Why do Euro banknotes have gay shit like bridges and arches on them?

Why do Euro banknotes have gay shit like bridges and arches on them?

Why not people like Hitler, Napoleon, Mussolini, or Franco?


>taking monopoly money seriously
Kek, yuropoors were too stupid to read numbers so they have to print the money in different colors


not even a bank check is large enough to have one of your "great" people.

Except all our bank notes do have people on them.

Achieved nothing
Achieved nothing aside from a law code
Literal retard. Only the italians could support someone like that.
Name one thing he achieved

you could put mcdonalds on it, dont be this jelly obsessed

but its cool

>Comparing Napoleon with Hitler/Mussolini/Franco

o b s e s s e d

Bridges bring people closer together.

la creatura....

These pics should be on the notes
>5 € = An overfilled boat with hundreds of africans
>10€ = A Truck that just plowed trough a crowd
>20€ = That dead kid on the turkish beach
>50€ = Swedish family with a black bull
>100€ = The holy quran and the shahada
>200€ = Brexit and nigel farrage laughing (because 200€ will be gone soon i heard)
>500 € = Angela Merkel

Pls make this happen

Franco set our society, economy, culture and science back 30-40 years wrt the rest of Western Europe, maybe that counts as an achievement.

because buildings and structures are the result of teamwork and cooperation, which are the essence of the EU

Because every hero is the enemy of some other country.

William of Orange waged war against the Spaniards and was murdered by a Frenchie.
The greatest hero of the Netherlands was known for sinking British ships.
The second greatest hero for stealing from the Spanish.

Of course you have some non-controversial figures, like the writer of our constitution, but he'd be a meaningless figure for 90% of Europe.

Of course you could do artists and scientists, but then you get Europeans argueing over that. And the EU doesn't like argueing.

why don't you have Ronald McDonald, Mickey Mouse, Popeye and Darth Vader on yours ? those are the only relevant figures of you're country

Or George Marshall? Or it's better to put him on Euro?

>muuuuh wwii
you mean that war the states engaged when they were attacked first while they let european countries kill each others for the purpose to enrich themselves on the ashes of our millenium towns ?

Iron duke in the euro note when?

As if Spain wasn't economically backward before him, or after.

I honestly wouldn't mind the nuclear annihilation of Los Estados Unidos

haha no