbers, you Swedish-educated mong.
No, I was talking from a per-capita perspective.

You're obviously pissed that you're less white than Sweden. Maybe you should release that anger by fondling your man-breasts.

>How would Germany be without immigrants?
Very boring.

>Being this much on the defense

I'm starting to think you're actually autistic. You probably think there's not a single sandnigger in Sweden as well.

>Muh slavs are Germanics

Shit just gets better and better.


I guess you're right in a sense. Oil-niggers have always been inferior to Swedes.

>Dr. Mordcai Blau

Every time.

The Autism flag

>You probably think there's not a single sandnigger in Sweden as well.
I'm well aware of their presence. So you're wrong.
>Muh slavs are Germanics
I didn't say that. You did.

Wait a fucking second.

You're the same autists that posts the same fucking shit in every single goddamn Scandinavian thread on pol.

I have truly underestimated your autism, mate. I'm truly sorry, I really should not have messed with your grand autistic wizardry.

Have fun prepping the bull though - I'm Audi 5000.

Notice how their official statistics seriously have a category called:
>Unknown country of birth

Have fun being inferior, danskjävel.

Germany should just annex your country. They'd be way better neighbors.

True - But if it ever came down to it, and a world war or something would be upon us once more, I'd fight to defend my Nordic brothers. Yes, you may be retarded at times and we do not always get along, but we're still family somehow.

>I'd fight to defend my Nordic brothers

Even Finns? Because let's face it, they're barely human.

>No we don't?

is that a question?

>We have more Germanic people than Norway both in total and per-capita.

wrong, norway has more white people per capita than sweden, but yes, sweden has more in total numbers. race mixing is more common in sweden and sweden has a shitskin population of about 2½ million. swedes are soon a minority in sweden, that's not gonna happen in norway any time soon.

>They may have more Germanic people than us in total
yes, they are whiter than sweden then. america is whiter than sweden by your standard.

Honestly why do y'all instantly think that this is a bad thing? "Swedish" as an ethnicity hasn't existed for more than 1500 years, why try to hold on to some backwards concept like that when it's impossible to preserve? I think it's good that Sweden is getting migration because even though it's rough now in a couple generations their kids will have integrated well like the itallians and irish did here. Setting yourself up to be on the best path in the future is the best option, which is what they're doing.

YOU ARE! Even got the same filenames.

Holy shit, I was actually right. Pol memes and "bantz" aside, you are truly a pathetic creature. A complete neet.

Not so weird that your fellow Swedes shun you.

Tax haven, full of banks, pharma and IT companies.

Owning the KSK to make Merkel pay denbts.

Is it that same famous cringe Christcuck virgin that makes 70-80 posts in Scandinavian threads?

You better shut your non-country ass up, Belgium 2.0

>how dare he post info, waaah, waaaaaaaaah


The fucking most recent study that is listed in the sources is from 2008. This is seriously pathetic. learn to face reality Sven, your country is not that white anymore.

Yes, even the Finns. They may be half-trolls and all, but those fuckers have two great traits: Tenacity and loyalty. They will never go down without a fight, as they very clearly demonstrated during Russia's invasion, World War 2.

pick one
I wouldnt be trashtalking any country with no real army or moral backbone as a nation..

>They will never go down without a fight,

Does having squinty eyes like a Samurai give them an advantage in fights?

Texas is one of the most relevant countries in the world, moreso than legoland.

>is that a question?
It was rhetorical. You would have understood that if you had continued reading straight away.
>wrong, norway has more white people per capita than sweden, but yes, sweden has more in total numbers.
Look at pic-related. It proves you wrong seeing as it's percentual of the total population. If you still don't understand, go back to 1st grade and re-take your math classes.
>race mixing is more common in sweden and sweden has a shitskin population of about 2½ million.
Wrong, and I already explained why. Why do you think our women are being raped? Because they think it's funny to resist? No, because the vast majority of them don't want anything to do with these sand-niggers. Norwegian women however can barely see the difference between a slav and a norwegian man and will consequently breed with any. You don't have an aptitude for logical thinking, do you?
>swedes are soon a minority in sweden
That transformation is happening faster inn both Norway and Denmark. That's why we have a larger Germanic population.
>yes, they are whiter than sweden then.
You argued against this in the beginning of you post? Are you senile?
>america is whiter than sweden by your standard.
No, I argued from a per-capita perspective.

If they assimilate, it's one thing. But they live in their own ghettos and stick with their own third-world-country values and lack of morals and ethics. So long as they remain that way, they need to be purged.

Why is Sweden the way it is again?

I know, it's like a 64 page long answer. But at the end of the day, you put yourselves up against nature's terms. You're dying because your weak.

Tell me more, roach.

>Tell me more, roach.

You have amazing tits :^)

We took in the wrong polish (((refugees))) in the 1960s.