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>you don't have to tell me what happened
>you just have to eat all of these eggs

Crazy old Maurice!

Whoa I always thought that line was "I need success".

I'm impressed that she can carry three babies on one arm, although I question its safety


Please please please let this line be in the IRL BatB film.

It's just "I need six eggs" but the way the lady shouts it in a voice of desperation makes it stand out oddly in the song

I know, that's what I meant. But it's one of those things you don't notice when you're first watching it as a kid.

The five you have now are clearly driving you crazy. Why another six?


The bowl has seven eggs

but I only need six...

I really feel bad for that woman. Back then there were no choices, as a woman you just got married and had kids. Look at the sheer terror in her eyes. Look at her son.

Yup, now women can work and never have kids

It's great for their lineage

>Look at her son.
That little fucker is big enough to help out and take a baby/basket.

I'm seen this look before.
This bitch is bi-polar.
Yep, this cunt is crazy.
Chances are she murdered those kids later on.
Flipped out and took a meat cleaver to the babies.
When the boy saw it he ran, she chased, and slipped and fell in the river, hit his head and died.
Bitch blamed it all on the Beast.

That's just how things worked back in those days guys. There were no police educated enough to do actual detective work. If the bitch said the beast chopped her kids up, then the beast did it.

I need a Jew.

Even the chicken is terrified.

for some reason i thought it was 'six ends'

"In order for the beast curse to be lifted, you must find a fair maiden to eat six eggs in front of you."

"That's fucked up."

"Hey I don't make the rules."

Maurice, old crazy...!

LeFou I'm afraid I've been thinking~....

Eggs are expensive because a single man in the village is the demand, consuming nearly 22,000 a year

One tenth of Gaston's breakfast would probably feed her entire family

A dangerous pastime

I'm certain that can't be healthy, even for a man as incredible thick as Gaston

There must be more than this provincial life...

That's too expensive.

Deepest lore

For decades I thought she said "I need... Success!"

>That sheer terror is there because Gaston has eaten all the eggs.
No one eats all the eggs like Gaston!

Roughly 11 grams of cholesterol, 301 grams of total fat, 96 grams of saturated fat, 4 grams of sodium, 36 grams of carbohydrates, 361 grams of protein, and 4701 calories daily from eggs alone.

Eats them raw too. How he's not dead of salmonella is an honest to god miracle.

I assume the wicked nasty protein farts he must be ripping sterilize everything in a thirty foot radius.

A hen will lay an average of 5 eggs a week their first laying year. That's about 100 eggs a year. This decreases, on average, by about 20% a year. Most hens are slaughtered after they drop below one egg a week (after about four years). That means Belle's village has between around 220-300 laying hens dedicated SOLELY to Gaston's five-dozen-a-day breakfast habit, and needs to breed 55-75 new hens every year to maintain that. It costs an average of $80 USD to keep and feed a single hen for a year, so whoever is raising these hens for Gaston needs to charge him between $0.80 and $1.10 just to break even. However, the average cost of an egg in France is only $0.40.

... that means some poor fucker in Belle's village is taken a $8,800-15,300 a year LOSS on their farm feeding Gaston.

He's probably having to work twice as hard just to keep his farm in the black, his other debts piling up, he probably can't even afford to get his children basic necessities like new clothes, medicine, or decent meals.

Every night the kids ask why they have to go to bed with their bellies not-quite-full, and every night their mama has to hold back tears and tell them to hush and go to sleep. They roll away from the candlelight as she closes the bedroom door, but their tummies rumble and they can hear the faint sound of their papa sobbing in the other room while she pleads with him to stand up for himself and his family.

But he won't. He can't.

It's Gaston.

The whole town is on his side, he's their damned hero for Christ's sake. And those muscles, that short fuse... Gaston would crush him like a bug without a second thought, and where would his family be then?

No one says "No" to Gaston.

The farmer has clearly had to raise the price of eggs to meet the demand of Gaston as can be seen by the woman freaking out over needing 6 eggs and he remarking that's too expensive.
The farmer mostly like raised the price to 1.20 an egg in order to maintain his livelihood. A price which Gaston can easily buy but which leaves the rest of the town unable to afford the eggs at triple market price due to no one being able to buy eggs like Gaston.

Jesus, it's a full blown egg recession

They don't call him "Gas Ton" for nothing.

A "reggression"?

Imagine the market crash that occured on his death fighting the Beast.