Baby driver opening scene

Was it autism?

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literally me

thats a good opening scene
not quite as good as this though

The people that bitch over this movie bitch over everything.

>no CIA
>no big guy 4 u

>implying the world hasn't gone to shit
>bothering to see a 20-year-old behind the wheel, that seasoned, hardened criminals seemingly trust with their money and their lives

Hello, millennial. The lead in this so-called "film" (a dishonest one, at that) is completely devoid of anything resembling "character". As you also possess none, allow me to explain.

Character is what's developed over a multitude of years, whether it be from working a shift at an abattoir and having some gruesomely-hilarious stories to tell your coworkers and/or friends, to being a getaway driver who's honed one's craft ALSO over a multitude of years, and probably has some hilarious stories to tell as well. You know - the stories one acquires from having actually lived life, as opposed to primping one's self in an upper-class cocoon one calls "home" and remaining blemish-free for the majority of one's entire 20 years.

Character, user, that usually manifests itself in lines across one's face - notably the forehead, around the mouth and around one's eyes. Lines that, should another person see them, they would automatically associate those lines with "I bet that person has some stories to tell." In this case, "Baby" has NO stories to tell. He has NO character. He has NO experience, NO interesting facial features and NO charisma. He is Gumby behind a steering wheel. One's immersion is ruined before one even decides to brave such a film, and one is left immeasurably-disappointed by the experience.

Unless of course, one is a millennial who has no idea about what "character" is.

THAT, user, is what I'm talking about. Character. Do YOU have any?

People actually think this looks goood? Make no mistake, by the end of the year it'll end up getting liked in every cringe thread like teen spirit.

I saw it on Tuesday - it was like Heat meets The Big Short in that it didn't take its audience seriously.
this scene was kino

awful, heavy handed. no nuanced, craptastic action flick for an adhd generation

it was a fun movie

nice copypasta

Shut the fuck up, cunt.

Just because Drive was a movie that made every autistic cucks self esteem rise a to the average minimum of a normal human bean, dosenĀ“t make this one something to look forward to.

wow it's like the opening scene from drive but lacking style, suspense AND substance

when i saw it, i assumed it was a throw back to an Edgar Wright Music video called the blue song but what made that fit was it only starred comedians

>I watched the kermode review


>tfw don't know how to drive
>tfw no gf
>tfw not white
literally not me

i dont what the fuck a kermode is, im just a fan of Noel fielding and also Edgar Wright, so i had seen that music video years qgo

that fucking kike nose holy shit


>this is what americans think manual drivers are like
i'd get so much fanny there

objectively better than the baby driver scene
this part was literally autism

but I laughed

Do you just go out of your way to see if someone's a Jew or not?

Know your enemy.

That street he runs the red light at 2:54 is called luckie street, kek

kid koala is great, did not know he supplied tunes for the movie

Is it later revealed that the two other red cars are in on it with them? If not that's way too convenient.