You Have No Idea How Bad Things Really Are

I have nothing to lose anymore, so I might as well tell you the truth.

I am...was an aid worker in Guinea for the last month. I cannot describe to you the things I have seen.

The media is not telling you the whole story. Ebola is nowhere near being cured. They're lying. It's much worse than that. There are tens of thousands dead in this country alone. I have seen corpses stacked like cord wood. The fires burn all night. I can't guess how many are infected in the region. If you told me only 100,000 I wouldn't be surprised.

A few of my coworkers have disappeared after trying to contact the media. The authorities are trying to avoid a panic.

They've been killing the infected. They give us these syringes. They hand them out, and you have a quota. Oh God...I've seen them buried and burned alive. Oh Mother, Mother, forgive me. I've done horrible things.

The Americans have sent soldiers with unmarked uniforms here to serve as death squads.

But there's no way to contain this. It's spread too far.

This virus will sweep the earth. The apocalypse is here.

Get your families and get to safety, Sup Forums
Your only chance is to get 25+ years of canned food and just hole up

I won't live to see the end. Even if they don't trace this message back to me, I'd be dead in a matter of days. Ebola has me now. I won't die like that. I chose how I die. And I won't die like that. Goodbye.

Other urls found in this thread:

Who gives a shit


im assuming i have to post in this thread or my mother dies in her sleep tonight

go away evil dogger, etc

Cool story bro

I don't believe you

Ebola spreads in africa because everyone hugs the dead at funerals.

proof or you're just role playing like every other faggot here

Cringe as fuck. sage

Neither does kek

This is now an ancap thread
Post ancap/ancom/etc maymays

so you come to Sup Forums to get the news out??? are you a fag or something OP????

2/10. Really unimaginative

I hate LARP threads.
For real though, I'd rather just due than live in a bunker with canned beans for the rest of my life.

nice RP dude but /tg/ is that way

I haven't seen this copypasta in years...

You're such a fag

Don't use Ebola-chans name in vain, faggot.



Thank you Ebola-chan!

This was written in the most retardedly unbelievable way possible.

> Oh Mother, Mother, forgive me. I've done horrible things.

Seriously? Straight out of a Hollywood B movie.

I love how 99% of Sup Forumss replys are a variation on the theme

Take your shit to or they'll swallow your cock for this.


Nice 6-month-old stale pasta you fucking nigger
I hope you actually die from ebola for posting this
Look at my fucking numbers

I visited my girlfriend's home village in Africa and all the Africans wanted to touch my face

If i wasn't in Kenya I'd probably have ebola

go away evil dogger
also fuck you

Work on your creative writing skills, user. You succeeded in conveying some emotion however little, but the imagery was lackluster.

no, its real. i was in ivory coast, and theres barely anyone left. fucking ghost towns. everybodys dead.

>role-playing autist strikes again

Go away no more evil dogger, cleanse us of our sins.

why cant OP's scenario just be true?
it would end up making everything so much better


Really made me think.


This. Get fucked op.

I got you, leaf.

go away evil dogger

1 post by this ID.

All these fucking newfags not knowing this is pasta.

Dear oh dear.

>go away evil dogger


false thread. STop with the fake happenings. proof or it didn't happen


bump for ebola genocide

go AWAY evil dogger

>I am...was
stopped reading there

Awesome, the depopulation of Africa begins!


This could be true and we wouldn't really be able to verify or disprove it. It's Africa. Why couldn't the government just kill people for being from the wrong tribe?

No disease has over come quarantine yet.

herp a derp cloverfield bullshit. get bent you fuckin whingin wanker son of an emu. I shit in your general direction. Fuggggggg and oy vey

would be more believable if you didn't write this like you were actually talking.

You volunteered to go.why would you do that?look what happened.fucking nigger lovers....they shouldnt have let you back in.

go away evil dogger

Is this a copypasta?

Go back to /r/nosleep plebbit fag

Go away evil dogger

>1 post by this American ID

doesn't HOLE UP, famalam

Kek has spoken.

OP is full of shit

Send him to /qst/ please, we don't need this shit.

Yep. I saw this back in the Ebola days.

go home Gamer dogger!

wow dude. you are such a drama queen.

If it's not bullshit, it's a good thing, Africa needs its population thinned out

Go away evil dogger.

>Oh Mother, Mother, forgive me. I've done horrible things.
Fucking Bukowski over here... get aids and die you cringy faggot!

low energy jeb. really low.

go away evil dogger! get outta town!

>Zika destroying South America
>Ebola destroying Africa
Today is a good day.

>gets to put down nogs for a living
>complains on pol of all places

looks like the georgia guidestones are right.

pics of Nigger-Bonfires or it didn't happen

I wish this wasn't roleplay.

Because Obama made sure to quarantine Ebola, right? Right? I mean, quarantine was the automatic response in every previous outbreak, so there was an unambiguous quarantine policy this time around, right?

We can make that happen, user

fuck off reddit , ur shit can be smelled all the way here

There is a roleplay board you huge faggot
I feel bad that you took time to type this shit out

>reading about ebola about an hour ago
>this thread comes up after 3 years of fucking nothing even related to it on Sup Forums

the fuck

Does google use bots that look at your history and use an algorithm to decide what to use as slide threads on here?


>the authorities
>these syringes
>The fires
shit thread

Go away evil dogger

Go away evil (((dogger)))

The entire country of Ghana could die and I wouldn't mind

>dying niggers

thats like the best thing that could happen to this planet

1) ebola has had plenty of time to travel and no global pandemic (comes from monkey meat it counts)

2) the media isnt lying about ebola its just not covering it any more. it does this with lots of things it covers a story for a short time then stops and covers other stuff

3) the apocalypse in a biblical sense has a moment when death flees from them and people are tormented by all the things that crawl upon the earth including human faced locust but no ebola mentioned

go away evil dogger

go away evil dogger


Kek has spoken once again. Praise be to kek.


go away evil dogger

Ebola only kills dark people.

Asians and whites seem to deal with the virus fine.

pretty much


Now put it to music and make it a metal song.

go away evil dogger


go away evil dogger

go away evil dogger

im safe and done with this thread