Why doesn't batman just shatter the joker?

Why doesn't batman just shatter the joker?

Steven, you have to rape Jasper.

>implying he hasn't
>multiple times
>Implying comicbook authors don't just keep finding ways to bring Joker back ranging from "that was just another facet" to "his gem was glued back together" and even "each shard became a new Joker"

It's the industry that keeps Joker alive far more than Batman.

Steven won't let him.

>not Greg
Do you even murdercock, commissioner?

God, that pissed me off. "KILLING IS WRONG NO MATTER WHAT" is the worst trope of all time. Do really all postmodernist leftists really think it's wrong to kill evil?

Why doesn't Batman seduce the Joker? And after He makes Joker fall in love with him, Batman rapes him.

If you shatter the diamonds, what stops you from becoming emperor of gemkind?

Apparently it's a neo-liberal thing. Even tumblr thought this shit was dumb.

Sup Forumsmblr is real...

Rose wasn't trying to kill everyone she was trying to rebel, killing people who you can convince to join you is fucking stupid and Bismuth was a complete murderous retard

I don't get why this was even a moral issue. Gems aren't organic life forms. They can be incapacitated by destroying their body, but leaving the gem intact. There is literally no need to kill them. As Steven immediately demonstrated when he beat Bismuth and bubbled her. He has no need for a gem-killing weapon, and neither did Rose.

They're fighting an army who is brainwashed to believe Diamonds are their gods and their life has 1 purpose. Shattering random soldiers might scare the diamonds, but what did those soldiers ever do?We've proven they can be brought out to think more independently.

Steven took over after Greg lost his memory and then decided to become the supervillain known as the Cherry Man.

>as a person whoes athorithy comes from the fact that I can fight good I defently should be give me the call on weather some one should live or die

>especially in a since their crime is working for the people everyone was working for, there is no potential redemptions left

Plus the fucking weapon is so slow it's next to useless.

Exactly. The only way it could be used is in an execution of someone already beaten.

>They can be incapacitated by destroying their body, but leaving the gem intact. There is literally no need to kill them.

edgelords that should be on an fbi watchlist disagree

I am confused, can gems not be shattered with other weapons?

>wow what the fuck is this geneva convention bullshit, do these fucking lefitsts really think it's wrong to use mustard gas on evil?

this is what you sound like

Do they at least use a valid argument? Because "No you're wrong" and having the viewers project their own agenda is shitty writing.


Yes, the argument being the progression of the show. Lapis and Peridot started out as antagonists but now they're friends. If they went the Bismuth path, Earth would have been destroyed by The Cluster.

Killing the peole you're trying to liberate isnt a very good udea

Would you really expect Steven to have any other opinion? That's all that matters.

I know that. But what I want to know is did Steven try to reason with Bismuth or did they just start fighting?

Because I'm sure if Steven told Bismuth about Lapis and Peridot, she would have thought things more thoroughly.

Isn't that the American way?

Did you watch the episode?

Rose wanted a social revolution for her own kind. Killing them defeats the purpose. Most gems are basically slaves to the Diamonds who are raised from the day they're made to treat the Diamonds as infallible gods. The only ones that Rose would want to shatter is the Diamonds and that's likely only if they refused to surrender.

It's literally a slave revolt. If a slave revolts against their masters, why would they just start murdering other slaves if they had a chance to capture and convince them to join the revolution instead?

She stopped listening to him once she suspected he was lying, iirc.

Of course not.

Watch the damn episode then you dingus, why the hell are you trying to make an argument for something you've never even watched?

>Do they at least use a valid argument?
>But what I want to know is did Steven try to reason with Bismuth or did they just start fighting?

Holy shit. You probably spent more time on this thread than it would've taken to watch the episode.

Bismuth attacked Steven as soon as she got it in her head that he was actually Rose in disguise, because Rose bubbled her in the first place, which "betrayed" the ideology of the Crystal Gems (which was just Bismuth's own interpretation of what they stood for), and actually betrayed her by fucking lying to everyone about what happened to her.

She flew right the fuck off the handle. The fight wasn't about Bismuth wanting to kill gems, it was about the personal grudge she had against Rose.

>why the hell are you trying to get a better understanding of a show that you dislike?
Gee, I wonder...

I just got here user. Stop being so hostile.

They can be cracked by someone stepping on them so I think it's reasonable to assume they can.

Yeah unfortunately she was so triggered by that that Steven didn't really get a chance to actually employ much of an argument.

It's also unclear what reasoning Rose employed before she and Bismuth fought earlier.

This whole thing makes no sense then. Bismuth be cray.

>Stop being so hostile.

>thinking anons on Sup Forums
>actually care to know shit before they argue over it


The edge is real.

If Rose killed Bismuth then Steven wouldn't have had to deal with her shit

All we know is that Rose said the same thing about not wanting to use the weapon. So either

>Bismuth went into a rage and attacked Rose, causing Rose to defend herself like Steven


>Rose pre-emptively poofed and bubbled Bismuth, to prevent her from causing dissension in the ranks by saying that the CGs couldn't defend themselves with a superweapon

I'm more partial to the second one, but unless we ever find out what actually happened between them, it's a big mystery on whether or not they're justified in putting Bismuth back on the shelf forever.

I mean, it's total bullshit either way, considering Bismuth cooled down by the end of the fight once Steven said he would tell the CGs the truth. Pearl also nearly let Steven die and they keep her around.

I think if she got the go-ahead from Rose, she'd make more advanced weapons that might not suck. Like it's possible that the Breaking Point was more symbolic of a paradigm shift that Bismuth wanted to introduce than anything else.

Because as it stands, it's only really useful as an execution device.

No user Peridot is proof any of the gems can defect from the diamonds at any time meaning they are doing everything of their free will.

I really hope they're not putting her on the shelf forever. Like maybe they're waiting for things with Homeworld to be resolved, or a couple years for Steven to be more mature, or maybe Garnet's future vision is so frazzled by stuff she couldn't account for (Bismuth's grudge and short temper, Rose's secrecy) that she can't currently see any outcome where they can work things out.

But yeah it'd be pretty hypocritical to leave her bubbled forever because if they never release her, is there functionally any difference from shattering her?

Imagine if we had weapons that were just as efficient as our current ones, but they could completely incapacitate enemies without any danger to their life. In that case, killing others would be pretty bad. It's not about killing being wrong, it's about senseless killing being wrong. And when it comes to gems, pretty much any killing is senseless due to the way gem bodies work.

On top of that, these aren't just enemy soldiers they'd be killing. They're gems that have been made to believe they have no other purpose in life and they could possibly be brought over to Rose's side. Peridot is a prime example of an ally/friend that they wouldn't have if they had shattered enemies.

Ah, so it's another case of the writers being pussies

Can't REALLY commit to a pacifist message, so they have magic non lethal tech, just like they can't REALLY commit to lesbians, so they have all the gems be the same gender

user humans invented weapons to kill, you Homo Ergaster made the stone axe to bonk dudes on the head so they stop hitting him no user he made that to gore dude's faces man. Weapons ARE FOR KILLING user stop being a pussy jeez. Senseless killing ahahaha Id let you in a real war kid.

>trying to argue over an episode of a show you don't even fucking watch

I don't understand. Tell me the purpose of trying to argue over the details of a show you've never seen before.

Dick Cheney did nothing wrong.

If the core essence of a human was contained in the heart, and the rest of a human's body was just a manifestation that can regenerate as long as the heart is intact, you'd have a point.

Gems aren't humans, and their fights and technology surrounding war works differently as a result.

It's not really non-lethal tech, it's just how gems work. They can be incapacitated easier than they can be killed.

user any life that is intelligent would be violent its a requirement to dominate your biosphere dumbass.

>they want to pass some time
>they want o shitpost
>they love arguing on Sup Forums

Pick one, two, or all three.


You don't need to be part of a culture to be able to discuss it as an outsider you swine.

Gem poofing is a stupid idea, Jasper and Lapis shows us how easy it is to kill gems in their immobile crystal state.

Best post

>i've never seen this show before but here's my opinion of it that you should take seriously

It's a fucking cartoon, not a culture.

Underrated post

That's because it's not possible to make a weapon that can reliably and effectively neutralize the human body with no negative effect to the victim's health. Gems are different because they can be effectively neutralized without being killed. Oh, and real war DOES have policies against senseless killing. We don't just let our soldiers execute prisoners of war because they feel like it.

But hey, leave it to a childish edgemaster to completely miss the entire point of my post.

Peridot isn't a soldier though, she's higher educated, surrounded by information.

In any case, brainwashed people do have free will. Brainwashing is fostering ignorance not real mind control.

>i've never seen this show before but here's my opinion of it that you should take seriously
If it's good enough for Twitter, Slate, and other hot take factories, why not Sup Forums?

It's a show for children you fucking autist.

Jasper is defecting by showing the ability to igore her mission at any time though..
user we have the tech to make paralysis guns but the military likes to murder more user, gems being neutralized is a meme its like saying punching a dude puts him in a coma where his body heals overtime and then the guy who didnt punch him doesnt just shoot him in the head.

>pretty much any killing is senseless due to the way gem bodies work.
I'm not sure about that, regeneration can happen fast. It's not very good incapacitation.

...How can you not know that gems are synthetic? Why are you shitposting about a show you know nothing about?

They would still have to be violent to conquer anything.


The Bonobos are on the way out and peaceful while the violent nutbags chimps are still strong and going.

Violence is necessary for conquest user.

>blm: the character

>pol meme: the buzzword

I get what you're saying, but when I look at it that way, it only makes it more imperative that you kill them if you show them the way and they reject it.

You can't risk some house negro gem running back and telling the diamonds everything about your operation. How many people even switch sides in the middle of a war anyway?

Rose's rebellion would only worked though gems who heard about it and staged a coup on their own, no one else actively fighting for the diamonds is going to turn coat in the middle of the war. They have to be shattered.

They are violent but their honor code prevents most actual deaths among their own people. Obviously gem culture doesn't mind killing humans, they were gonna blow up the planet.

this post

is underrated

I guess people would be fine if bismuth shattered lapis

Gems are fucking savages, Bismuth mentions they have arenas where gems fight eachother.

>overly aggressive
>short sighted
>pig ignorant

yeah nothing alike at all

and fights usually don't end in death. they fight on stun mode to determine the superior.

Arenas user its a reference to Roman gladiator battles.

>Din'do nuffin!

What a fucking ugly character. Who the hell designs these?

Bismuth is a engineer it makes sense she has a no nonsense attitude towards everything though.

>Killing our enemies is wrong
>Wrong? Is that logical
>Well no
>Then use the fucking weapon Rose

Bismuth talked about "having to fight". Consdering all the "Just like last time" she referenced, I think Bismuth attacked first.

And Steven isn't wrong to keep her bubbled. This bitch would kill him in his sleep.

Shattering isn't death. Gems never truly die. Bubbled gems can't reform until they are released, but shattering them breaks them into tiny shards of their former selves, reaching out in anguish to put themselves back together.
So yeah, shattering is bad mmmkay?

Fast regeneration is harmful to the gem. That would only make them unstable.

She tried to kill Steven because she thinks Steven is Rose fucking with her again, she would never actually try to kill Steven thats why she immediately stopped when she realised it wasnt Rose and even tried to commit suicide by asking Steven to kill her with the Breaking Point.

time and conditions change everything and Join or Die isn't really a choice.

let's say there was a real world rebellion in the US (or whatever country you happen to be in)

it starts out small in some remote region, and hearing about it your feel some sympathy for their cause. Do you drop everything at that moment to pick up your guns and fight? No, probably not.

What about further down the line, the rebellion has gained control of a huge territory, gotten sections of the military to join them. Won some major battles. Does that change your decision?

What if you didn't agree with the rebellion at all, but they were on the cusp of winning the war? If you don't join now, what might happen to you once it's over?

But if the rebellion started right at your doorstep and you were killed for not joining right away, you'd never really have the freedom to choose at any of those times in the future would you?

or the rubies for that matter

So a BLM and a conservative eh?

Would Bismuth support weaponizing corrupted gems and forced fusion experiments? They'd make pretty useful shock troops if the Crystal Gems set them loose on Homeworld's soldiers.


>Jasper had an absolutely perfect creation
>All of the crystal gems have imperfections to various degrees

>Jasper loves her function
>Rose encouraged gems to move past their functions and to be more than just their designation

on the other hand

>Jasper is disgusted with fusion initially
>Ends up loving being in a fusion situation, even if it was arguably the worst possible relationship

>Jasper ends up building an army
>made of nothing but imperfect and flawed gems

I would shatter Lapis... with my dick

The series finale will be the curing of all the gems and then all of the men on the planet earth each get one gemfu and then they all go on a murdercock rampage and make a bunch of gem-babbies.

What you have to understand about Bruce Wayne is that being Batman is his hobby and his sport. It's more fun than anything else.

At first it was just beating up petty criminals and claiming the moral high ground, but guys like the Joker made it so much richer and more entertaining for him.

Imagine that you love chess. You meet a new player and play the best chess game of your life. Don't you want to play against them again?

>Steven fuses with a gem
>Or rather, Rose fuses with a gem
>Turns out Steven is not a gem compatible hybrid being, gem-gem fusion makes him unstable because other gems can't handle the human part
>Rose is being ripped out of Steven
>Steven is being reduced to a pile of dead organic goo

Oh no!

The thing is that the gems they would have exterminated on the battlefield were gems just like Rose or Bismuth, just doing the thing they were created to do, who had never ever made a single independent choice about anything. The Crystal Gems themselves were just Homeworld gems who had been presented the choice of starting to think for themselves and who had chosen freedom, but Bismuth wanted to shatter them before even ever giving them a possibility to make that choice.

She should have countered Steven's refusal with some explanation about how she'd only use it against the Diamonds on some secret infiltration misson or whatever. Instead she instantly pulled treason and tried to shatter the gem who'd given her freedom, her own commander, just because she disagreed with her views.

>the rubies
You're retarded and don't know what motivated the shatter happy commie in the first place.

The criminal justice system should do it's damn job and make sure they stay off the streets.

>she would never actually try to kill Steven
She just did onscreen though. She "immediately stopped" when Steven's sword went through her.