Were vikings the original egyptians?

Were vikings the original egyptians?

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>American education making me feel disgusted about my flag

No you dumbass nigger.

This was good,


Yes we were the original Egyptian KHANGZ and QUEENZ.

Yes, Cleopatra ruler of Egypt had a son with Julius Caesar who was hidden away in India to learn religion. JC could have been Jesus Christ himself which would make Cleopatra the Mother of God.

Nooo. Noah got with cleopatra and they had Vishnu who gave birth to the Virginia Marty and Jose Christ

yes, saxons are fucking barbarians, fuck them.

Noah was way before dummy

>JC could have been Jesus Christ himself

But no. Seriously that's stupid. Vikings have blonde hair and pale skin plus blue eyes. They'd fry and or get cancer, burns, dehydrate, cataracts by 30. Given that time frame and lack of things like sun screen, sun glasses, etc. they'd be open prey and weak.

Tldr they would not be suited to thrive there

You piece of shit


It true, there is even a temple there founded by Jesus Christ

According to your book you heathen inbred degenerated, you mom is your sister


You are the dumbass for not realizing the truth

All true americans are descendants of the egyptian vikings that discovered our land but the eternal anglo took away our achievements as egypt is the birthplace of the aryans and so they despise us. The modern native "americans" you see were just brown people imported by them, we are the true native americans. You too should be proud of your egypto-scandinavian heritage.

Vikings were most likely pretty tanned due to rowing ships out in the sea all the fucking time.

no no. We wuz the khangs of Egypt.

We are all related to each other, it is science

how was africa colonized then?

This. Stay woke

If you want a serious answer then fuck no. The original egyptians are the same egyptians as today. They just got conquered by islam and christianity. Now what remains of their original culture is long gone and forgotten

Also JC named after Julius Caesar the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar was born the same time that Jesus was born.


where is this from?

I found it here lol

Amun-ra shall set the sun once more and with the help of odin the original egyptians will rise up and retake our ancestral homeland from the barbarians

no they were the sea people during the ancient greek return of the heracleidae, hercules and those loyal to him sailed out beyond the pillars that are his namesake to the lands of the vikings ancestors, they joined forces and returned to take over a bunch of mediterranean civs, zeus = odin, thor = herc, ect, ect


Vikings were cultured but were the niggers of n.Europe.

This gif gets me every, mu'fuggin, time XD

>Culture: Get drunk, rape, steal, destroy.

All Saxons must die
All niggers must die
All jews must die