Prove me wrong, white people

Prove me wrong, white people

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it's true. white people are alien colonists that enslaved the domestic black people.

We had this thread yesterday. What is suggested is that humans would be better if we went back to our migratory hunter-gatherer days.

This is ridiculous, the whole reason Europeans evolved white skin was because the sun was no where as intense as it was as our evolutionary inferio-i mean predecessors in Africa.


What's that image meant to be of? All I see is a black square with text on it.

If the entirety of your continent needs foreign aid from literally the rest of the world to just barely survive and eke out a pitiful, short, brutal, violent existence, you were never designed to live on this planet.

fun fact: in germany there's a pervasive myth that sunscreen is more cancerous than sunlight

fun fact 2: in germany, one in three hundred people have a gene giving them natural resistance to the AIDS virus. the number of resistant discovered so far in africa is zero.

I like to say, 'Europeans had enough sense to make shelter way early one in their evolutionary cycle. Brown people? They just stayed out in the sun constantly because the thought of seeking or making shelter was too hard for them to grasp.'

>niggers don't use sunscreen when they go out in the sun
Enjoy your cancer

Pro-tip: Black people need sunscreen to prevent melanoma and sun burns as well.

How did the ancient Kangs with their flying cars, laser guns, and god powers get BTFO by white cave men with wood clubs?

Totally true. No human has yet been designed.

>>>>>> we evolved into many niches on Earth
>>>>>> after the Greys made Indo-Europeans


they stole their shiiiiiiiet and used it against the black man

I'm not adapted to hot climates the same way niggers aren't adapted to live in cold climates.

I've never once worn sun cream in England.

Could easily argue that if you suffer from vitamin D deficiencies in cold climates you weren't designed to live on the planet.

> Dark forests
> Snowy climate
> Smallest amounts of sunlight in the world


> pic is OP

The wooden clubs had job applications pinned to them.

If you need cocoa butter to stop your skin flaking and peeling off from it being dehydrated, you were clearly designed to shrivel up and die.

If you need aid from other countries and welfare to survive, you were never designed to live on this planet

you can actually walk around most places without suncream

besides the Nordic kangz of Egypt had pet niggers to protect their sacred fair skin from the sun with leaves and parasols

Move away from the ecuator and see how well you fare baboon


>black people dont get sunburns


If you need affirmative action to get into college, you were never designed to be civilized.

That was rude and I apologize

It's just I've been going to the beach all week during vacations and the burn is taking its toll.
I have a nice tan now, a girl even said I look like a hot skipper today.

>black people don't need sunscreen meme
>black people accomplished anything on this planet
>fucking leaf

literally in jewland and you fucking disgust me

Sunscreen wasn't necessary here two decades ago, but you asshole Americans had to destroy the ozone layer.

your conclusion is not deductive.
my moms basement is still on this planet.

a more rational argument would state that we were not designed to work outside in the field.

but a few years of apartheid has already proven that.

if you need welfare checks to buy food you were never meant to survive

if you need the grocery store to feed yourself you were never designed to live on this planet


Could a black person survive winter in the north without vitamins and heating?

I heard they get crickets and shit.

In tens of thousands of years, your people could never build a better house than a mud hut, your race should commit mass suicide.
After all its 2016. You've had your chance and failed.
Shit, your people are so stupid they never built a boat either.


If you need vitamin D supplements in colder climates you were never designated to live in white countries

>the world is 76% water. If you don't have gills, you weren't designed for this planet.


We evolved away from nigger skin because we because more advanced, created better shelters, used better farming and hunting methods that required less time outside and, yes, we created sun screen.
There's a reason pale skin has always been associated with royalty while dark skin is a symbol of serfdom.
At a racial level you're the menial laborers and we're the ones who are skilled enough to not do that shitty work.

You were given enough brown color at birth so you can be locked away without spoiling leaf nigger

But skin cancer is more prevalent in afro Americans.


Were genetically better suited for colder climates. Kys

Our skin is reactive and tans.

We're often paler now because we don't have to work the fields.

White people can tan enough to compete with natives if they're actually active in the same environment for long enough.

blacks get sunburned too

>Society Bloomed With Gentler Personalities and More Feminine Faces

Long story short, humanity turned into homosexuals starting 50,000 years ago. Our brains got smaller.

Domestic dogs have smaller brains than wild wolves. The black is the domestic dog, and the white is the wild wolf. The wild wolf is selective in it's sexual availability - the domestic dog will screw anything that moves. The wolf is fearful of man - the dog will bite down and die with it's skull beaten in.

Civilization is a nigger invention. The word burg means 'fort,' and whites traditionally lived in isolated, inbred fortified compounds. Celtic myth is filled with heroes who run away from slavery, find a wive, and produce an army with sexual reproduction to destroy their enemies.

The white doesn't need trade routes for copper and tin, like the Chinese. He can do things himself - he doesn't need an empire to feed and clothe him. The black isn't smart enough to make a fur coat, so he huddles for warmth with other people when it's cold.

And when today's civilizations fall, whites will survive alone in the hills, while blacks starve to death in the cities because the white farmers stopped growing crops they could no longer sell. The smaller white population will survive on animal husbandry, and blacks will die trying to rustle cattle because they can't make ammo.

That's not it, we were simply meant to be nocturnals, day light culture was a mistake.

i'm white and i'm surviving on this planet.

If you need foodstamps to eat you were never designed to live on this planet

If you murder others in cold blood, feast on their flesh, cut the clits off of young girls, enslave your own people, commit modern day mass genocide and still beg for the world you give you money you have no right to live on this planet.

top kek


Nobody said it would be easy, White Man. Putting up with OP's niggeristry makes it all the harder.

>can't into evolution

If you need moisturizer to go inside, You were never designed to live in a developed country.

>civilization is a nigger invention
that's why africa is so civilized right? stupid faggot.


you're right - we come from an ancient civilization capable of space travel. You have always been stuck here...

I guess all the niggers with sickle cell should not be treated then. After all, they were not designed to live on this planet. :^)

Is this encouraging people to go out and murder albinos? Because that isn't very progressive.

> African-Americans are 25 percent more likely to die from cancer than white Americans are, and the reasons are numerous, including lower socio-economic status, poorer access to health care, and the cancer diagnosis coming at later, more deadly stages.

>The researchers' theory is that, in northern latitudes, the dark skin of African-Americans cannot absorb enough sunlight to generate adequate amounts of vitamin D, which is often called the "sunshine vitamin." The body uses ultraviolet rays from the sun to manufacture vitamin D in the inner layers of the skin.

>Vitamin D is needed for strong bones; doctors nearly 100 years ago associated a lack of adequate sun exposure with rickets among child laborers, exemplified by bowed legs. Recent studies also have shown that low levels of vitamin D in the blood seem to contribute to a weak immune system and a host of diseases, such as cancer and multiple sclerosis.

You literally need to go back.

Fuck off leaf your giving us a bad name.
>Black people need to get out of norther hemisphere, their body's were never designed to be here.
>prove me wrong

Melanin rich skin is more delicate, idk what these nogs are saying.

>uneducated people talking eugenics
Who the fuck would design dumb as rocks humans when better alternatives exist to this day?