
БOЖO edition


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killing faggots is alright
killing muzzies is alright
killing druggies is alright
beating women is alright

That dude is a based ass DS motherfucker.

With each passing moment , we are closer to the final class struggle.

Yes, under fascism, communism is for retards

man it was so out of context I started giggling thinking Stalin might march into the room. There's no way he didn't knew what this sound was.

On another page, I always wondered if someone can be socialist and not be a cuck (meaning pro uncontrolled migration, hating his own country). Why can't modern socialists be patriotic?

actually commies were big on gender equality and international cooperation

man, this is getting boring, haven't seen a turk around in months, Sup Forums is no fun with them around

just look at the mirror


Кaк дa блoкиpaм чacтeн нoмep пpиятeли, в мoмeнтa мe зaплaшвaт c бoй дб4

Tsundere Greek

Don't tell him, he might actually realise he is a retard larping as a communist but actually leans to the far right

Soviet socialism = socialism of the financially weak and mentally strong. Need to secure the existence of our people. High-test men, traditionalist women.

Modern socialism = socialism of the mentally weak and financially strong. Need to secure the existence of everyone else except white people. Low-test men, degenerate women.

Well slav women beating their men is not something uncommon tbf.

Even Hitler was an ex-commie.

checked and kekked

There wouldn't be modern socialism without soviet socialism.It's a slippery slope.

>he thinks communists were leftists
hahaha oh boy

you so
when you

They also think this man did anything wrong. Kids nowadays, I swear....

If you support nationalism,respect for traditions and the idea of a strong nation built by stong men why don't you just support Fascism?

Is that wrong?

"Modern socialism" is Trotskyism, dumdum.

I see where it's going but I don't wanna know how bad this modern socialism will end

I have respect for fascism, that's why I'm asking him

Because i dont wanna suck mr hitler ripoffs dick for the rest of my life, at least in democracy you get to change the dicks once in every 4 years.

Do you like Boqn Rasate?

Cause Fascists are filthy capitalists, thus jews.

I do support fascism (communism) though
the old (true) kind ofcourse

as I said
nothing wrong with killing faggots
nothing wrong with killing druggies
nothing wrong with killing muzzies
nothing wrong with raping the enemy's women

>he doesn't know most of the Soviet leadership was Jewish

Name some

so instead of a monogomous, lasting relationship with a loving dictator daddy, you wanna be a dirty slut and get railed by lying chads who trick their way into your pants ?

Yes pls

Merhaba. bu gece nasılsın? Ben Pomakım

In democracy you suck the dick of a leader who has no long-term interest to make the nation strong or prosperous since he has no guarantee he will be elected again.He steals as much government money as well as being a good goy for foreign leaders and organisations who will support him and give him money.

>he thinks this is an ideology


you must be stoned

Yes, Dzu(JEW)gashvili was a cryptojew.


why aren't you part of kubratova mladej

>BNS using Strasserist symbols

Haven't we tried a planned economy already ffs

>planned economy

Is this like an alliance of nationalist parties?

If communism is all about sharing everything that is available to everyone, are sluts who fuck every dick they stumble onto the purest form of communists?

Me on the right

but greeks are turks

Oh boy now the /r9k/ bulgar will post that picture of women voting for lefties and the theatre play/story of that anticki who gave voting rights to women who instituted something akin to a communist society


Most revolutionary leaders including Solomon Lozovsky and Trotsky as well as many people surrounding Stalin as well, also look into who led the German communist revolution in 1918-1919

Stalin was laz

Why people here all day claiming one or another thing with 0 knowledge what they are talking about?

stalin was a shkije

who /notasingledropofturkishblood/ here?

>GREEKS call democracy ðimokratia

how tf is this possible

>stalin wasn't albanian considering albanians came from the caucasus

>albanians came from the caucasus

I've listened to this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assemblywomen performed as a radio play by radio Skopje while traveling down the E79 highway, it was hilarious.


No, they are pure capitalists, they only give up their pussy for bourchadois class

We need and uprising to seize the means of reproduction and equally redistribute the pussy for all

who the fuck even believes that albos came from caucasus?

>who the fuck believes gypsies came from india?

q im dai nomera i nqma da te barqt poveche

happiest moment of his life
he wasnt even a cocksucker who begged to become a soviet republic like zhivkov but just genuinely loved stalin like a father
too bad they were both maniacs

i do



First you say Albanians are from the caucasus now you say they come from India, which is it?

albanians are the direct descendants of ancient greeks

Chad caucasian/mongol heritage >> illyrian mix of greek and slav heritage

An even bigger questions is...

How do free ourselves from the genetical fascism of having to think about vaginas 24/7 and needing to put our meat stick inside them?

Inb4 ''Alo momcheto e s autizum ne go bezpokoite"


Ælbaniaþs ár fræm Scoþlanður


Illyrian, you're drunk.

Illyrian? 诺

The Greekoids will regret this. We'll come this summer and occupy every beach and leave 700€ per man.


albanians are an asiatic people descending from the mountaineers of the Altai mountains
old name of Albania (arban) meant military division in the mongol empire and the modern shqiptar is an ural-altaic suffix like tatar

proofs: albanian dna test

it all makes sense now


Your language makes a linguistic branch in itself, so being Illyrian is much more likely than some meme distinct steppe people.

I just hope Bulgaria will keep its low tax rates in the foreseeable time.

begone whiteboy

so albanians are a long lost bulgar tribe after all

shut up latin bulgar

Кaк дa cи нaмepим мoмичe вв coфeтo?

I'm Kipchak, ancient autochtonous lad.

please excuse my earlier rudeness
stay as long as you like my turkicCc brother

>runs out of hot water
>heating goes off


Ủi ạr tái xuất nỉ

cCc turan turan
>latin bulgar

Кoфa тoплa вoдa и викaш ќe cи нaјдaм?


Εkσαλη ουι αρ γkρίkς

beating gyppoe when he steals and gay who acts like pederast to annoy others has nothing to do with ideologies

ei trolove edin pat taka bqhte pusnali pak nomer za 1v1 i az zvannah i mi digna momi4e

Tiho we pederast


You have diaspora in Lelgium?