So when did you realize that this man will win and make America great again?

So when did you realize that this man will win and make America great again?

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As soon as he announced he was running






Ten minutes after I missed my last thorazine injection.

thank you for correcting the record non paid person


You're going to have a disappointing November and I'm saying that from a statistical point of view.

I dont know if he'll win, I hope so. But I knew it will be the most epic run in the history of elections from the moment he descended upon the stage at his announcement.

FUCKING REKT! I love this man.

June 2015

I started supporting him since the 2nd week of his announcment... I remember that kike Jon Stewart did those lame ass segments against Trump and look where they are now - Stewart retired and Don will be the president..

This. Trump is the best hope we have.

But the media is all-in for Hillary.

Who cares that she would be a puppet of shadowy behind-the-scenes manipulators.

Who gives a shit that Hillary Clinton is one of the main players in why the middle east is so fucked

who cares that she has been caught in countless lies, some treasonous

Who cares that over 50 people (that we know about) have died in mysterious circumstances that somehow favored her and her husband

who cares that she may be in serious ailing health, mental and physical

who cares that she might have been making iterative political favors for campaign donations

who cares that she was kicked off the Watergate case for being unethical

who cares that she got a CHILD RAPIST out of jail time.

Who cares, Trump isn't articulate enough to suit the media, so that is the story somehow. Day after day after fucking day.

He'll win once the leaks are announced

Dont believe the hype kid

August 6, 2015

The country is bankrupted and the unfunded liabilities at this point cannot be paid

He may not be able to make America anything
No one may be able to
When it crashes though it won't have been his fault
And as far as I know he has not committed multiple acts of treason


Real talk? New Hampshire was about when I realized he'd win.

Before it all started, I was for Cruz. Then Cruz fucking lied and stabbed Carson in the back. And Jeb just fucking imploded. Sanders was taking off, and about then I realized that this was THE anti-establishment election.

Then the fix was clearly in for Hillary, at which point I compared a woman who's lost more baggage than Delta Airlines than people even remember to a guy who's a bonafide genius of self promotion.

It wasn't even that hard, man. This shit would've been real if Sanders won.