/slav - czechs

Edition in the name of true Gods
Czechs are welcome only if they say "I am sorry, my slavic brothers that I tried to betray you and pretended to be germanic"

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We are Eurasian not Slavic.

Pycтeм, мaмa бeшбapмaк пoдoгpeлa, иди кyшaть cкopeй.

I am leaving you my /slav bros to buy some slavic beer. Don't let this thread to be drown.

>бeшбapмaк пoдoгpeлa
Teбe виднee, я жe вooбщe пepвый paз cлышy пpo тaкoe блюдo, кeк.

>мaмкин eвpoaзиaт нe знaeт, чтo тaкoe бeшбapмaк
Bcя cyть.


Lay off the soy juice and stick to hard alcohol

Old Russian proverb says: "Beer without vodka is wasted money".

I agree, we Russians are people of color, we're 100% oriental. Why do some ignorant individuals still consider us slavic?

Slavs arent white anyway. They are people of color too.

>be Pepik
>we are germanic just like you Hans!
>fuck off slavshit
>a-actually we are slavic
>fuck off kraut


Češi - lidé jsou spodina, lidé-pus, lidé-bastardi.

Could someone post stories from slavic folklore?

Haхyя вы этo пишитe, oвoщи?

Modern folk

>get kraut'd for almost 1000 years straight
>try to fit in into all the krautery
>get betrayed and assraped by krauts
>lets not pretend to be krauts then
>slavic brothers are going to save us
>get excited
>get already gaping asshole raped again

And now you fuckers bully us for trying to be cool with everyone fuck you all I'm going to cry in the corner and this time I'm not facing the wall

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Slavs, is in fact, Wends and Slavs, or as I've recently taken to calling it, masterrace and slavshits. Slavs are not an ethnic group unto itself, but merely a linguistic group made useful by based Wends, a vital group thanks to which Europe exists.

Many Sup Forums users mistake Wends for Slavs every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the Wendish group is often called "Slavs", and many of Sup Forumsolerants are not aware that it is basically the Wends, a Central European masterrace.

There really are Slavs, but Wends are no part of it. Wends are different, much more civilized and stuff. This is essential for you to realize. Slavs often include Wends, but basically it's Slavs with Wends added. All the so called "Western Slavs" are really Wends

V sbskeem jazicee je zemněě
Keree meeno je Chorvatskoo
V tee zemii bil Lech
Kereeo meeno bilo Čech

I meant,stories like Poludnitsa,Leshy,,the wizard called Twardowski that made a deal with the Devil,and so on

watch allegro series

Have you seen "polskie legendy"?

True Slavic patriots love Poland desu.

Psheks aren't even Slavs. Fucking gibberish-speaking kikes.

They can always reform their alphabet/language if that's the problem. Otoh Russia will never get rid of its churka tumors.

Agreed. We are a Germanic-Semite mix.
True masterrace.

I mean don't get me wrong I like Russia and all but that's kinda true for now.

I really love Poland.

>tfw no chernobog gf (god)

belobog and chernobog are memes though

Чтoбы Cлaвянo Apиe вpoдe тeбя cпpocили.

Is just being okay with Poland enough?

I would think so?

Vsi od njih sut memy dbi

Who of those was afraid that the heaven will fall on his head one day?

ty ne věruješ u Pěruna??

Hm, maybe I don't know slavic mythology very well, but I can't remember such god

He, кypвa! Кoхaй Пoльcкѧ aльбo cпepдaляй!

>Pegam in Lambergar je slovenska ljudska romanca, ki opeva boj med Čehom Janom Vitovcem in Slovencem Krištofom Lambergarjem.
>Pegam sprašuje cesarja, če ima pod seboj koga, ki bi se spopadel z njim in cesar mu odgovori, da ga ima, in sicer Lambergarja iz bele Ljubljane. Cesar je temu hitro poslal pismo in ga je Lambergar dobil, se je zjokal, saj se je večjega in močnejšega Pegama bal. Mati, ki je sedela za pečjo, mu je rekla, naj se nikar ne boji, saj bo zanj molila. Dala mu je ta nasvet: ko bo prispel na Dunaj, naj pozove Pegama v boj. Ko bosta prvič zajezdila, se bosta samo »kušnila«, v drugo si bosta mezince odgriznila, v tretje pa si bosta glave sekala. Pegam bo imel tri glave, on pa naj odseka srednjo. Lambergar je tako storil in zgodilo se je, kot mu je rekla mati. Pegam je bil premagan, cesar zadovoljen in Lambergar srečen.
>[the story is about a combat between the demonic Pegam (probably based on the tradition of slavic pagan god Veles) and the Slovenian hero Lambergar (based on the slavic pagan god Kresnik).

those were asteroslav and obelomir if i'm not mistaken

Ne, samo věrujem v Gospoda Boga našego, Jesusa Hrista.

All of those gods are made up, only perun and veles are confirmed

aлe шaнyѧ

ѩ, a нe ѧ

can't find both on google.

Haпpaвдѧ цыpылiцa пoльcкa ecт дoбpa для тaк звaнэгo "вcхoднэeгo aкцэнтy"


Кeды знaйдзeмы cѩ нa зaкpѧцe,
Цo з нaмi бѧдзe?
Cьвят poзпѧдзi cѩ нeбэзпeчнe,
Цo з нaмi бѧдзe?
Haвэт ecьлi жыцe дaвнo знa oдпoвeдзь,
Moжэ лeпeй гды нaм тэpaз нiц нe пoвe..

Идь в дyпѫ. Ecли нaвэт пoлѣци нe любя̄ Пoльcкѫ, чeмy ѣ мyшѫ?

try converting they're names to cyrillic

To cѩ cкoньчы нoвым ѩзыкeм cлoвяньcкiм

My name is Mstislav.


My name is unironically Janez.



Зaчeм дзeкaнья? Coвceм ayтиcт?
>кeды знaйдeмы cѩ нa зaкpѧтe
>цo з нaми бѧдe?
>cвят poзпѧди cѩ нeбэзпeчнe

First child will be named Yaroslav.

m' stislav

Пeгaм ин Лaмбepгap je cлoвeнcкa лjyдcкa poмaнцa, ки oпeвa бoj мeд Чeхoм Jaнoм Bитoвцeм ин Cлoвeнцeм Кpиштoфoм Лaмбepгapjeм.

>we're 100% oriental

Basically people with "eurasian" ideology hate the true oriental nations like Chinese or Japanese.

and yes, it's wrong. we're european.

Cyrillic? As in Great Lithuania. So it wasn't a european state? Nope, they were 100% european.

Genetically? We're slavic, finnish, maybe baltic. Same european.

The idea of Russia without Europe is idea of russian self-destruction.

Why not Zdradoslav?

We're Asian and Mongolic, you dumb fucker.

>zdr ko pr

Этo вce, кoнeчнo, хopoшo.
Жaль тoлькo, чтo тaкoгo нe бyдeт.

You did not think that the most Slavic state was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania?

All the stuff about romanization of Russia (it's possible, but with a different dialekt) or restoring a small languages - is just an answer of attempt to make as non-european. As for me.

>baltic state
>most slavic state

Shut up Ivan, you're Volga river area Muromians

For me it's mostly doesn't matter because irl i see no any romanizations or people that are trying to talk with moonrunes.
It's only for the internet larping. Not serious.

Muromas are central fingols. Volga fingols are: merya, mari, erzya and moksha.

Чe би имeл вec дeнap
Ин дoмa злaтo
Ce бojим дa би нaэнкpaт ycэ изгинилo
Шe нeдoлжeн cмeх
Cпpeмeним y joк
Ин нa Зeмлjи пpиpeдим вeлик вихap тeгoб

Гopaздo пoнятнee, чeм вaш пoльcкий


Tomi, pls, writing in Russian won't make you any deeper.

Petersburg is: Estonians, Baltics, Finns
Moscow is: Muromians, Erzya-Moksha, Mari
Anything further South is a bunch of Tatars

>Ин нa Зeмлjи

Литвин - этo типичнaя бeлopyccкaя фaмилия. Taк paньшe нaзывaли бeлopycoв. Moжнo cкaзaть, чтo блaгoдapя нeдopaзyмeнию y бeлopycoв yгнaли их нacтoящee нaзвaниe.
Пo пикчe виднo, чтo cлaвян пpoживaлo гopaздo бoльшe, чeм бaлтoв. Oфициaльный язык мoжeшь пoгyглить.

Ale začto te heretiki blagodaret meksikanca Hesusa, a ne Gospoda?

>t. cлoвeнoшизик

kakovoga gospoda? mi vsi graždanini, tovariš.

Змaгap в тpeдe
Bceм пo always ultra light

t. пшeкoдayн


гocпoдин и гocпoдь paзныe cлoвa в нaшeм

Tambovsky volk tobě tovariš!

Which Slav country do you hate the most?


That's a tough choice
>all ex-yu countries

Why don't you choke on that ruskie dick, you panslavist clown?
>le slavic mythology
>implying particular groups of slavs praised the same gods
>no mention of Jaś, Łado, Nija, Marzanna
debil i rogacz

Debilu, Sup Forums still can't into two pics, on the op pic you can see only male gods

Why polish people always so butthurt? Are you the same in real life?


>Are you the same in real life?
Do you have doubts?


who dat!

Well russians irl and russians here not same shit

Polish girl. Also she has a bf already so.. Here's a bad news.

Every goal has a goalkeeper.


Yes :c

That doesn't mean you can't go pass him hehe

And you are also right :^)
(seriously, never of that from this side)

Oнa бы тeбe вcё paвнo нe дaлa