Forget all that Joker talk. Let's instead discuss the best version of The Riddler. What was your favorite riddle...

Forget all that Joker talk. Let's instead discuss the best version of The Riddler. What was your favorite riddle? Post it, and see if anyone can guess it without looking it up

He was praised back then, but would his performance be acceptable now?

That also count as my riddle.

I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?

The brain?

The Jews?


the earth?



I think Carrey could still pull out a more serious and contained Riddler. Yeah, he could still do the majorette, fred astaire kane moves.

Not every optic nerve can be seen as an individual eye, nor can every auditory nerve be seen as an individual ear. This riddle sucks

This one was amazing. I wonder why there was so little buzz about it.

such a shame that never happened, he would have been good.

heres to hoping batfleck will make it happen

>Morgan Freedman

This desu. I like fedora riddler.

I dig the other outfit better.

Why does he look like he's gearing up to give someone a prostate exam?

I want johnny depp as a riddler. his body movements are what i imagine the riddler to be, very awkward and kinda creepy

I did too. It was the lack of domino mask for the outfit that bothered me though.

Agreed. It was just great all around

Same, but I wish his riddles were actually riddles and were actually hard. I think it's hard to write a Riddler who's smarter than the writer, and it's worse in video games where you want the player to be able to solve the riddles even though they're supposed to be made to stump the world's greatest detective. So the story suffered from that, but his personality and voice and stuff were great.

Shame they ruined his appearance in TNBA.

TNBA ruined pretty much everyone except for Scarecrow. Dan Backslide Joker, Freakazoid Catwoman, Pajamas Riddler, what the fuck were they thinking?

I dunno, I kinda wanna say bats.

Don't forget mild mannered midget Penguin Only a nightclub owner!

the brain

the true correct answer, Darkseid has no muscle for he IS muscle, a billion eyes of his enslaved, and a billion ears, Darkseid rules ALL hemispheres

>not recognizing an obvious nod to Gorshin's green tights
but then, I don't see anyone bitching about Ivy becoming a greenskin


U know fan art do it best :)

because he's putting on a latex gloves like a doctor