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>implying OJ wants to be in the spotlight

it would be kino

sure, take a stab at it Joe

OJ on Norms podcast when?

what happened?

so close to get/pun kino

>dude come talk about the shittest second gayiest "sport" after WWE and smoke a dangerous mind altering drug lmao

Mike Tyson when though?

Guaranteed that's exactly what he'll want

>Implying he will ask about NFL

Joe doesn't even like the sport

>it's a joe 'open boarders' rogan kissing the ass of a black murderer of white women for 3 hours episode



do you think he'll try to murder Norm?

Dare to dream, user

Hell yeah Joe, he would KILL on your podcast.


It might be a good move for Oj, he can play the victim card about how he's portrayed by the media as the villain and speak his side of the story. Not like Joes gonna ask any hard questions.

Only if Eddie Bravo participates

In 1994 OJ was on trial for murdering two people. He was acquitted which is seen as many to be a mistake.

>DUDE OJ.....chemtrails

OJ go on Cum Town

does he even know what a podcast is

Has a lot to do with how the prosecution shit the bed. Convictions have come along from a lot less evidence than what OJ had going against him.

Good I hope OJ fucking shanks Joe live and leave him for fucking death.

OJ going on Norm Macdonald Live would be the greatest podcast of all time.

That and the jury being retarded, the defense team was god tier.

so The Juice is loose?

man, he butchered his ex-wife, that's it. and OJ was the whitest black man of his time aside from Bill Cosby so shut the fuck up with the racial shit, kiddo


You misspelled "black".

Oh my God that would be fucking insane.

Not really, the defense fucked up.

They actually had the option of having OJ try the glove on without the jury present. So it was straight up a case of incompetence on the part of the prosecution and the jury being stupid as fuck. The defense team did, fuck all.

People have lauded their shit tier effort for far too long without knowing shit in particular about how the case went down.

>self important losers think theyll get genre defining man on some shitty obscure pleb ass podcast

Tomatoes, tomatoes.

But I did type in "black"

*prosecution fucked up

Who cares what this murdering nigger has to say? Why would you give such a piece of shit a platform?

You don't expect anyone to believe that the glove not fitting was the only factor?

You guys want the truth?

OJ didn't kill his wife and lover, his Son did. An arrest warrant wasn't issued on OJ until the next morning when he failed to appear at the police station and fled in the Bronco.

His Son was the killer, OJ either helped cover it up or possibly even put him up to it, but he didn't kill anyone.

Why do people watch this fag?
Is it on a level of irony too deep for me?
Don't tell me you watch this LARPer douchebag unironically

Valid points.

We tried to reach out to get a source on this story...
but OJ already took his weekly phone call.


He asks the guests questions that take them out of their comfort zone. No other "host" does that.

He had Steve-O talking about when he sucked a trannies dick and then snuggled up for the night, you won't get that on Colbert.

OJ will never finger the Son, and why would he? They got away with it. It's done.

The gloves belonged to his Son, which is why they didn't fit OJ.

holy shit kek

I loved the Steve-O podcast, to think he of all of them Jackass folk would turn out to be the least fucked up. He's seems like such a great guy.

So there really is no punchline.
He's just like Howard Stern but dumb and unfunny.

No, the defense dun good. That isn't to say the prosecution didn't fuck up, though.
They dun good by turning it into a race war circus instead of an actual murder trial, and they managed to get the most biased and retarded jury of all time. Cochran's also a good courtroom performer, he sounds convincing even when he's talking total shit.

This, Cochran was a top-tier thespian.




>Eddie Bravo is present for the OJ podcast
>Joe and Eddie keep asking OJ if he really did it
>OJ lunges at Joe
>Joe gives OJ one of his spinning heel kicks
>OJ dies on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast

>no other "host" does that
Marc Maron does. You know what he doesn't do though? Talk about MMA every episode or try to sell you snake oil like Rogan, He just shits on things while being a bitter twat and it's great.

>snake oil
>double blind tested
>no evidence against

> fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm508739.htm
Literally just googled joe rogan snake oil